- Standalone instance for balancing
- Standalone instance for monitoring
- Pull out Prometheus from nodes to separate VPS node
- Ethereum node for cyber.page
- Automatic backups
Infrastructure load streess test
- rpc.euler-6.cybernode.ai
- lcd.euler-6.cybernode.ai
- index.euler-6.cybernode.ai
- rpc.bostromdev.cybernode.ai
- lcd.bostromdev.cybernode.ai
- index.bostromdev.cybernode.ai
- rpc.cosmoshub-4.cybernode.ai
- lcd.cosmoshub-4.cybernode.ai
- rpc.ethereum.cybernode.ai
- ws.ethereum.cybernode.ai
- rpc-rinkeby.ethereum.cybernode.ai
- ws-rinkeby.ethereum.cybernode.ai
- gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai
- cluster.ipfs.cybernode.ai
- Actionable notifications for telegram
- Endppoint uptime monitoring
- Status.page for endpoints
- Setup Postgress exporter for Cyberindex
- Setup export of nginx metrics to prometheus
- Dashboard for nginx (count requests such as search, data etc)
- Add GPU metrics to Grafana (glances)
- Make grafana dash for Bostrom
- new architechture
- diagram
- identical GPU machines with storage for redundancy
- container for load-balancer
- container for monitoring
- deploy scripts of Prometheus, Grafana, node_exp, glances, cadvisor to Git
- grafana dashes to git and publish to Grafana
- container for go-cyber (euler-6)
- container for go-cyber (bostrom)
- container for euler cyber-index
- container for bostrom cyber-index
- container for gaia
- container for go-ethereum
- container for ifps-node
- container for ifps-cluster
- k8s config
- Documentation
- Support cli install over [ ] brew [ ] apt [ ] docker(cli-only light container)
- token based auth for rate limiting
- Identify requrements from the team
- Vpn
- Ethereum node