error: downloading '' failed
status_code: 1
status_string: "Unsupported protocol"
Protocol "https" not supported or disabled in libcurl
Closing connection -1
This could be caused by a few things:
If you built your own CMake, you may not have built it with SSL enabled. Try this hunter documentation for more info, but the short version is, you should build cmake like this (described in hunter issue 328):
sudo apt install zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
./bootstrap --system-curl --parallel=`nproc`
make install
If you're using a system libcurl, it should probably have ssl support. If you built your own, you should probably do something along the lines of
/CurlExtractFolder$ ./configure --with--ssl
/CurlExtractFolder$ make
/CurlExtractFolder$ sudo make install
again, described in hunter issue 328.
Make a cmake toolchain file
Build cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<your file>