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Broker configuration
Broker configuration
Let's analyze how to configure the Zeebe Broker

A complete broker configuration template is available in the Zeebe repo.


Take the following conventions into consideration when working with the broker configuration.

Byte sizes

Buffers and data values referencing sizing must be specified as strings and follow the following format: "10U" where U (unit) must be replaced with KB = Kilobytes, MB = Megabytes or GB = Gigabytes. If unit is omitted then the default unit is simply bytes.

Example: sendBufferSize = "16MB" (creates a buffer of 16 Megabytes)

Time units

Timeouts, intervals, and the likes, must be specified either in the standard ISO-8601 format used by java.time.Duration, or as strings with the following format: "VU", where:

  • V is a numerical value (e.g. 1, 5, 10, etc.)
  • U is the unit, one of: ms = Millis, s = Seconds, m = Minutes, or h = Hours


Relative paths are resolved relative to the installation directory of the broker.


We provide tables with environment variables, application properties, a description, and corresponding default values in the following sections. We also describe a few use cases for each type of configuration.

Configuration names are noted as the header of each documented section, while the field values represent properties to set the configuration.

:::note The Zeebe Broker is a Spring Boot application. As such, many common Spring Boot properties will work out of the box.

Additionally, its REST server is a reactive Spring Boot server (powered by WebFlux), and can be configured using the standard server.* properties, as well as the usual WebFlux properties. Its management server (for example, where actuator endpoints live) is configured as a child application context, and is also a reactive WebFlux server. It can be configured via management.server.* properties.

Finally, the REST server is only serving requests if, and only if, the embedded gateway is enabled via true. :::


The server configuration allows you to configure the main REST server. Below are a few common ones, but you can find a more exhaustive list in the official Spring documentation.

Field Description Example value
host Sets the host the REST server binds to. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable SERVER_HOST.
port Sets the port the REST server binds to. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable SERVER_PORT. 8080


Field Description Example value
enabled If true, enables compression of responses for the REST API. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable SERVER_COMPRESION_ENABLED. false


Allows you to configure the SSL security for the REST server.

Field Description Example value
enabled If true, enables TLS for the REST API. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable SERVER_SSL_ENABLED. false
certificate The path to a PEM encoded certificate. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable SERVER_SSL_CERTIFICATE.
certificate-private-key The path to a PKCS1 or PKCS8 private key for the configured certificate. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable SERVER_SSL_CERTIFICATEPRIVATEKEY.

YAML snippet

  port: 8080
    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    certificate: /path/to/my/cert.pem
    certificate-private-key: /path/to/my/private.key


Field Description Example value
base-path The context path prefix for all REST API requests. For example, if you configure /zeebe, then the client's REST address would be http://localhost:8080/zeebe. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable SPRING_WEBFLUX_BASEPATH. /

YAML snippet

  base-path: /


The management.server configuration allows you to configure the management server.

Field Description Example value
host Sets the host the management server binds to. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable MANAGEMENT_SERVER_HOST.
port Sets the port the management server binds to. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable MANAGEMENT_SERVER_PORT. 8080
base-path The context path prefix for all management endpoints. For example, if you configure /zeebe, your actuator endpoints will be at http://localhost:9600/zeebe/actuator/configprops. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable MANAGEMENT_SERVER_BASEPATH. /

YAML snippet

  port: 9600
  base-path: /

To configure the embedded gateway, see Gateway config docs.

Field Description Example value
enable Enable the embedded gateway to start on broker startup. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_GATEWAY_ENABLE. false

YAML snippet

    enable: false

This section contains the network configuration. Particularly, it allows to configure the hosts and ports the broker should bind to. The broker exposes two sockets:

  1. command: the socket which is used for gateway-to-broker communication
  2. internal: the socket which is used for broker-to-broker communication
Field Description Example Value
host Controls the default host the broker should bind to. Can be overwritten on a per binding basis for client, management and replication. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_HOST.
advertisedHost Controls the advertised host (the contact point advertised to other brokers); if omitted defaults to the host. This is particularly useful if your broker stands behind a proxy. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_ADVERTISEDHOST.
portOffset If a port offset is set it will be added to all ports specified in the config or the default values. This is a shortcut to not always specifying every port. The offset will be added to the second last position of the port, as Zeebe requires multiple ports. As example a portOffset of 5 will increment all ports by 50, i.e. 26500 will become 26550 and so on. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_PORTOFFSET. 0
maxMessageSize Sets the maximum size of the incoming and outgoing messages (i.e. commands and events). This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_MAXMESSAGESIZE. 4MB
socketReceiveBuffer Sets the size of the socket's receive buffer for the broker. If omitted defaults to 1MB. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_SOCKETRECEIVEBUFFER. 4MB
socketSendBuffer Sets the size of the socket's send buffer for the broker. If omitted defaults to 1MB. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_SOCKETSENDBUFFER. 4MB

YAML snippet

  portOffset: 0
  maxMessageSize: 4MB
  socketReceiveBuffer: 4MB
  socketSendBuffer: 4MB

Field Description Example Value
enabled Enables TLS authentication between this gateway and other nodes in the cluster. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_SECURITY_ENABLED. false
certificateChainPath Sets the path to the certificate chain file. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_SECURITY_CERTIFICATECHAINPATH.
privateKeyPath Sets the path to the private key file location. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_SECURITY_PRIVATEKEYPATH.

