Data | Description | Download |
Visual Genome | ln -s VG/images data/vg/images |
Official |
MSCOCO 2014 | ln -s coco2014/images data/refcoco/images |
Official |
Converted annotations | unzip |
OneDrive |
Meteor package | unzip -d controlcap/common/evaluation/ |
OneDrive |
Pre-trained ControlCap weights and logs (Optional) | mv <your_path>/ckpts/* ckpts/ |
OneDrive |
P.S. Files in BaiduDrive, the passpord is (3g1k).
To train and evaluate ControlCap, download the files in the table and arrange the files according to the file tree below. (Uploading)
P.S. The converted annotations are generated using
, the original annotations are as follows:
annotations of Visual Genome for dense captioning.
test_caption.json and mdetr_annotations of GlaMM for evaluating referring expression generation.