- Pandoc needs to be installed, it is used to convert markup formats to HTMLand as the template engine for HTML output.
- go 1.19 or better
- make if you want to the Makefile to build the project.
- pkgassets from cli for generating a new assets.go
- Caltech Library Go Packages
- github.com/caltechlibrary/cli
- github.com/caltechlibrary/rss2
- Website and documentation generation
- mkpage 1.0.2 or better
- datatools' codemeta2cff
Using go get
go get -u github.com/caltechlibrary/cli/...
go get -u github.com/caltechlibrary/mkpage/...
Manual using only the go command
for PNAME in byline mkpage mkrss mkslides reldocpath sitemapper titleline urldecode urlencode ws; do
go build -o "bin/${PNAME}" "cmds/${PNAME}/${PNAME}.go"
assets.go holds the go source code for a map containing the contents of the defaults directory (e.g. templates/page.tmpl and templates/slides.tmpl). If you modify those files you'll need to recreate assets.go. You can do so with the pkgassets tool.
pkgassets -o assets.go -p mkpage Defaults defaults
If you're not modifying the contents of the defaults directory you do not need to regenerate assets.go.