A resistor ladder is a method for detecting multiple buttons on a single
analog pin. Each pin is configured to register a different voltage.
The voltage can be read using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) on the pin.
On the Arduino, the analogRead()
method returns an integer corresponding to
the voltage on the pin. Most Arduino boards have a 10-bit ADC, so the values
from the function ranges from 0
to 1023
. See the following references for
more details:
- https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/99417/
- https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=440200.0
- http://www.ignorantofthings.com/2018/07/the-perfect-multi-button-input-resistor.html
The LadderButtonConfig
class was created to support multiple buttons on a
single analog line.
- Circuits
- LadderButtonConfig
- Examples
- Level Matching Tolerance Range
- Ladder Button Calibrator
- Appendix
There are at least 3 different ways to wire up the resistor ladder. The
does not care which wiring is used, so long as the correct
expected voltage levels are given to the class. As explained below, my
recommended circuit is Circuit 3.
The following circuit is the easiest to understand, but it seems to have a disadvantage that I describe below. I'm not sure if this circuit has a well-known name, so I will call it the "active voltage divider".
Here we have 4 identical resistors, R1
to R4
, each 4.7 kOhm. The 4 identical
resistors divide the voltage equally (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75) so that each button
connects the A0
pin to the various voltages: 0V, 1.25V, 2.5V, and 3.75V. When
no buttons are pressed, the A0
pin reads 5V through the 100 kOhm pull-up
registor Rp
. This resistor value is high enough that it does not significantly
change the effective resistance when the various buttons are pressed.
The 220 Ohm registor labeled Rc
is a current limiting registor for safety. It
is not strictly necessary, it could be replaced with a straight wire and the
circuit would still work. However, it prevents accidental damage to the
microcontroller if the A0
pin was accidentally switched to OUTPUT
mode and
set to HIGH
. If the S0
button is pressed in this state, the pin would be
shorted to ground, and the amount of current flowing through the A0
destroy the microcontroller. The maximum current for an ATmega328 (e.g. Arduino
UNO R3) is 40mA. The maximum current for an ATmega32u4 (e.g. Sparkfun Micro) is
20mA. The current limiting resistor should be adjusted to be below these limits.
It should be evident that the R1
to R4
resistors do not need to be 4.7
kOhm. They could be 10 kOhm each, or maybe 22 kOhm. However, notice that there
will always some small amount of current flowing through the circuit, even if no
buttons are pressed. If your device is powered through the USB, this current is
probably negligle. But if the microcontroller is battery powered, this power
drainage could shorten the battery life of your device significantly.
There are many examples on the web showing a circuit like this:
When no buttons are pressed, the R0
resistor pulls the voltage up to 5V.
Since the A0
is a high-impedance input, there is no current flowing in the
system when there are no buttons pressed. Pressing button S0
brings the
voltage down to almost 0V, through the same current limiting resistor Rc
we described in Circuit 1. Each succesive button S1
to S3
adds progressively
more resistance to the voltage divider.
Each resistor is a different value, so it is slightly more difficult to calculate the expected voltage at the input pin:
V0/Vcc = 0V
V1/Vcc = R1 / (R0 + R1) = 0.32
V2/Vcc = (R1 + R2) / (R0 + R1 + R2) = 0.60
V3/Vcc = (R1 + R2 + R3) / (R0 + R1 + R2 + R3) = 0.86
The difficulty with this circuit is calculating the required resistor values for
the number of buttons that you want for a given pin. Let N
be the number of
buttons and resistors (as a concrete example, let N=8
). Let R0
be the
top-most resistor, for example, 10 kOhm. Ideally, we want the voltages to be
spaced in equal voltage increments of 1/N
. With a little bit of algebra, we
can derive a formula for the resistor values.
For the R(1)
resistor, the formula is:
R(1) 1
---- = -------
R(0) (N-1)
For the R(2)
to R(N-1)
resistors, the formula is:
R(i) i (i - 1)
---- = ------- - ------------- , for i = 2 to N-1
R(0) (N - i) (N - (i - 1))
which can be simplified down to:
R(i+1) (N-i+1)
------ = ------- , for i = 1 to N-2
R(i) (N-i-1)
To make this concrete, let's suppose we want 8 buttons, for N = 8
. The 8
resistors can be calculated using the following pattern:
R1/R0 = 1/(N-1) = 1/7
R2/R1 = (N-1+1)/(N-1-1) = 8/6
R3/R2 = (N-2+1)/(N-2-1) = 7/5
R4/R3 = (N-3+1)/(N-3-1) = 6/4
R5/R4 = (N-4+1)/(N-4-1) = 5/3
R6/R5 = (N-5+1)/(N-5-1) = 4/2
R7/R6 = (N-6+1)/(N-6-1) = 3/1
This means that we need resistors of values:
10k, 1.4k, 1.9k, 2.2k, 3.3k, 5.5k, 11.1k, 33k
This leads to the second problem with this circuit. Resistors normally come in certain series of values, and it is can be difficult to get values which don't fall within the series. The common values for resistors follow the E series of preferred numbers.
