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Memory Benchmark

The MemoryBenchmark.ino was compiled with each FEATURE_* and the flash memory and static RAM sizes were recorded. The FEATURE_BASELINE selection is the baseline, and its memory usage numbers are subtracted from the subsequent FEATURE_* memory usage.

Version: AceTime v2.0

DO NOT EDIT: This file was auto-generated using make

How to Regenerate

To regenerate this

$ make clean_benchmarks
$ make benchmarks
$ make

The make benchmarks target uses script which calls ( to invoke the Arduino IDE programmatically. It produces a *.txt file with the flash and ram usage information (e.g. nano.txt). It now takes about 16 minutes to generate the *.txt files on my quad-core Intel Core i7-3840QM CPU @ 2.80GHz laptop.

The make command calls the Python script which generates this file. The ASCII tables below are generated by the generate_table.awk script, which takes each *.txt file and converts it to an ASCII table.

Library Size Changes


  • The BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager classes were unified under a new parent interface ZoneManager. This seems to have caused the flash size to increase by around 1200 bytes on the AVR processors (Nano, Pro Micro), about 500 bytes on a SAMD, about 800 bytes on a ESP8266, 100 bytes on a ESP32, and 1400 bytes on a Teensy 3.2. The 8-bit processors suffer the most flash size increase proportional to their limited 32kB limit.
  • Adding the ZoneManager interface simplifies a lot of the complexity with saving and restoring time zones using the TimeZoneData object, and I think it is worth the extra cost of flash size. The mitigating factor is that applications targetted towards 8-bit processors will normally have fixed number of timezones at compile time, so they can avoid using a ZoneManager, and avoid this penalty in flash size.


  • Removed the ZoneInfo::transitionBufSize field from the ZoneInfo struct, which saves 1 byte on 8-bit processors (none on 32-bit processors due to 4-byte alignment). We save 266 bytes for BasicZoneManager and 386 bytes for ExtendedZoneManager when all the zones are loaded into the zone registry.
  • Incorporated zoneName compression causes flash/ram usage to increase by ~250/120 bytes when using only 1-2 zones, but decreases flash consumption by 1200-2400 bytes when all the zones are loaded into the ZoneManager.


  • Changing ZoneProcessorCache::getType() from a virtual to a non-virtual method saves 250-350 bytes of flash memory when using a BasicZoneManager or an ExtendedZoneManager on an 8-bit AVR processor. Unexpectedly, the flash memory consumption increases slightly (~0-50 bytes) for some ARM processors and the ESP32. Since those processors have far more flash memory, this seems like a good tradeoff.
  • Changing BasicZoneProcessor and ExtendedZoneProcessor to be subclasses of the templatized BasicZoneProcessorTemplate and ExtendedZoneProcessorTemplate classes causes reduction of flash consumption by 250-400 bytes for 32-bit processors. Don't know why. (Very little difference for 8-bit AVR).
  • Adding a BrokerFactory layer of indirection (to support more complex ZoneProcessors and Brokers) causes flash memory to go up by 100-200 bytes.


  • Added support for LinkRegistry to BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager. This increases the flash memory usage by 150-500 bytes when using one of these classes due to the code required by LinkRegistrar. This extra cost is incurred even if the LinkRegistry is set to 0 elements. Each LinkEntry consumes 8 bytes (2 x uint32_t). So a zonedb::kLinkRegistry with 183 elements uses 1464 extra bytes of flash; a zonedbx::kLinkRegistry with 207 elements uses 1656 extra bytes.


  • The virtual destructor on the Clock base class removed. This reduced the flash usage by 618 bytes on AVR processors , 328 bytes on the SAMD21, but only 50-60 bytes on other 32-bit processors.
  • The various printShortNameTo() or printShortTo() methods changed to replace the underscore in the zone names (e.g. Los_Angeles) with spaces (e.g. Los Angeles) to be more human friendly. This made little difference in the flash memory consumption, except on the ESP32 where it increased by 200-300 bytes.


  • The SystemClock::clockMillis() is now non-virtual, using compile-time polymorphism through C++ template, and incorporating the same techniques from AceRoutine v1.3. Saves about 20-40 bytes of flash.


  • ExtendedZoneProcessor.compareTransitionToMatch() was modified to detect an exact equality between a Transition and its MatchingEra if any of the 3 time stamp versions ('w', 's', 'u') are equal. Adds about 120-150 bytes of flash on 8-bit and 32-bit processors. But removing originalTransitionTime from Transition decreases flash usage by about 20 bytes.
  • Upgrade ESP8266 Core from 2.7.4 to 3.0.2. Flash consumption increases by 3-5 kB across the board.
  • Upgrade Teensyduino from 1.54 to 1.55. Add memory consumed by malloc() and free() when using classes with virtual methods into baseline MemoryBenchmark, reducing the actual memory usage of various features by ~3kB.


