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Command Line Interface (CLI)

These classes implement a non-blocking command line interface on the Serial port. In other words, you can implement a primitive "shell" for the Arduino.

These classes were initially an experiment to validate the AceRoutine macros and classes but they seem to be useful as an independent library. They may be moved to a separate project/repository later.

Version: (2021-07-19)



This class is a thin wrapper around a DirectProcessor and a CommandDispatcher. The Stream` input is scanned using a non-blocking loop without using coroutines. This is the simplest option if you do not want to depend on the AceRoutine library.

The basic steps for adding a command line interface to an Arduino sketch using the cli/ library is the following:

  1. Create a CommandHandler class for each command, defining its name and helpString.
  2. Create a static array of CommandHandler* pointers with all the commands that you would like to support.
  3. Create a DirectProcessorManager object, giving it the CommandHandler* array, and a number of size parameters for various internal buffers (maximum line buffer length, and maximum number of argv parameters for a command).
  4. Call CoroutineScheduler::setup() in the global setup() function.
  5. Run the CoroutineScheduler::loop() in the global loop() function to run the StreamProcessorCoroutine that was created inside the StreamProcessorManager.

The dependency diagram looks like this:


The StreamProcessorManager is a templatized convenience class that creates all the helper objects and buffers needed to read and parse the command line input. It includes:

  • a StreamProcessorCoroutine coroutine that reads lines from the given Stream object.
  • a CommandDispatcher instance that knows how to tokenize a string line and call the matching CommandHandler
  • a line buffer for each input line
  • a array of (const char*) to hold the command line arguments of the command

You don't have to use the StreamProcessorManager, but it greatly simplifies the creation and usage of the StreamProcessorCoroutine.


This class is a thin wrapper around a StreamProcessoCoroutine and a CommandDispatcher. The Stream` input is scanned using an AceRoutine coroutine. This may be an option if your application already uses AceRoutine and you want everything handled as a coroutine.

The basic steps for adding a command line interface to an Arduino sketch using the cli/ library is the following:

  1. Create a CommandHandler class for each command, defining its name and helpString.
  2. Create a static array of CommandHandler* pointers with all the commands that you would like to support.
  3. Create a StreamProcessorManager object, giving it the CommandHandler* array, and a number of size parameters for various internal buffers (maximum line buffer length, and maximum number of argv parameters for a command).
  4. Call CoroutineScheduler::setup() in the global setup() function.
  5. Run the CoroutineScheduler::loop() in the global loop() function to run the StreamProcessorCoroutine that was created inside the StreamProcessorManager.

The dependency diagram looks like this:


The StreamProcessorManager is a templatized convenience class that creates all the helper objects and buffers needed to read and parse the command line input. It includes:

  • a StreamProcessorCoroutine coroutine that reads lines from the given Stream object.
  • a CommandDispatcher instance that knows how to tokenize a string line and call the matching CommandHandler
  • a line buffer for each input line
  • a array of (const char*) to hold the command line arguments of the command

You don't have to use the StreamProcessorManager, but it greatly simplifies the creation and usage of the StreamProcessorCoroutine.


Deprecated: This uses the experimental ace_routine::Channel class to allow passing the input string from the StreamReaderCoroutine to the ChannelProcessorCoroutine. It turns out that the direct approach of StreamProcessorCoroutine (above) is simpler with the same functionality, without using the Channel class.

The basic steps for adding a command line interface to an Arduino sketch using the cli/ library is the following:

  1. Create a CommandHandler class for each command, defining its name and helpString.
  2. Create a static array of CommandHandler* pointers with all the commands that you would like to support.
  3. Create a ChannelProcessorManager object, giving it the CommandHandler* array, and a number of size parameters for various internal buffers (maximum line buffer length, and maximum number of argv parameters for a command).
  4. Call CoroutineScheduler::setup() in the global setup() function.
  5. Run the CoroutineScheduler::loop() in the global loop() function to run the ChannelProcessorCoroutine and StreamReaderCoroutine which were created inside the ChannelProcessorManager.

