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Clocktable error with multiple source files from parent dir (report) :#28:
Background color reset for links and DONE headlines (report) :#27:
Better handling of fontenc in LaTeX export (report) :#26:
- State “DELEGATED” from “TODO” [2013-09-25 Mi 10:06]
Nicolas Girard is taking this up with TeX people
The idea is to put LaTeX code that does do the decision on what kind of encapsulation should be used, based on the LaTeX processor that actually runs.
org-clock-save.el state unwanted Resume clock prompt (report) :#25:
Duplicate agenda entries when enabling archives-mode (report) :#23:
How to trigger the clockcheck in an agenda view (report) :#22:
org-capture doesn’t narrow correctly if :prepend is t (report) :#18:
Makes ido think that some candidates are directories (report) :#16:
Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy (report) :#14:
Problem with special characters in dired and attachment paths (report) :#13:
Agenda does not restrict to file (report) :#11:
Three bugs/misfeatures in org-reveal (report) :#10:
- State “DELEGATED” from “TODO” [2015-01-31 sam. 13:07]
Delegated to ngz