  • Move Clock and SystemClock benchmarks into AceTimeClock v1.0.0.
  • Extract thin links from BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager into new BasicLinkManager and ExtendedLinkManager classes.
    • Saves 200-500 bytes of flash for BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager.
    • Applications can decide whether to use thin links through the LinkManager (~2000 flash bytes for AVR) or use fat links through the kZoneAndLinkRegistry (~5000 flash bytes for AVR).
  • Create various test objects as global variables instead of stack variables to get a more accurate measurement of their static memory consumption.


  • Reduce flash usage of BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager by 1100-1300 bytes on AVR processors:
    • Extract BasicZoneProcessorCache and ExtendedZoneProcessorCache out of BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager, making them non-templatized.
    • Remove all virtual methods from ZoneManager, making the ZoneManager hierarchy non-polymorphic.
    • Looks like I am reverting some of the changes made in v1.3 when I created the ZoneManager interface.
  • Reduce flash usage of BasicLinkManager and ExtendedLinkManager by 68 bytes on AVR processors by removing pure virtual methods on LinkManager base class.
  • Increase flash usage by 34 bytes on AVR processors due to slight refactoring of getHighWater() with getAllocSize(). Only 4-8 bytes increase on 32-bit processors.


  • Remove support for SAMD21 boards.
    • Arduino IDE 1.8.19 with SparkFun SAMD 1.8.6 can no longer upload binaries to these boards. Something about bossac 1.7.0 not found.
  • Add memory consumption benchmarks for ZoneSorterByName and ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName for BasicZoneManager and ExtendedZoneManager.
    • AVR: 180-530 bytes of flash
    • 32-bit: 120-600 bytes of flash
  • Upgrade tool chain:
    • Arduino IDE from 1.8.13 to 1.8.19
    • Arduino AVR from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4
    • STM32duino from 2.0.0 to 2.2.0
    • ESP32 from 1.0.6 to 2.0.2
    • Teensyduino from 1.55 to 1.56
  • Add support for fold parameter in LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime, ZonedDateTime, and ExtendedZoneProcessor. Increases flash usage:
    • AVR:
      • ~600 bytes, in ExtendedZoneProcessor for additional search logic,
      • ~150 bytes, BasicZoneProcessor, to carry along the fold parameter
    • most 32-bit: 400-600 bytes
    • Teensy: 1300 bytes (no idea why)


  • Upgrade ZoneInfo database so that Links are symbolic links to Zones, instead of hard links to Zones.
    • Allows Links to know whether they are links.
    • Allows extraction of the zoneId and zoneNames of the target Zone.
    • AVR: Increases flash consumption by ~270 bytes.
    • STM32: Increases flash by 120-150 bytes.
    • ESP8266: Increases flash by 250-300 bytes.
    • ESP32: Increases flash by ~190 bytes.
    • Teensy 3.2: Increase flash by 450-1300 bytes.


  • Change ZoneInfoBroker::targetZoneInfo() method to return a ZoneInfoBroker instead of raw ZoneInfo* pointer.
    • Increases flash usage by 4-16 bytes for the most part.


  • Upgrade tool chain
    • Arduino CLI from 0.20.2 to 0.27.1
    • Arduino AVR Core from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5
    • STM32duino from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
    • ESP32 Core from 2.0.2 to 2.0.5
    • Teensyduino from 1.56 to 1.57
  • Upgrade TZDB from 2022b to 2022d


  • Use int16_t year fields.
  • Implement adjustable epoch year.
  • Upgrade to TZDB 2022f.
  • AVR:
    • BasicZoneManager increases ~200 bytes
    • ExtendedZoneManager increases ~500 bytes
    • zonedb increases ~1.5 kiB
    • zonedbx increases ~3 kiB
  • ESP8266
    • BasicZoneManager increases ~50 bytes
    • ExtendedZoneManager increases ~150 bytes
    • zonedb increases ~300 bytes
    • zonedbx increases ~1.5 kiB


  • [1] Delta flash and ram consumption for ZoneSorterByName and ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName are calculated by subtracting the BasicZoneManager (1 zone) numbers, to isolate the memory consumption of just the sorter classes.
  • [2] Delta flash and ram consumption for ZoneSorterByName and ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName are calculated by subtracting the ExtendedZoneManager (1 zone) numbers, to isolate the memory consumption of just the sorter classes.