The dependency diagram looks like this:

          /     |       \
    ------      v        v
   /   ChannelProcessor  StreamReader
        Coroutine         Coroutine
   |        |      \          |
   |        |       ---\      |
   v        v           v     v
CommandDispatcher       InputLine

The ChannelProcessorManager is a templatized convenience class that creates all the helper objects and buffers needed to read and parse the command line input. It includes:

  • a StreamReaderCoroutine coroutine that reads the input lines from Serial
  • a ChannelProcessorCoroutine coroutine that parses the input lines inside Channel<InputLine>, from StreamReaderCoroutine to ChannelProcessorCoroutine
  • a CommandDispatcher instance that knows how to tokenize a string line and call the matching CommandHandler
  • a line buffer for each input line
  • a array of (const char*) to hold the command line arguments of the command

You don't have to use the ChannelProcessorManager, but it greatly simplifies the creation and usage of the ChannelProcessorCoroutine.

Command Line Over MQTT

(TBD: Add documentation or example of a command line shell over MQTT messages.)

Command Handler and Arguments

The CommandHandler class defines the command's name, helpString and the run() method that implements the command. It takes the following parameters:

  • printer is the output device, which will normally be the global Serial object
  • argc is the number of argv arguments
  • argv is the array of cont char* pointers, each pointing to the words of the command line delimited by whitespaces. These are identical to the argc and argv parameters passed to the C-language main(argc, argv) function. For example, argv[0] is the name of the command, and argv[1] is the first argument after the command (if it exists).

CommandHandler Definitions and Setup

An Arduino .ino file that uses the CLI classes to implement a command line shell will look something like this:

#include <AceUtils.h>
#include <cli/cli.h> // CommandHandler from AceUtils

using ace_utils::cli::CommandHandler;
using ace_utils::cli::ChannelProcessorManager;
using ace_utils::cli::StreamProcessorManager;

class FooCommand: public CommandHandler {
    CommandHandler("{fooName}", "{helpString}")

  void run(Print& printer, int argc, const char* const* argv) const override {

class BarCommand: public CommandHandler {
    CommandHandler(F("{barCommand}"), F("{helpString}"))

  void run(Print& printer, int argc, const char* const* argv) const override {

// Instantiate each command
FooCommand fooCommand;
BarCommand barCommand;

// Create an array of command handlers.
static const CommandHandler* const COMMANDS[] = {
static uint8_t const NUM_COMMANDS = sizeof(COMMANDS) / sizeof(CommandHandler*);

uint8_t const BUF_SIZE = 64; // maximum size of an input line
uint8_t const ARGV_SIZE = 10; // maximum number of tokens in command
char const PROMPT[] = "$ ";

// Create a command manager, using one of the following:
// 1) Simplest, direct polling of the Serial port.
DirectProcessorManager<BUF_SIZE, ARGV_SIZE> commandManager(
// 2) Poll Serial port using a coroutine:
//StreamProcessorManager<BUF_SIZE, ARGV_SIZE> commandManager(
//    Serial, COMMANDS, NUM_COMMANDS, Serial, PROMPT);
// 3) Deprecated. Poll the Serial port using 2 coroutines and a Channel.
//ChannelProcessorManager<BUF_SIZE, ARGV_SIZE> commandManager(
//    Serial, COMMANDS, NUM_COMMANDS, Serial, PROMPT);

void setup() {

void loop() {

Argc and Argv Parsing

Within the CommandHandler, there are several helper routines which are useful for processing the argc and argv arguments:

  • shiftArgcArgv(argc, argv) shifts the input tokens by 1 token to the left, by incrementing argv and decrementing argc
  • bool isArgEqual(const char*, const char*);
  • bool isArgEqual(const char*, const __FlashHelperString*);

Here is the sketch of the Command that will parse a command whose syntax is delay [(on | off) {millis}], where the on {millis} and off {millis} arguments to the delay command are optional:

class DelayCommand: public CommandHandler {
    CommandHandler(F("delay"), F("[(on | off) {millis}")) {}

  void run(Print& printer, int argc, const char* const* argv) const override {
    if (argc == 1) {
      printer.println(F("'delay' typed with no arguments"));

    if (argc != 3) {
      printer.println(F("Incorrect number of arguments to 'delay' command"));

    shiftArgcArgv(argc, argv);
    if (isArgEqual(argv[0], "on")) {
      int delay = atoi(argv[1]));
      printer.print(F("Executing: delay on "));
    } else if (isArgEqual(argv[0], F("off"))) {
      int delay = atoi(argv[1]));
      printer.print(F("Executing: delay off "));
    } else {
      printer.println(F("Unknown argument to 'delay'"));


Each of the following examples implements 5 commands:

All 3 implement the following commands:

  • help [command]
  • list
  • free
  • echo [args ...]
  • delay [(on | off) millis]