This RFC proposes adding support in the Wasmtime API for sharing host function definitions between multiple stores.
Wasmtime is currently well-suited for long-lived module instantiations, where a singular Instance
is created for a
WebAssembly program and the program is run to completion.
In this model, the time spent defining host functions for the instance is negligible because the setup is only performed once and the instance is, potentially, expected to run for a long time.
However, this model is not ideal for services that create short-lived instantiations for each service request, where the time spent creating host functions to import at instantiation-time can be considerable for the repeated creation of many instances.
As an instance is expected to live only for the duration of the request, each instance would be associated with its own Store
that is dropped when the request completes.
Given the nature of Store
isolation in Wasmtime, this means host function definitions must be recreated for each and every
request handled by the service.
If instead host functions could be defined for a Config
(in addition to Store
), then the repeated effort to define the
host functions would be eliminated and the time it takes to create an instance to handle a request would therefore be
noticeably reduced.
As Func
is inherently tied to a Store
, it cannot be used to represent a function associated with an Config
This RFC proposes not having an analogous type to represent these functions; instead, users will define the function via
methods on Config
, but use Store
(or a Linker
associated with a Store
) to get the Func
representing the function.
A simple example that demonstrates defining a host function in a Config
let mut config = Config::default();
config.wrap_host_func("", "hello", |caller: Caller, ptr: i32, len: i32| {
let mem = caller.get_export("memory").unwrap().into_memory().unwrap();
"Hello {}!",
std::str::from_utf8(unsafe{ &mem.data_unchecked()[ptr..ptr + len] }).unwrap()
let engine = Engine::new(&config);
let module = Module::new(
(import "" "hello" (func $hello (param i32 i32)))
(memory (export "memory") 1)
(func (export "run")
i32.const 0
i32.const 5
call $hello
(data (i32.const 0) "world")
let store = Store::new(module.engine());
let linker = Linker::new(&store);
let instance = linker.instantiate(&module)?;
let run = instance
This RFC proposes that the following methods be added to Config
/// Defines a host function for the [`Config`] for the given callback.
/// Use [`Store::get_host_func`] to get a [`Func`] representing the function.
/// Note that the implementation of `func` must adhere to the `ty`
/// signature given, error or traps may occur if it does not respect the
/// `ty` signature.
/// Additionally note that this is quite a dynamic function since signatures
/// are not statically known. For performance reasons, it's recommended
/// to use [`Config::wrap_host_func`] if you can because with statically known
/// signatures the engine can optimize the implementation much more.
/// The callback must be `Send` and `Sync` as it is shared between all engines created
/// from the `Config`. For more relaxed bounds, use [`Func::new`] to define the function.
pub fn define_host_func(
&mut self,
module: &str,
name: &str,
ty: FuncType,
func: impl Fn(Caller<'_>, &[Val], &mut [Val]) -> Result<(), Trap> + Send + Sync + 'static,
/// Defines a host function for the [`Config`] from the given Rust closure.
/// Use [`Store::get_host_func`] to get a [`Func`] representing the function.
/// See [`Func::wrap`] for information about accepted parameter and result types for the closure.
/// The closure must be `Send` and `Sync` as it is shared between all engines created
/// from the `Config`. For more relaxed bounds, use [`Func::wrap`] to wrap the closure.
pub fn wrap_host_func<Params, Results>(
&mut self,
module: &str,
name: &str,
func: impl IntoFunc<Params, Results> + Send + Sync,
Similar to Func::new
, define_host_func
will define an host function that can be used for any Wasm function type.
Similar to Func::wrap
, wrap_host_func
will generically accept different Fn
signatures to determine the WebAssembly type of
the function.
These methods will internally create an InstanceHandle
to represent the host function.
However, the instance handle will not owned by a store (as is the case with Func
); instead, the Config
will own the associated instance handles and deallocate them when dropped.
Note: the IntoFunc
trait is documented as internal to Wasmtime and will need to be extended to implement this feature;
therefore that will not be considered a breaking change.
To use host functions defined on a Config
as imports for module instantiation or as funcref
values, a Func
representation is
This proposal calls for adding the following methods to Store
/// Gets a host function from the [`crate::Config`] associated with this [`Store`].
/// Returns `None` if the given host function is not defined.
pub fn get_host_func(&self, module: &str, name: &str) -> Option<Func>;
/// Gets a context value from the store.
/// Returns a reference to the context value if present.
pub fn get<T: Any>(&self) -> Option<&T>;
/// Sets a context value into the store.
/// Returns the given value as an error if an existing value is already set.
pub fn set<T: Any>(&self, value: T) -> Result<(), T>;
will register the function's instance handle with the Store
, but as a borrowed handle which it is
not responsible for deallocation. As Store
keeps a reference on its associated Engine
(and therefore Config
), this ownership model should be
sufficient to prevent funcref
values or imports of shared host functions from outliving the function instance itself.
For host functions that require contextual data (e.g. WASI), the set
method will be used for associating context with
a Store
and it can later be retrieved via
There will be no changes to the API surface of Linker
to support the changes proposed in this RFC.
However, the Linker
implementation will be changed such that it will fallback to calling Store::get_host_func
resolving imports for Linker::instantiate
and Linker::module
This should allow for overriding shared host function imports in the Linker
if an import of the same name has already been defined
in the associated Config
is a type generated from wasmtime-wiggle
This proposal adds the following methods to the generated Wasi
/// Adds the WASI host functions to the given [`Wasmtime::Config`].
/// Host functions added to the config expect [`Wasi::set_context`] to be called.
/// WASI host functions will trap if the context is not set in the calling [`wasmtime::Store`].
pub fn add_to_config(config: &mut Config);
/// Sets the context in the given store.
/// This method must be called on a store that imports a WASI host function when using `Wasi::add_to_config`.
/// Returns the given context as an error if a context has already been set in the store.
pub fn set_context(store: &Store, ctx: WasiCtx) -> Result<(), WasiCtx>;
will add the various WASI functions to the given Config
The function implementations will expect that set_context
has been called for the Store
prior to any invocations.
If the context is not set, the WASI function implementations will trap.
let mut config = Config::default();
let engine = Engine::new(&config);
let module = Module::new(
(import "wasi_snapshot_preview1" "fd_write" (func $fd_write (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(memory (export "memory") 1)
(func (export "run")
i32.const 1
i32.const 0
i32.const 1
i32.const 12
call $fd_write
(data (i32.const 0) "\0C\00\00\00\0D\00\00\00\00\00\00\00Hello world!\n")
let store = Store::new(module.engine());
// Set the WasiCtx in the store
// Without this, the call to `fd_write` will trap
assert!(Wasi::set_context(&store, WasiCtxBuilder::new().build()?).is_ok());
let linker = Linker::new(&store);
let instance = linker.instantiate(&module)?;
let run = instance
No other designs have been considered.
Should this be exposed via Wasmtime-specific C API functions?
the right place for storing context? For WASI, this means all instances that use the same store will share theWasiCtx