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mjevans edited this page Mar 7, 2012 · 2 revisions

Developer preview version?

Lex, can you add a 'development latest testing' version or something like that? (Yes I know there's an unstable head version too) Mostly it's because mod authors don't know that 'version X' is good enough to start trying 1.2 dev on.

  • LexManos

No, i thinik that the latest is good enough for a small project like this

  • mDiyo

The recommended versions don't hang around for more than a week usually

  • LexManos

If it compiles, then its good enough to start working against. The vast majority of bugs when updating are simple ones like a missing line here or there. They are most easily identified by modders. Thats why I have no problem, nay I encourage, you guys to spout bugs you see in the channel (EsperNet IRC; #minecraftforge). I can usually fix in 2 seconds and get another version rolled out. Also, if your dev env is setup properly, swaping out MCP/forge versions should be no issiue for you.

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