Arduino Nano

  • 16MHz ATmega328P
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • Arduino AVR Boards 1.8.5
| Functionality                          |  flash/  ram |       delta |
| baseline                               |    474/   11 |     0/    0 |
| LocalDateTime                          |   1108/   21 |   634/   10 |
| ZonedDateTime                          |   1294/   28 |   820/   17 |
| Manual ZoneManager                     |   1234/   13 |   760/    2 |
| Basic TimeZone (1 zone)                |   6762/  325 |  6288/  314 |
| Basic TimeZone (2 zones)               |   6930/  451 |  6456/  440 |
| BasicZoneManager (1 zone)              |   6968/  336 |  6494/  325 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones)           |  19056/  712 | 18582/  701 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones+links)     |  23992/  712 | 23518/  701 |
| BasicLinkManager (all links)           |   2594/   16 |  2120/    5 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByName [1]             |   7140/  336 |   378/   11 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [1]    |   7264/  336 |   502/   11 |
| Extended TimeZone (1 zone)             |  10320/  706 |  9846/  695 |
| Extended TimeZone (2 zones)            |  10526/ 1179 | 10052/ 1168 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (1 zone)           |  10496/  712 | 10022/  701 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones)        |  33720/ 1196 | 33246/ 1185 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones+links)  |  39206/ 1196 | 38732/ 1185 |
| ExtendedLinkManager (all links)        |   2786/   16 |  2312/    5 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByName [2]          |  10688/  712 |   368/    6 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [2] |  10810/  712 |   490/    6 |

Sparkfun Pro Micro

  • 16 MHz ATmega32U4
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • SparkFun AVR Boards 1.1.13
| Functionality                          |  flash/  ram |       delta |
| baseline                               |   3470/  153 |     0/    0 |
| LocalDateTime                          |   4080/  161 |   610/    8 |
| ZonedDateTime                          |   4266/  168 |   796/   15 |
| Manual ZoneManager                     |   4228/  153 |   758/    0 |
| Basic TimeZone (1 zone)                |   9716/  463 |  6246/  310 |
| Basic TimeZone (2 zones)               |   9886/  591 |  6416/  438 |
| BasicZoneManager (1 zone)              |   9922/  474 |  6452/  321 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones)           |  22028/  852 | 18558/  699 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones+links)     |  26964/  852 | 23494/  699 |
| BasicLinkManager (all links)           |   5568/  158 |  2098/    5 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByName [1]             |  10096/  476 |   380/   13 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [1]    |  10220/  476 |   504/   13 |
| Extended TimeZone (1 zone)             |  13274/  844 |  9804/  691 |
| Extended TimeZone (2 zones)            |  13482/ 1319 | 10012/ 1166 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (1 zone)           |  13450/  850 |  9980/  697 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones)        |  36690/ 1334 | 33220/ 1181 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones+links)  |  42176/ 1334 | 38706/ 1181 |
| ExtendedLinkManager (all links)        |   5760/  158 |  2290/    5 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByName [2]          |  13644/  852 |   370/    8 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [2] |  13766/  852 |   492/    8 |

STM32 Blue Pill

  • STM32F103C8, 72 MHz ARM Cortex-M3
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • STM32duino 2.3.0
| Functionality                          |  flash/  ram |       delta |
| baseline                               |  21336/ 3556 |     0/    0 |
| LocalDateTime                          |  21684/ 3572 |   348/   16 |
| ZonedDateTime                          |  21920/ 3588 |   584/   32 |
| Manual ZoneManager                     |  21908/ 3564 |   572/    8 |
| Basic TimeZone (1 zone)                |  25820/ 3728 |  4484/  172 |
| Basic TimeZone (2 zones)               |  26116/ 3892 |  4780/  336 |
| BasicZoneManager (1 zone)              |  25944/ 3748 |  4608/  192 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones)           |  41728/ 3748 | 20392/  192 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones+links)     |  49092/ 3748 | 27756/  192 |
| BasicLinkManager (all links)           |  23264/ 3564 |  1928/    8 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByName [1]             |  26132/ 3748 |   312/   20 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [1]    |  26180/ 3748 |   360/   20 |
| Extended TimeZone (1 zone)             |  27900/ 4164 |  6564/  608 |
| Extended TimeZone (2 zones)            |  28196/ 4764 |  6860/ 1208 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (1 zone)           |  28012/ 4172 |  6676/  616 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones)        |  58252/ 4172 | 36916/  616 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones+links)  |  66420/ 4172 | 45084/  616 |
| ExtendedLinkManager (all links)        |  23456/ 3564 |  2120/    8 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByName [2]          |  28208/ 4172 |   308/    8 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [2] |  28264/ 4172 |   364/    8 |

An entry of -1 indicates that the memory usage exceeded the maximum of the microcontroller and the compiler did not generate the desired information.


