Monitor the time used by your students on the computers
Here the student/administrator can sign in and be redirected to their respective windows. This login screen can not be closed by any means exept by entering the correct username and password or by entering the emergency password.
Here a student can get a summary of how much time they are left with to use the computer. There links to the student account where a student can view his or her sign in activities for the past week.
Here an administrator is prompted to open a web interface where he/she can manage user accounts e.g
- See which students are online
- Create students
- Block accounts belonging to students who misuse the computers
- View student's activities for the past week, month or 3 months
This program was made for schools that want to be leaders in the technology space. You can request for a quote by emailing Looking forward working with you.
For those who would want to clone and play around with this code please do not do so until I make documentation that can help you out because this system is powerful enough to lock you out of your own computer.
If you are going to go against what I have just mentioned please do so at your own risk.
This project is licenced under the MIT License meaning that you have freedom to checkout the source code and modify it provided that the changes you will make are also open source and Licensed under the MIT license