This demonstration covers running and discovering (CloudForms) a micro-services based application (JBoss EAP on OpenShift) utilizing persistent storage (OpenStack Cinder) using S2I services (OpenShift) to show Continuous Integration capabilities.
Review the currently deployed JBoss EAP application running on OpenShift
The web tier is built with JBoss EAP running on OpenShift.
Review the persistent storage mapping from OpenStack to OpenShift with a persistent volume claim configured for the sales-db pod
The sales database is built with a MySQL persistent pod, backed by a Cinder persistent volume from OpenStack which allows for sales transaction persistence if the pod is re-built
Update the JBoss EAP web application code and use OpenShift S2I capabilities to re-build and re-deploy the image demonstrating Continuous Integration capabilities
Use CloudForms to review the discovered container provider and details of running services
CloudForms provides visibility into the running container environment and underlying infrastructure
Users should have a basic understanding of OpenShift, OpenStack, CloudForms, and JBoss EAP.
The demo environment consists of the following systems:
Hostname |
Internal IP |
Description |
Bastion Host |
OpenStack Compute Node #1 |
OpenStack Compute Node #2 |
CloudForms Appliance |
OpenStack Controller |
OpenShift all-in-one |
Log in to with your OPENTLC SSO credentials.
Go to Services → Catalogs → Service Catalogs.
Under All Services → Red Hat Cloud Suite Demos, select Modernize Development and Operations Demo.
On the right, click Order.
Read all of the information on the resulting page, check the necessary box, and then click Submit.
It takes about 30 minutes for your demo to load completely and become accessible, even if some of the systems are marked "Up." You will receive an email with information about how to access your demo environment. The email contains a list of hostnames, IP addresses, and your GUID; make note of them. Whenever you see GUID in the demo instructions, replace it with the GUID provided in the email. You can get real-time updates of your demo environment at: |
Be very mindful of the runtime of your demo environment! It may take you several hours to complete the demo, so you may have to extend the runtime. This is especially important in later steps, when you are building the VMs. For information on how to extend runtime and lifetime, see: |
OpenStack Horizon: https://osp-<GUID>
Login into the OpenStack dahsboard and start both OpenShift instances:
Username: admin
Password: r3dh4t1!
Click on Project and Instances
Next to each instance click "Start Instance"
Click on Volumes and review the Cinder volume used for persistent storage <datagrid>
CloudForms Appliance: https://cloudforms-<GUID>
Login to the CloudForms appliance:
Username: admin
Password: r3dh4t1!
Red Hat Cloud Suite enables end users to create, deploy and update micro-services based applications.
OpenShift Enterprise Console: https://<IP_ADDRESS_OF_WORKSTATION>:8443/console
Once the OpenShift environment is up and running login to the OSE console:
Username: admin
Password: r3dh4t1!
Select the JBoss project
Review the running pods associated with JBoss EAP
Consists of JBoss EAP 6 running a series of microservices to include (based on the following
* MySQL product database
* MySQL sales database w/persistent storage
* Product service
* Sales service
* Billing service
* Presentation service
The envrionment is configured with persistent storage that maps a Cinder volume in OpenStack to a persistent volume in OpenShift. A persistent claim is then mapped to the volume and provides storage to the sales-db pod.
On the OpenShift all-in-one instance ( review the persistent volume and claim
From the cli:
oc get pv and oc get pvc
From the console under the Jboss project, navigate to Browse, Pods. Locate and click on the sales-db pod. Review the volumes attached.
By utilizing OpenShift it’s possible to streamline the deployment of new code changes through a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline. For example, if a change is made in the product description or if new products are added, this code change can easily be committed and then updated via OpenShift S2I build capabilities.
No one codes correctly all the time. On occasion, you may want to revert to a previous incarnation of your application to restart a programming task. Other times, you may want to move to a newer version.
In this section, you modify products.jsp for the web application and then rebuild.
The next sections require a GitHub account.
If you have not done so already: from the Git web interface, click Fork in the
upper right corner of the GitHub web UI to fork the Git repository
into your own account.
Log into the ose-master node.
ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa <RHPDS_username>@workstation-<GUID>
su - <r3dh4t1!>
ssh ctrl
ssh -i openshift.pem cloud-user@
su - <r3dh4t1!>
Login to OpenShift and change to the JBoss project.
oc login
oc project jboss
View the current
for your application:[root@openshift-all-in-one ~]# oc get buildconfig presentation -o yaml
Verify that the output is similar to the following:
apiVersion: v1 kind: BuildConfig metadata: annotations: OpenShiftNewApp creationTimestamp: 2016-04-14T23:56:30Z labels: app: presentation name: presentation namespace: jboss resourceVersion: "399512" selfLink: /oapi/v1/namespaces/jboss/buildconfigs/presentation uid: 82209605-029c-11e6-b8cb-fa163ec12457 spec: output: to: kind: ImageStreamTag name: presentation:latest resources: {} source: contextDir: Presentation git: uri: type: Git strategy: sourceStrategy: from: kind: ImageStreamTag name: jboss-eap64-openshift:latest namespace: openshift type: Source triggers: - github: secret: dPpSoxzzzguAa7cnHNTu type: GitHub - generic: secret: P2XnWtincLegzozRxs2H type: Generic - type: ConfigChange - imageChange: lastTriggeredImageID: type: ImageChange status: lastVersion: 4
Observe that the current configuration points at the
Because you forked this repository earlier, you can now repoint your configuration.