- The E3 series include: 1, 2.2, 4.7
- The E6 series include: 1.0, 1.5, 2.2, 3.3, 4.7, 6.8
- The E12 series include: 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.2, 2.7, 3.3, 3.9, 4.7, 5.6, 6.8, 8.2
If we subsitute a specific resistor with another value, this circuit has the problem that the substituted resistor affects the voltage levels of all other resistors down the line. Recaculating and validating those resistor values can be a bit of a chore.
These issues with Circuit 2 lead me to recommend Circuit 3 instead.
The following circuit attaches a separate resistor for each button, like this:
Each button creates a simple voltage divider, where the value at pin A0
is simply the ratio of 2 resistors:
V(i)/Vcc = Rp / (R(i) + Rp), for i = 0 to N-1
The R0
resistor serves the same function as the current limiting Rc
resistors in the previous circuits. The R0
could be 0 ohms, i.e. a straight
wire, but it is safer to be 220 ohms (or 330 ohms) to limit the current in
case of a mis-wiring.
The expected voltage levels for commonly available resistors in the E6 series can be calculated with a simple spreadsheet:
r(i) v(i)
---- ----
0.00 0.00
0.10 0.09
0.15 0.13
0.22 0.18
0.33 0.25
0.47 0.32
0.68 0.40
1.00 0.50
1.50 0.60
2.20 0.69
3.30 0.77
4.70 0.82
6.80 0.87
10.0 0.91
infinity 1.00
r(i) = R(i) / Rp
v(i) = V(i) / Vcc
Let's say we want 4 buttons, which means we want the voltage levels to be spaces
at 0.25 intervals: 0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75. Using Rp = 10 kOhm
, we can see from
the table that the closest values for r(i) are: 0k, 3.3k, 10k, 33k. But in many
resistor boxes (including my own), the 3.3 kOhm resistors are harder to find
than 4.7 kOhm resistors. So if we replaced them with 4.7 kOhm and 47kOhm
resistors, we get voltage levels of: 0.0, 0.32, 0.50, 0.82. These are close
enough to the desired voltage levels that we are probably ok.
There several things about this circuit that I like:
- The circuit is easy to undersatnd, and the voltage levels are easy to calculate.
- Subsitution of one resistor of one button with another value does not affect the voltage levels of the other buttons.
- If no buttons are pressed, there is no current flowing through the circuit, so this circuit is friendly to battery powered applications.
- The number of resistors required is
, whereN
is the number of buttons. This is the same number as Circuit 2, and smaller than Circuit 1.
For these reasons, Circuit 3 is the one that I would recommend.
The public API for LadderButtonConfig
looks something like this:
class LadderButtonConfig : public ButtonConfig {
uint8_t pin,
uint8_t numLevels,
const uint16_t levels[],
uint8_t numButtons,
AceButton* const buttons[],
uint8_t defaultReleasedState = HIGH);
int readButton(uint8_t pin) override;
void checkButtons() const;
uint8_t getNoButtonPin() const;
The constructor takes a number of parameters:
- a list of voltage levels
expected for each button, given as as integer values returned by theanalogRead()
function, - the list of
which should respond to those buttons - the ADC
number where the resistors and buttons are attached
Each AceButton
should be given a "virtual" pin number (in other words, a
synthetic pin number) which corresponds to each button on the analog pin.
These virtual pin numbers will range from 0
to N-1
The levels[]
array must contain monotonically increasing values of
voltage levels. The number of elements in this array is equal to N+1
, where
is the maximum number of buttons.
The last value of the levels[]
array should be the largest number that is
expected to be returned by the analogRead()
method. For a 10-bit ADC, this
value is either 2^10 - 1 = 1023
or exactly 2^10 = 1024
. For a 12-bit ADC,
the value is 2^12 - 1 = 4095
or exactly 2^12 = 4096
The LadderButtonConfig::checkButtons()
calls analogRead()
which is an
expensive function compared to digitalRead()
. On an AVR processor,
can take 100 micros compared to single-digit micros for
On the ESP8266, there is an even bigger problem. If the analogRead()
is called too quickly, it causes the WiFi to disconnect, as detailed by these
bug reports:
According to a comment in the
project, which references an Espressif ESP8266 FAQ PDF documentation (that seems
to have moved to a new URL that I cannot locate), the analogRead()
can be read
as fast as 1000 samples/second, or every 1 ms, without interfering with the
WiFi. It also shows experimental results that suggest that in reality, an even
slower sampling rate of less than 200 samples/second is needed to get long-term
WiFi stability. Fortunately, AceButton needs to sample the A0 every 4-5 ms, or
only about 200 samples/second so we should be fine.
