Andrew Apted
I created OBLIGE and I continue to develop it.
Chris Pisarczyk (Glaice)
- DOOM prefabs
- Skulltag Monsters module
- ZDoom Beastiary module
- DOOM 1 boss maps (most of them in fact)
- DOOM 2 boss maps (e.g. "dead simple" one)
- DOOM 1/2 theming
- Egypt theme for TNT Evilution
- an OBLIGE logo image
- additions to name generator
- lots of useful feedback
- general encouragement and support
Derek Braun (Dittohead)
- DOOM tech prefabs
Doctor Nick
- Makefile.macos file
- ZDoom Marines module
- Stealth Monsters module
- Level Control module
- various Skulltag stuff
- psychedelic level names
- Chex Quest game definition
- a DOOM "gotcha" style boss map
- lots of useful feedback
- fixes and tweaks
Jared Blackburn (blackjar)
- Hexen theming
Jon Vail (40oz)
- extensive work on name generator
- Cyberdemon arena map
- DOOM prefabs
Sam Trenholme
- Heretic theming
- workaround for the stair-building error
- lots of feedback and support
- numerous fixes
- Heretic boss maps
- DOOM 1 boss map
DoomJedi : Wolf3D testing, list of Wolf3D mods.
esselfortium : encouragement and detailed feedback.
gggmork : beta testing, detailed feedback.
flyingdeath : various feedback and useful suggestions.
leilei : initial Amulets & Armor definition, various feedback.
Maxim Samoylenko : encouragement and testing.
thesleeve : monster placement analysis.
.... and everyone else who provided feedback, bug reports, ideas for improvements (etc), both in email and on the forums. Your input has been greatly appreciated!
bg/lamp1.tga : by Lanea Zimmerman, under CC-BY 3.0 license. bg/block1.tga : by Keith333 (user on OGA), under CC-BY 3.0 license. bg/block2.tga : by Tiziana, under CC-BY 3.0 license.
Several textures and sprites from the FreeDoom project.
(All other title artwork is under CC0 license / public domain)
OBLIGE was written from scratch. It does not contain any code from SLIGE (by David Chess) or from any other random level generator.
OBLIGE uses a modified version of the Lua 5.1.5 scripting language, which is Copyright 1994-2012, PUC-Rio, and is under a permissive "MIT" license.
Part of the cave algorithm used in OBLIGE was described by Jim Babcock in his article: "Cellular Automata Method for Generating Random Cave-Like Levels".
OBLIGE uses the FLTK widget library (