- Are custom fields unsettable? Maybe by sending a
Icon | Meaning |
🔜 | Planned for core feature set |
✔ | Complete |
😍 | Quality-of-life improvements (optional) |
🔥 | On the backburner (no use case) |
Ordered hierarchically by the Favro data model (not by priority order):
- BravoClient
- 😍 Logging utility (with debug flag)
- 😍 Track request counts and optionally log them (for auditing API use vs. rate limits)
- 😍 Handle hitting the API rate limit (currently just a 403 error)
- 🔥 CLI (no current use cases)
- Organizations
- ✔ List orgs
- ✔ Find org by name
- ✔ Set active org by name or ID
- 🔥 Update an org
- Users
- ✔ List users
- ✔ Find user by name, id, or email
- Collections
- ✔ List collections
- ✔ Find collection by name
- ✔ Find collection by id
- ✔ Create a collection
- ✔ Delete a collection
- 🔥 Update a collection
- Widgets
- ✔ List widgets
- ✔ Find widget by ID
- ✔ Find widgets by name
- ✔ Create a widget
- ✔ Delete a widget
- 🔥 Update a widget
- Columns
- ✔ List columns
- ✔ Find columns
- ✔ Create columns
- ✔ Delete columns
- 😍 Add some sort of warning when a user tries to delete the LAST column on a Widget, since that's guaranteed to throw a 403.
- 🔥 Update a column
- Cards
- ✔ Create a card
- ✔ List cards
- ✔ Find card by name
- ✔ Delete a card (from a board or from EVERYWHERE)
- ✔ Fetch a Card directly by its ID
- ✔ Fetch a Card directly by its user-visible "sequential ID"
- ✔ Compose a card URL
- ✔ Update a Card's built-in fields
- ✔ Add an attachment to a card
- ✔ Update a Card's Custom Fields
- ✔ Text
- ✔ Vote
- ✔ Rating
- ✔ Number
- ✔ Checkbox
- ✔ Date
- ✔ Link
- ✔ Status
- ✔ Multiple select
- ✔ Members
- ✔ Tags
- 🔥 Timeline
Time(only used in Enterprise)
- 🔥 Find card by field value, including Custom Fields
- 🔥 Cache cards to reduce API calls (cards change frequently, so this might be a bad idea anyway)
- Custom Fields
- ✔ Fetch and cache Custom Field definitions
- Add Card methods to return hydrated Custom Field Definitions and Custom Field Values
Create Custom Field(No API endpoint for this)Delete Custom Field(No API endpoint for this)Update a Custom Field(No API endpoint for this)
- Comments
- 🔜 Create a comment
- 🔜 List comments
- 🔜 Delete a comment
- 🔜 Add an attachment to a comment
- 🔥 Update a comment
- 🔥 Activities