For these reasons, I recommend always rate-limiting the call to
no matter what processor you are using.
There is no advantage to calling checkButtons()
more often than necessary, and
your microprocessor could be doing other things during that time.
There are several ways to do do rate-limiting. I show one way in the
example shown below, using an extra variable that keeps
track of the millis()
timestamp of the previous call.
void checkButtons() {
static uint16_t prev = millis();
// DO NOT USE delay(5) to do this.
// The (uint16_t) cast is required on 32-bit processors, harmless on 8-bit.
uint16_t now = millis();
if ((uint16_t) (now - prev) >= 5) {
prev = now;
Another way is to use a multitasking or coroutine library, to call
with a non-blocking delay function. I often use my coroutine
library AceRoutine, but this is an
advanced usage which seems out of scope for this documentation.
The example code LadderButtons looks something like this:
#include <AceButton.h>
using namespace ace_button;
static const uint8_t BUTTON_PIN = A0;
// Create 4 AceButton objects, with their virtual pin number 0 to 3. The number
// of buttons does not need to be identical to the number of analog levels. You
// can choose to define only a subset of buttons here.
// Use the 4-parameter `AceButton()` constructor with the `buttonConfig`
// parameter explicitly to `nullptr` to prevent the automatic creation of the
// default SystemButtonConfig, saving about 30 bytes of flash and 26 bytes of
// RAM on an AVR processor.
static const uint8_t NUM_BUTTONS = 4;
static AceButton b0(nullptr, 0);
static AceButton b1(nullptr, 1);
static AceButton b2(nullptr, 2);
static AceButton b3(nullptr, 3);
static AceButton* const BUTTONS[NUM_BUTTONS] = {
&b0, &b1, &b2, &b3,
// Define the ADC voltage levels for each button.
// For 4 buttons, we need 5 levels.
static const uint8_t NUM_LEVELS = NUM_BUTTONS + 1;
static const uint16_t LEVELS[NUM_LEVELS] = {
0 /* 0%, short to ground */,
327 /* 32%, 4.7 kohm */,
512 /* 50%, 10 kohm */,
844 /* 82%, 47 kohm */,
1023 /* 100%, 10-bit ADC, open circuit */,
// The LadderButtonConfig constructor binds the AceButton to the
// LadderButtonConfig.
static LadderButtonConfig buttonConfig(
// The event handler for the button.
void handleEvent(AceButton* button, uint8_t eventType, uint8_t buttonState) {
// Print out a message for all events.
Serial.print(F("handleEvent(): "));
Serial.print(F("virtualPin: "));
Serial.print(F("; eventType: "));
Serial.print(F("; buttonState: "));
void setup() {
delay(1000); // some microcontrollers reboot twice
while (! Serial); // Wait until Serial is ready - Leonardo/Micro
// Don't use internal pull-up resistor.
// Configure the ButtonConfig with the event handler, and enable all higher
// level events.
// The buttonConfig.checkButtons() should be called every 4-5ms or faster, if
// the debouncing time is ~20ms. On ESP8266, analogRead() must be called *no*
// faster than 4-5ms to avoid a bug which disconnects the WiFi connection.
void checkButtons() {
static unsigned long prev = millis();
// DO NOT USE delay(5) to do this.
unsigned long now = millis();
if (now - prev > 5) {
prev = now;
void loop() {
When the program is executed on a Arduino board, pressing each of the buttons
to S3
should produce something like the following on the Serial monitor:
setup(): begin
setup(): ready
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 0; eventType: 0; buttonState: 0
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 0; eventType: 2; buttonState: 1
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 0; eventType: 1; buttonState: 1
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 1; eventType: 0; buttonState: 0
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 1; eventType: 2; buttonState: 1
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 1; eventType: 1; buttonState: 1
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 2; eventType: 0; buttonState: 0
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 2; eventType: 2; buttonState: 1
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 2; eventType: 1; buttonState: 1
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 3; eventType: 0; buttonState: 0
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 3; eventType: 2; buttonState: 1
handleEvent(): virtualPin: 3; eventType: 1; buttonState: 1
The LadderButtonsTiny example is specially designed to be used on the RESET pin of an ATtiny85 microcontroller. The ATtiny85 has 6 GPIO pins, but one of those pins (A0/D5) overlaps with the RESET pin. Fortunately, the RESET pin can be used as an input pin as long as the voltage level remains above 0.9 Vcc.
