Assorted hacks to interact with org-mode whilst working with OS X applications other than Emacs…
Pull information from other applications into org-mode.
org-mac-iCal – import OS X events into Emacs diary
Written by Christopher Suckling.
org-mac-link – Hyperlink to items in mac applications
grab the current link or selection from an open mac application and insert it as a hyperlink at point in an org-mode document. Written by Anthony Lander.
org-mac-mail-link – Hyperlink to messages in
A small elisp file that addresses linking to messages
directly via the org-capture
system. For wider application
support check out org-mac-link.
Push information from the current application into org-mode.
org-mac-protocol – create links and remember notes from a variety of OS X applications
Written by Christopher Suckling. Address Book support by Alexander Poslavsky.
Version: 0.634
A suite of scripts that allow the user to annotate their org-mode buffers without switching focus from other OS X applications.
The following applications are currently supported:
- Safari, including links to multiple tabs
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Address Book
- Skim
- BibDesk
- Pages
- Numbers
- Keynote
- iTunes
- Finder
- Terminal
A git repository, together with full documentation, can be found at
org-mac-maillink – linking to messages in OS X Microsoft Entourage app
A short Applescript/terminal hack that allows the user to create a link to a message from within the Microsoft Entourage application and paste it directly into an Org-mode file. The link uses the email’s subject line as its description. Written by Matt Strickland.
alfred-org-capture - Use Alfred to run org-capture
Use Alfred to call up org-capture from only a couple key strokes Written by JJ Asghar. With acknowledged work by Haider Rizvi, Robert P. Goldman, Alan Schmitt, Alexander Baier, and Damon Haley