Using Laravel and Vue.js, create an application which shows the weather for a set of users to demonstrate your coding chops.
Instructions are purposely left somewhat open-ended to allow the developer to make some of their own decisions on implementation and design. We have provided some initial scaffolding structure/examples, however feel free to make it your own and remove anything unnecessary.
- Clone this repository (not fork).
- Create a branch off of the
branch to do your work on. - Chose your own weather API, such as:
- Show a list of users and their current weather.
- Use the twenty randomized users generated from the seeder process, each having their own unique location (longitude and latitude).
- The current weather conditions shown here should be no older than 1 hour.
- Clicking a user should open a modal or screen, which shows that user's detailed weather report.
- The current weather conditions shown here should be no older than 1 hour.
- Internal API request(s) to retrieve weather data should take no longer than 500ms.
- Consider that external APIs could and will take longer than this from time to time and should be accounted for.
- The availability of external APIs is not guaranteed and should not cause the page to crash.
Once completed:
- Open a PR to merge the branch you did your work on into the
branch so our team can provide code review comments. - Send a link of your repository to the interviewer and let them know how long the exercise took.
- Redis is available (Docker service) if you wish to use it.
- Queues, workers, websockets could be useful.
- Feel free to use a frontend UI library such as PrimeVue, Vuetify, Bootstrap, Tailwind, etc.
- Include anything else you desire to show off your coding chops!
- Attention to detail
- Testability
- Best practices
- Design patterns
- This is not a designer test so the frontend does not have to look "good," but of course bonus points if you can make it look appealing.
- Navigate to
folder - Ensure version docker installed is active on host
- Copy .env.example:
cp .env.example .env
- Start docker containers
docker compose up
to run detached) - Connect to container to run commands:
docker exec -it fullstack-challenge-app-1 bash
- Make sure you are in the
path - Install php dependencies:
composer install
- Setup app key:
php artisan key:generate
- Migrate database:
php artisan migrate
- Seed database:
php artisan db:seed
- Run tests:
php artisan test
- Make sure you are in the
- Visit api:
- Navigate to
folder - Ensure nodejs v18 is active on host
- Install javascript dependencies:
npm install
- Run frontend:
npm run dev
- Visit frontend: