Tools to generate Python types based on TypedDict from a JSON schema
python3 -m pip install --user jsonschema-gentypes
Convert a JSON schema to a Python file contains the types:
jsonschema-gentypes --json-schema=<JSON schema> --python=<destination Python file>
You can also write a config file named jsonschema-gentypes.yaml
headers: >
# Automatically generated file from a JSON schema
# Used to correctly format the generated file
- - black
- - isort
- # JSON schema file path
source: jsonschema_gentypes/schema.json
# Python file path
destination: jsonschema_gentypes/
# The name of the root element
root_name: Config
# Argument passed to the API
additional_properties: Only explicit
# Rename an element
name_mapping: {}
# The minimum Python version that the code should support. By default the
# currently executing Python version is chosen. Note that the output
# may require typing_extensions to be installed.
python_version: '3.11'
And just run:
The default values are exported in the Python file, then you can do something like that:
value_with_default = my_object.get('field_name', my_schema.FIELD_DEFAULT)
Requires Python 3.8
See the issues with label "limitation".
This project provides pre-commit hooks to automatically generate the files.
- repo:
rev: <version> # Use the ref you want to point at
- id: jsonschema-gentypes
files: |
See also the pre_commit section in the configuration to run the pre-commit just after the generation, for example with:
enabled: true
- --color=never
We can also generate types for OpenAPI3 schemas (automatically detected).
The result of our example in tests/openapi3.json
can be used in pyramid with for example:
import pyramid.request
from pyramid.view import view_config
from openaoi3 import *
def open_api(func):
def wrapper(request: pyramid.request.Request, **kwargs) -> Any:
typed_request = {}
typed_request{'request_body'} = request.json
except Exception as e:
typed_request{'path'} = request.matchdict
typed_request{'query'} = request.params
return = func(request, request_typed=typed_request, **kwargs)
return wrapper
@view_config(route_name="route_name", renderer="json")
def view(
request: pyramid.request.Request,
request_typed: OgcapiCollectionsCollectionidGet,
) -> OgcapiCollectionsCollectionidGetResponse:
return {...}
Install the pre-commit hooks:
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install --allow-missing-config
The prospector
tests should pass.
The code should be typed.
The code should be tested with pytests