The LadderButtonsTiny program shows that it is possible to connect 2 buttons through a resistor ladder on the RESET pin, with one button configured to trigger at the 91% level, and the other button configured to trigger at the 95% level.
The wiring diagram looks like this:
With the resistor values shown above (1k, 10k, and 22k), button S0 corresponds
to 90.9% (10k/11k) and analogRead()
should return a value of 933. Button S1
corresponds to 95.7% (22k/23k) and should return a value of 978. The actual
values observed using the LadderButtonCalibrator (see below) are 933 and 980
respectively. The button configurations look like:
const uint8_t BUTTON_PIN = A0; // RESET pin
// Use the 4-parameter `AceButton()` constructor with the `buttonConfig`
// parameter explicitly to `nullptr` to prevent the automatic creation of the
// default SystemButtonConfig, saving about 30 bytes of flash and 26 bytes of
// RAM on an AVR processor.
const uint8_t NUM_BUTTONS = 2;
AceButton b0(nullptr, 0);
AceButton b1(nullptr, 1);
AceButton* const BUTTONS[NUM_BUTTONS] = { &b0, &b1 };
const uint8_t NUM_LEVELS = NUM_BUTTONS + 1;
const uint16_t LEVELS[NUM_LEVELS] = {
933 /* 91.2%, 10 kohm */,
980 /* 95.8%, 22 kohm */,
1023 /* 100%, open circuit */,
LadderButtonConfig buttonConfig(
Since the ATtiny85 does not have a Serial port, the LadderButtonsTiny
uses a
single LED connected to the D0 pin, and blinks differently depending on the
button that was pressed:
- blink once every 1.5 seconds if no button is pressed,
- blink twice every 1.5 seconds if S0 is pressed,
- blink thrice every 1.5 seconds if S1 is pressed.
The voltage levels given in the levels[]
array can be calculated from
formulas, or they can be obtained from experimental measurements. In either
case, the actual readings from the analogRead()
function will most likely
not match those values, for many reasons:
- Resistor tolerance. The actual resistance of a given resistor may have a tolerance of 5%, 10% or even 20%. Also, the actual resistance may change over time, depending on temperature.
- ADC conversion variance. The Analog to Digital conversion process may have significant error range. It may also change over time, for example, depending on temperature.
To deal with these slight mismatches, the LadderButtonConfig
class uses a
fuzzy matching algorithm. Instead of looking for an exact match, it looks for a
match against a band of values that extends from the mid-point of the level
below the current level, to the mid-point of the level above the current level.
To be concrete, let's consider a levels[]
array with 5 values, appropriate for
4 buttons, as given in the LadderButtons.ino
example. The 5 values are: 0,
327, 512, 844 and 1023.
index ADC midpoint inferred button
----- --- -------- ---------------
0 0 | button 0
163 <--+
1 327 | button 1
419 <--+
2 512 | button 2
678 <--+
3 844 | button 3
933 <--+
4 1023 | button 4 (aka "no button")
The matching algorithm is the following:
- Readings below 163 are assigned to be Button 0.
- Readings between 163 and 419 are assigned to be Button 1
- Readings between 419 and 678 are assigned to be Button 2
- Readings between 678 and 933 are assigned to be Button 3.
- Readings above 933 are assigned to be Button 4 (aka "no button pressed").
The larger the gap between buttons, the more tolerant the system is to fluctuations and variations of the resistor values and ADC conversion details. The size of the gap determines how many resistors can be supported by a single pin. I don't know exactly what the realistic maximum may be, but I suspect it is somewhere between 6-10 buttons, using 5% resistors.
The LadderButtonCalibrator program is
a simple app that reads the analogRead()
value and prints it to the Serial
port every 5 milliseconds. You can press each of the buttons and determine the
actual ADC values for each button. These values can be fed back into the
array for better accuracy.
As each button is pressed, the output will look something like this:
These values can be compared with the values of the levels[]
array which were
calculated using theoretical formulas. If the circuit was wired correctly and
resistors were chosen properly, the theoretical and actual values should be
close to each other.
If the microcontroller under calibration does not have a Serial port (e.g.
ATtiny85), the LadderButtonCalibrator
has the option to print the result to an
LED module using the AceSegment library (https://github.com/bxparks/AceSegment).
The *.cddx
files were generated by https://www.circuit-diagram.org/