  • NodeMCU 1.0, 80MHz ESP8266
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • ESP8266 Boards 3.0.2
| Functionality                          |  flash/  ram |       delta |
| baseline                               | 260089/27892 |     0/    0 |
| LocalDateTime                          | 260613/27912 |   524/   20 |
| ZonedDateTime                          | 260965/27928 |   876/   36 |
| Manual ZoneManager                     | 260961/27900 |   872/    8 |
| Basic TimeZone (1 zone)                | 266813/28648 |  6724/  756 |
| Basic TimeZone (2 zones)               | 267213/28808 |  7124/  916 |
| BasicZoneManager (1 zone)              | 266957/28664 |  6868/  772 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones)           | 283037/28664 | 22948/  772 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones+links)     | 290685/28664 | 30596/  772 |
| BasicLinkManager (all links)           | 262141/27904 |  2052/   12 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByName [1]             | 267241/28668 |   428/   20 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [1]    | 267337/28668 |   524/   20 |
| Extended TimeZone (1 zone)             | 269501/29224 |  9412/ 1332 |
| Extended TimeZone (2 zones)            | 269917/29824 |  9828/ 1932 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (1 zone)           | 269613/29232 |  9524/ 1340 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones)        | 300321/29228 | 40232/ 1336 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones+links)  | 308833/29228 | 48744/ 1336 |
| ExtendedLinkManager (all links)        | 262333/27904 |  2244/   12 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByName [2]          | 269849/29236 |   348/   12 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [2] | 269929/29236 |   428/   12 |


  • ESP32-01 Dev Board, 240 MHz Tensilica LX6
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • ESP32 Boards 2.0.5
| Functionality                          |  flash/  ram |       delta |
| baseline                               | 211065/16056 |     0/    0 |
| LocalDateTime                          | 213285/16064 |  2220/    8 |
| ZonedDateTime                          | 213713/16080 |  2648/   24 |
| Manual ZoneManager                     | 213737/16056 |  2672/    0 |
| Basic TimeZone (1 zone)                | 218385/16216 |  7320/  160 |
| Basic TimeZone (2 zones)               | 218845/16384 |  7780/  328 |
| BasicZoneManager (1 zone)              | 218541/16240 |  7476/  184 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones)           | 234589/16240 | 23524/  184 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones+links)     | 242237/16240 | 31172/  184 |
| BasicLinkManager (all links)           | 214833/16064 |  3768/    8 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByName [1]             | 218733/16240 |   348/   24 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [1]    | 218789/16240 |   404/   24 |
| Extended TimeZone (1 zone)             | 220825/16656 |  9760/  600 |
| Extended TimeZone (2 zones)            | 221249/17256 | 10184/ 1200 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (1 zone)           | 220921/16664 |  9856/  608 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones)        | 251609/16664 | 40544/  608 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones+links)  | 260105/16664 | 49040/  608 |
| ExtendedLinkManager (all links)        | 215025/16064 |  3960/    8 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByName [2]          | 221093/16664 |   268/    8 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [2] | 221161/16664 |   336/    8 |

RAM usage remains constant as more objects are created, which indicates that an initial pool of a certain minimum size is created regardless of the actual RAM usage by objects.

Teensy 3.2

  • 96 MHz ARM Cortex-M4
  • Arduino IDE 1.8.19, Arduino CLI 0.27.1
  • Teensyduino 1.57
| Functionality                          |  flash/  ram |       delta |
| baseline                               |  10060/ 4152 |     0/    0 |
| LocalDateTime                          |  10424/ 4168 |   364/   16 |
| ZonedDateTime                          |  10500/ 4184 |   440/   32 |
| Manual ZoneManager                     |  10196/ 4160 |   136/    8 |
| Basic TimeZone (1 zone)                |  23192/ 4324 | 13132/  172 |
| Basic TimeZone (2 zones)               |  24216/ 4488 | 14156/  336 |
| BasicZoneManager (1 zone)              |  23452/ 4344 | 13392/  192 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones)           |  39472/ 4344 | 29412/  192 |
| BasicZoneManager (all zones+links)     |  47116/ 4344 | 37056/  192 |
| BasicLinkManager (all links)           |  12000/ 4160 |  1940/    8 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByName [1]             |  23260/ 4348 |    68/   24 |
| Basic ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [1]    |  23708/ 4348 |   516/   24 |
| Extended TimeZone (1 zone)             |  26436/ 4760 | 16376/  608 |
| Extended TimeZone (2 zones)            |  27524/ 5360 | 17464/ 1208 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (1 zone)           |  26632/ 4768 | 16572/  616 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones)        |  57344/ 4768 | 47284/  616 |
| ExtendedZoneManager (all zones+links)  |  65852/ 4768 | 55792/  616 |
| ExtendedLinkManager (all links)        |  12192/ 4160 |  2132/    8 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByName [2]          |  26504/ 4772 |    68/   12 |
| Extended ZoneSorterByOffsetAndName [2] |  26952/ 4772 |   516/   12 |