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Releases: byCedric/GitHub-Website-legacy
Releases · byCedric/GitHub-Website-legacy
0.4.0 (2018-12-01)
Code refactors
- move user description highlights to github user organism (#68) (2575cec)
- remove superseded github mentions (#84) (5e9e513)
- upgrade now to version 12.0.0 (#74) (3878702)
- upgrade react-scripts to version 2.1.0 (#73) (74e8974)
- user molecule layout to allow other content (#63) (d1ad708)
Documentation changes
New features
- implement mention link in user molecule (#65) (0a0cb92)
- prototype github mentions support as a component (#56) (1788b32)
- upgrade to now version 2 (#79) (f97f7ab)
Pipeline changes
- escape stylelint file glob (#64) (0cc473f)
- limit node versions because of unexpected fetch behaviour (#82) (eb50a5f)
- test full build in travis to detect feature issues with cra (#85) (5592f94)
- upgrade travis with auto-release and security checks (#81) (da79f78)
Testing updates
0.2.1 (2018-10-14)
Bug fixes
Code refactors
Other chores
Pipeline changes
- add build and staging deployments (#41) (aaff84b)
- disable removal of old deployments (#48) (70e18c8)
- move context to build folder to work around unexpected behaviour (#45) (935ca46)
- refactor to single-script command in deployment (#42) (3d5777a)
- replace new lines in deployment script with spaces (#43) (6252443)
- rewrite now deployment script with travis (#46) (e68930e)
0.2.0 (2018-10-14)
Bug fixes
- align user description horizontally with small text (#30) (6fb0e49)
- avatar atom default props overwriting original proptypes (#36) (4251cff)
- prefix github username environment variable (#31) (80a959a)
Code refactors
- disable manifest until names issue is resolved (#34) (7a0b43d), closes #33
- replace static react title with github username (#32) (f921faa)
New features
Pipeline changes
0.1.0 (2018-10-13)
Bug fixes
- allow package scope for greenkeeper only (#24) (0623aa4)
- remove package lock file from project for greenkeeper (#25) (5963734)
Code refactors
- move app component to pages folder using atomic design (52d5c8c)
- move global styles to html template (fa7911c)
- move logo to static assets folder (b570b24)
- move semantic release config to dedicated file (#13) (4dc4eae)
- rename service worker to use lower case for imports (2341c0b)
- separate index to react and sw providers (838e25c)
- use absolute imports to make imports predictable (#15) (d031a7c)
- use npm instead of yarn (9d9f1a3)
- use tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment (#23) (eecdb00)
Documentation changes
- add greenkeeper badge (#11) (09c94df)
- emphasise on github showing your public events (#26) (e169bd0)
- rewrite readme to match project (#10) (34d6d9f)
- use bright green color in greenkeeper badge (4c3205c)
New features
Other chores
- add github templates for easy contributions (#2) (c6724af)
- add shared editor configuration (0c23899)
Pipeline changes
- add codecov comments in pull requests (#6) (821ead7)
- add codecov to test coverages per pull request (#4) (f2f1adf)
- add commitlint to travis to make predictable releases (#5) (1bbe228)
- add eslint to travis ci (#7) (d4e90c7)
- add flow to travis ci as replacement for proptypes (#17) (584fe1d)
- add most basic travis configuration for ci (#3) (7ed5796)
- add semantic release to travis for predictable releases (#12) (c2c9b79)
- add stylelint to help detecting bad usage (#16) (bd32bc2)
- configure greenkeeper to use conventions (#8) (e6d6d7f)
- use simplified http repository url for travis and semantic release (43e9937)