oc edit
to repoint the configuration.[root@openshift-all-in-one ~]# oc edit bc presentation
Change the
reference to match the name of your GitHub repository, which is based in part on your GitHub username:
.ImportantReplace GitHubUsername
with your actual GitHub username. For example, if your GitHub username isjeandeaux
, the name of your GitHub repository is'
. -
Save and exit
by typing :wq.NoteThere are other ways to achieve this outcome, this way is used to cover the oc edit
and theoc start-build
oc get buildconfig presentation -o yaml
again. Notice thaturi
has been updated. -
oc get builds
to check if the new build has started:[root@openshift-all-in-one ~]# oc get builds
If the build has not started yet, you can start it yourself and then follow
:[root@openshift-all-in-one ~]# oc get bc NAME TYPE SOURCE presentation Docker [root@openshift-all-in-one ~]# oc start-build presentation presentation-5 [root@openshift-all-in-one ~]# oc get builds -w NAME TYPE FROM STATUS STARTED DURATION presentation-5 Source Git Running Less than a second ago presentation-5 Source Git@4e02049 Running 15 seconds ago 15s presentation-5 Source Git@4e02049 Complete 5 minutes ago 5m3s [root@openshift-all-in-one ~]# oc logs -f bc/presentation [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 2:56.796s [INFO] Finished at: Thu Apr 21 17:55:01 EDT 2016 [INFO] Final Memory: 29M/805M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copying all war artifacts from /home/jboss/source/target directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all ear artifacts from /home/jboss/source/target directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all rar artifacts from /home/jboss/source/target directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all jar artifacts from /home/jboss/source/target directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all war artifacts from /home/jboss/source/deployments directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... '/home/jboss/source/deployments/ROOT.war' -> '/opt/eap/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war' Copying all ear artifacts from /home/jboss/source/deployments directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all rar artifacts from /home/jboss/source/deployments directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all jar artifacts from /home/jboss/source/deployments directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... ....... Cropped Output .......
The advantage of running OpenShift is the ability support continuous integration. Build and deploy often and early. For this demo we will change the deployed products pod to reflect a change in the web UI.
Access the web UI for the JBoss EAP deployment
For products listed, under the price displays "Avaiability"
In your forked git repo for the demo, navigate to Presentation > src/main > webapp and edit products.jsp
Change "Available" to "In Stock" and commit the change
Rebuild and redeploy the presentation pod from the OpenShift console
Login to the OpenShift console:
Select the JBoss project
Navigate to Browse > Builds
Select the presentation build and click "Start Build"
Progress of the build can be monitored from the cli on the OpenShift Master
[root@openshift-all-in-one ~]# oc logs -f bc/presentation [INFO] Building war: /home/jboss/source/deployments/ROOT.war [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 2:59.491s [INFO] Finished at: Fri Apr 22 11:49:22 EDT 2016 [INFO] Final Memory: 30M/834M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copying all war artifacts from /home/jboss/source/target directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all ear artifacts from /home/jboss/source/target directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all rar artifacts from /home/jboss/source/target directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all jar artifacts from /home/jboss/source/target directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all war artifacts from /home/jboss/source/deployments directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... '/home/jboss/source/deployments/ROOT.war' -> '/opt/eap/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war' Copying all ear artifacts from /home/jboss/source/deployments directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all rar artifacts from /home/jboss/source/deployments directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... Copying all jar artifacts from /home/jboss/source/deployments directory into /opt/eap/standalone/deployments for later deployment... ....... Cropped Output .......
Verify changes
Refresh the web UI at
and verify "Available" has been changed to "In Stock"
CloudForms provides the first glimpses of what unified management of containers, virtual machines, and physical infrastructure will look like. In this section we will observe that the OpenShift environment has been added as a Container Provider in CloudForms and review the relational data associated with the environment.
Access the CloudForms appliance
Open a browser and navigate to the CloudForms appliance. The URL will be located in the e-mail received after ordering the catalog item in the RHPDS system
admin/r3dh4t1! -
Navigate to Containers > Providers and click the OSE provider listed
Click Configuratio > Refresh items and relationships
After a few minutes the Container Provider will refresh the environment info
Explore the container provider environment
Click Projects > Jboss. Review the Relationships info
Click Routes. Notice the "presentation" route listed. This allows external connectivity to the running JBoss EAP web UI
Click Container Services. Select a service on the list and note the Pods and Nodes related under Relationships
Click Replicators. This tab represents replicas associated to the pods. If a pod fails OpenShift will automatically redeploy
Click Pods. This is a list of pods and status of each for the environment
Click Containers. Notice the sti-build items and assocaited pods. This provides the source to image CI capabilities demonstrated previously
Click Container Nodes. This displays the OpenShift nodes in the environment.
Click Image Registries. This is the local docker registry running on OpenShift and is where the JBoss EAP images reside
Click Container Images. This is a list of all container images located in the registry
Click Topology. This is a graphical representation of the environment. You can hover over items for a brief description
The JBoss EAP application provides order functionality in the web UI for products listed. Create a test user and purchase several products.
Create a test user
Navigate to the EAP web UI:
In the upper right click "Register"
Fill in the Customer Registration form and click "Register"
Purchase products
As the test user select several products from the web UI to purchase
Once you have selected the desired items click the cart/checkout icon in the upper right
Click Checkout at the bottom
Enter false credit card info. Make sure the expiration date for the credit card is a month/year into the future
Click Submit
The page will refresh back to the main web UI and in the upper right "Your order has been processed" will appear
Additionally you can logout os the test user and log back in to check order history to verify persistence