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Chromatic API Documentation

For installation and build instructions read the quick-start guide ›

CSS utilities


Generates a CSS gradient with additional values interpolated any chroma.js supported color space, lab by default. With 'lab' interpolation, the result is a gradient that appears more natural, and often more beautiful.

Positions for your color stops must use % units, rather than any fixed length unit such as px or em.

Accepts an options map as a final argument with keys

  • stops (default: 7)
  • mode (default 'lab')
  • type (default: 'linear').
// <css-gradient> [, <options>]
$foo: chromatic-gradient(red, teal);
// => linear-gradient(rgb(255, 0, 0) 0%, rgb(236, 56, 25) 12.5%, rgb(216, 77, 42) 25%, rgb(196, 92, 57) 37.5%, rgb(174, 103, 72) 50%, rgb(122, 118, 100) 75%, rgb(0, 128, 128) 100%)

$foo: chromatic-gradient(to right, red, green 75%, teal, (stops: 5, mode: 'lch'));
// => linear-gradient(to right, rgb(255, 0, 0) 0%, rgb(198, 94, 0) 18.75%, rgb(149, 114, 0) 37.5%, rgb(0, 128, 0) 75%, rgb(0, 128, 128) 100%)


Generates a sequence of colors, interpolated at n equidistant points between two source colors. By default, interpolation is done in the 'lab' space, so that steps between the interpolated colors appear linearly. It's an easy way to generate nice color palettes that can be easily referenced in your stylesheets.

Returns an array-like Sass map, with keys set as index values.

Accepts an options map as a final argument with keys:

  • stops (default: 10)
  • mode (default: 'lab')
  • padding
  • location
  • domain

See chroma.js color scales for more information on configuration options.

// <color0>, <color1> [, <options>]
$foo: chromatic-scale(red, teal, (stops: 7));
// => (0: red, 1: #e5401f, 2: #cb5735, 3: #ae6748, 4: #8d715b, 5: #647a6d, 6: teal)

Color spaces


// <hue: (0-360)>, <saturation: (0-1)>, <value: (0-1)> [, <alpha: (0-1)>]
@function chromatic-hsv($h, $s, $v, $alpha: 1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-hsv(0, 1, 1);
// => red


// <lightness: (0-100)>, <a: (-128-127)>, <b: (-128-127)> [, <alpha: (0-1)>]
@function chromatic-lab($l, $a, $b, $alpha: 1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-lab(50, 0, 60);
// => #8f7500


A cylindrical tranformation of the Lab color space, LCh combines the perceptual uniformity of Lab with the convenience of representing hue in 360 degrees like in HSL.

// <hue: (0-360)>, <chroma: (0-100)>, <lightness: (0-100)> [, <alpha: (0-1)>]
@function chromatic-hcl($h, $c, $l, $alpha: 1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-hcl(130, 40, 80);
// => #aad28c


A different ordering of the hcl variables.

// <lightness: (0-100)>, <chroma: (0-100)>, hue: (0-360)> [, <alpha: (0-1)>]
@function chromatic-lch($l, $c, $h, $alpha: 1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-lch(80, 40, 130);
// => #aad28c


// <cyan: (0-1)>, <magenta: (0-1)>, yellow: (0-1)>, black: (0-1)> [, <alpha: (0-1)>]
@function chromatic-cmyk($c, $m, $y, $k, $alpha: 1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-cmyk(0.2, 0.8, 0, 0);
// => #cc33ff


A variant of RGB(A), the components normalized to the range of 0..1.

// <red: (0-1)>, <green: (0-1)>, <blue: (0-1)> [, <alpha: (0-1)>]
@function chromatic-gl($r, $g, $b, $alpha: 1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-gl(0.6, 0, 0.8, 0.5);
// => rgba(153, 0, 204, 0.5)


Light 2000K, bright sunlight 6000K. Goes to about 20000K. Based on Neil Bartlett's implementation.

// <temperature: (0-20000)>
@function chromatic-temperature($temperature) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-temperature(2000);
// => #ff8b14

Mixing, blending, comparisons


Mix two colors, in a specified color space. By default mixes at position 0.5, equidistant between the provided colors, in the perceptually uniform Lab space. Valid spaces are lab, hcl, lch, cmyk, rgb, hsl.

// <color0>, <color1> [, <position: (0-1)>] [, <mode>]
@function chromatic-mix($color0, $color1, $position: '.5', $mode: 'lab') { ... }
$foo: chromatic-mix(red, blue);
// => #ca0088
$foo: chromatic-mix(red, blue, .5, 'rgb');
// => purple


Blends two colors using RGB channel-wise blend functions. Valid blend modes are multiply, darken, lighten, screen, overlay, burn, and dodge.

// <color0>, <color1>, <mode>
@function chromatic-blend($color0, $color1, $mode) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-blend(#4CBBFC, #EEEE22, 'multiply');
// => #47af22
$foo: chromatic-blend(#4CBBFC, #EEEE22, 'darken');
// => #4cbb22


Computes the WCAG contrast ratio between two colors. A minimum contrast of 4.5:1 is recommended to ensure that text is still readable against a background color.

// <color0>, <color1>
@function chromatic-contrast($color0, $color1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-contrast(pink, hotpink);
// => 1.72148

Color metrics and manipulation


Sets the value of a channel of a color space

// <color0>, <channel>
@function chromatic-set($color, $channel) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-color-set(hotpink, 'lch.c', 30);
// => #ce8ca9

Relative changes work too

$foo: chromatic-color-set(orangered, 'lab.l', '*.5');
// => #a10000


Gets the value of a channel of a color space

// <color0>, <channel>
@function chromatic-color-get($color, $channel) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-color-get(orangered, 'lab.l');
// => 57.58173


Darkens a color in the Lab color space.

// <color> [, <value>]
@function chromatic-color-darken($color0, $value: 1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-color-darken(red, 2);
// => #890000


Brightens a color in the Lab color space.

// <color> [, <value>]
@function chromatic-color-brighten($color0, $value: 1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-color-brighten(red, 2);
// => #ff9264


Saturates a color in the Lch color space.

// <color> [, <value>]
@function chromatic-blend($color0, $value: 1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-color-saturate(slategray, 2);
// => #0087cd


Desaturates a color in the Lch color space.

// <color> [, <value>]
@function chromatic-color-desaturate($color0, $value: 1) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-color-desaturate(hotpink, 2);
// => #cd8ca8


Estimate the temperature in Kelvin of any given color, though this makes the only sense for colors from the temperature gradient above.

// <color>
@function chromatic-color-temperature($color) { ... }
$foo: chromatic-color-temperature(#ff3300);
// => 1000


Returns the relative brightness of any point in a colorspace, normalized to 0 for darkest black and 1 for lightest white according to the WCAG definition.

// <color> [, <luminance: (0-1)>] [, <mode>]
@function chromatic-color-luminance($color, $luminance: '', $mode: '') { ... }
$foo: chromatic-color-luminance(green);
// => 0.154

Allows you to adjust the luminance of a color if a value is provided. The source color will be interpolated with black or white until the correct luminance is found.

$foo: chromatic-color-luminance(green, .5);
// => #92c992

By default, this interpolation is done in RGB, but you can interpolate in different color spaces by passing the space as a third argument:

$foo: chromatic-color-luminance(green, .5, 'lab');
// => #a1c693