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konf-sh - the KubeConfig manager for your shell

⚠️ This repo is under active development 🏗

Why yet another k8s tool?

This project was inspired by kubectx+kubens, but that tool doesn't offer 2 must-to-have (in my opinion) features:

  • set k8s context just for current shell
  • manage k8s configuration file ~/.kube/config


konf makes easier to manage, maintain and use Kubernetes configuration (a.k.a. ~/.kube/config).

konf offers following cool features:

  • split k8s configuration into multiple k8s config separate files (one per context)
  • list available single k8s config files
  • set k8s context for current shell only
  • set global k8s context
  • view k8s context for current shell
  • view global k8s context
  • rename k8s context
  • delete a specific k8s context
  • reset k8s context to default
  • cli autocompletion

Install and configure

1. Install binary

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: A more automated installation process is under development

  1. Download compressed binary from the release page
  2. Extract binary wherever you prefer
  3. Add binary to your PATH

2. Install shell wrapper

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: Shell wrapper won't work if binary is not in PATH


Add the following to your .zshrc and restart the shell:

source <(konf-sh shellwrapper zsh)


Add the following to your .bashrc and restart the shell:

source <(konf-sh shellwrapper bash)

3. Install autocompletion

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: Autocompletion won't work if shell wrapper is not installed

Current supported shells: zsh, bash


Add the following to your .zshrc and restart the shell:

source <(konf completion zsh)


Add the following to your .bashrc and restart the shell:

source <(konf completion bash)

4. Advised customisations

Here following some optional customisations to make your life even easier.


⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: Aliases won't work if shell wrapper is not installed

Add the following to your .zshrc or .bashrc and restart the shell:

alias kctx="konf set"
alias kns="konf ns"


1. Split k8s config

First we have to split your Kubernetes config into multiple single Kubernetes konfigs

konf split

If we don't do this, no other command will have any effect.

2. List all available k8s konfigs

Let's list all available k8s konfigs to select the right k8s ctx we want to set

konf list

3. Set a global k8s ctx

We set our k8s ctx as global

konf set global <context>

4. Set a local k8s ctx

We open another terminal because we need access to different k8s ctx, then we execute

konf set local <context>

This will point our kubectl to the selected k8s ctx, but ONLY IN THE CURRENT SHELL! Amazing don't you think?

5. View our settings

Still from the second terminal window, we want to review our current settings

konf view



konf split separates the Kubernetes configuration (by default ~/.kube/config) into single Kubernetes konfigurations (by default in ~/.kube/konfigs), one for each context.

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: Almost all other commands don't work if split was not previously executed


konf list lists all Kubernetes context available in the Kubernetes configuration (by default ~/.kube/config) and in single Kubernetes konfigurations (by default in ~/.kube/konfigs).


konf set local <context> sets the local (current shell) Kubernetes context (setting KUBECONFIG environment variable) to the specified one (by default ~/.kube/konfigs).

konf set global <context> sets the global Kubernetes context (by default currentContext in ~/.kube/config) to the specified one (by default ~/.kube/konfigs).

konf set [local | global] - switches back the local or global Kubernetes context to the previous one.


konf view shows both local (current shell) and global Kubernetes context.

konf view local shows only the local (current shell) Kubernetes context.

konf view global shows only the global Kubernetes context.


konf delete <context-list> removes the specified comma-separated context list from both Kubernetes configuration (by default ~/.kube/config) and single Kubernetes konfigurations (by default in ~/.kube/konfigs).


konf rename <context-to-rename> <new-context-name> renames the specified context in both Kubernetes configuration (by default in ~/.kube/config) and single Kubernetes konfigurations (by default in ~/.kube/konfigs).


konf reset local resets the local (current shell) Kubernetes configuration (unsetting KUBECONFIG environment variable).

konf reset global resets global Kubernetes context to N/A (by default currentContext in ~/.kube/config).


konf completion [zsh | bash] outputs the autocompletion script for the selected shell.


konf help shows the helper.


konf version shows the version.

Some tech details


Flag Command list Available values Default Corresponding env-var Description
--kube-config split, list, view, view global, set global, delete, rename, reset global - ~/.kube/config KONF_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH Specify a custom Kubernetes configuration file path
--single-konfigs split, list, set local, delete, rename - ~/.kube/konfigs/ KONF_SINGLE_KUBE_KONFIGS_PATH Specify the single Kubernetes konfigurations path


All flags must be specified BEFORE arguments

This works: konf set global --kube-config ./examples/config context_b

This doesn't work: konf set global context_b --kube-config ./examples/config

Environment variables

Key Command list Available values Default Corresponding flag Description
KONF_LOG_ENCODING all console, json console - Set logger encoding
KONF_LOG_LEVEL all debug, info, warn, error info - Set logger level
KONF_KUBE_CONFIG_PATH split, list, view, view global, set global, delete, rename, reset global - ~/.kube/config --kube-config Specify a custom Kubernetes configuration file path
KONF_SINGLE_KUBE_KONFIGS_PATH split, list, set local, delete, rename - ~/.kube/konfigs/ --single-konfigs Specify the single Kubernetes konfigurations path

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: KONF_LOG_ENCODING and KONF_LOG_LEVEL are available only as environment variables

Error codes

Code Command Description
1 (all) Error initializing logger
2 (all) Error starting application
3 (all) Error creating specific application command
11 split Error checking existence of Kubernetes konfigurations path
12 split, set global, delete, rename Error validating Kubernetes configuration (single, global, cleaned)
13 split, set global, delete, rename Error writing Kubernetes configuration (single, global, cleaned) to file
14 set local, set global Error checking existence of last Kubernetes context path
21 list Error listing single Kubernetes konfigurations
31 set local Error checking existence of Kubernetes konfigurations path
32 set local, set global Error getting Kubernetes context: context argument not specified
33 set local Error checking existence of Kubernetes context
34 set global, rename Error checking existence of context in Kubernetes configuration
35 set global Error retrieving last Kubernetes context
41 delete Error getting Kubernetes context list: 'context list' argument not specified
42 delete Error validating Kubernetes context list: 'context list' argument not valid. Context list must be a comma-separated list
43 delete Error removing Kubernetes context list
51 rename Error getting Kubernetes context to rename: 'context to rename' and 'new context name' arguments not specified
52 rename Error getting Kubernetes context to rename: 'context to rename' argument not specified
53 rename Error getting Kubernetes context to rename: 'new context name' argument not specified
54 rename Error removing context from Kubernetes configuration


See here.



git clone && cd konf-sh

make build


🏗 work in progress

git clone && cd konf-sh

make test