YAML snippet

  enabled: false

Field Description Example Value
host Overrides the host used for gateway-to-broker communication. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_COMMANDAPI_HOST.
port Sets the port used for gateway-to-broker communication. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_COMMANDAPI_PORT. 26501
advertisedHost Controls the advertised host; if omitted defaults to the host. This is particularly useful if your broker stands behind a proxy. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_COMMANDAPI_ADVERTISEDHOST.
advertisedPort Controls the advertised port; if omitted defaults to the port. This is particularly useful if your broker stands behind a proxy. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_COMMANDAPI_ADVERTISEDPORT. 25601

YAML snippet

  port: 26501
  advertisedPort: 25601

Field Description Example Value
host Overrides the host used for internal broker-to-broker communication. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_INTERNALAPI_HOST.
port Sets the port used for internal broker-to-broker communication. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_INTERNALAPI_PORT. 26502
advertisedHost Controls the advertised host; if omitted defaults to the host. This is particularly useful if your broker stands behind a proxy. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_INTERNALAPI_ADVERTISEDHOST.
advertisedPort Controls the advertised port; if omitted defaults to the port. This is particularly useful if your broker stands behind a proxy. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_NETWORK_INTERNALAPI_ADVERTISEDPORT. 25602

YAML snippet

  port: 26502
  advertisedPort: 25602

This section allows to configure Zeebe's data storage. Data is stored in "partition folders". A partition folder has the following structure:

└── 1              (root partition folder)
    ├── 1.log
    ├── 2.log
    └── snapshots
        └── <snapshot-id>
                    └── xx.sst
    └── runtime
        └── yy.sst
Field Description Example Value
directory Specify the directory in which data is stored. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_DIRECTORY. data
runtimeDirectory Specify the directory in which runtime is stored. By default runtime is stored in directory for data. If runtimeDirectory is configured, then the configured directory will be used. It will have a subdirectory for each partition to store its runtime. There is no need to store runtime in a persistent storage. This configuration allows to split runtime to another disk to optimize for performance and disk usage. Note: If runtime is another disk than the data directory, files need to be copied to data directory while taking snapshot. This may impact disk i/o or performance during snapshotting. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_RUNTIMEDIRECTORY. null
logSegmentSize The size of data log segment files. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_LOGSEGMENTSIZE. 128MB
snapshotPeriod How often we take snapshots of streams (time unit). This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_SNAPSHOTPERIOD. 5m

YAML snippet

  directory: data
  runtimeDirectory: null
  logSegmentSize: 128MB
  snapshotPeriod: 5m

Field Description Example Value
enableMonitoring Configure disk monitoring to prevent getting into a non-recoverable state due to out of disk space. When monitoring is enabled, the broker rejects commands and pause replication when the required freeSpace is not available. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_DISK_ENABLEMONITORING true
monitoringInterval Sets the interval at which the disk usage is monitored. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_DISK_MONITORINGINTERVAL 1s

YAML snippet

  enableMonitoring: true
  monitoringInterval: 1s

Field Description Example Value
processing When the free space available is less than this value, this broker rejects all client commands and pause processing. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_DISK_FREESPACE_PROCESSING 2GB
replication When the free space available is less than this value, broker stops receiving replicated events. This value must be less than freeSpace.processing. It is recommended to configure free space large enough for at least one log segment and one snapshot. This is because a partition needs enough space to take a new snapshot to be able to compact the log segments to make disk space available again. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_DISK_FREESPACE_REPLICATION 1GB

YAML snippet

    processing: 2GB
    replication: 1GB

Configure backup store.


Use the same configuration on all brokers of this cluster.


Field Description Example Value
store Set the backup store type. Supported values are [NONE, S3, GCS, AZURE]. Default value is NONE. When NONE, no backup store is configured and no backup will be taken. Use S3 to use any S3 compatible storage, including, but not limited to, Amazon S3. Use GCS to use Google Cloud Storage. Use AZURE to employ Azure Cloud Storage. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_STORE. NONE

YAML snippet

  store: NONE

Configure the following if store is set to s3.


You can use any S3 compatible storage, including, but not limited to, Amazon S3.


Field Description Example Value
bucketName Name of the bucket where the backup will be stored. The bucket must be already created. The bucket must not be shared with other zeebe clusters. bucketName must not be empty. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_S3_BUCKETNAME.
endpoint Configure URL endpoint for the store. If no endpoint is provided, it will be determined based on the configured region. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_S3_ENDPOINT.
region Configure region. If no region is provided it will be determined as documented by your S3 compatible storage provider. If you use Amazon S3, it will be determined as documented. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_S3_REGION
accessKey Configure access credentials. If either accessKey or secretKey is not provided, it will be determined as documented, not based on your S3 compatible storage provider. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_S3_ACCESSKEY.
secretKey This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_S3_SECRETKEY.
apiCallTimeout Configure a maximum duration for all S3 client API calls. Lower values will ensure that failed or slow API calls don't block other backups but may increase the risk that backups can't be stored if uploading parts of the backup takes longer than the configured timeout. Amazon S3 users can refer here. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_S3_APICALLTIMEOUT. PT180S
forcePathStyleAccess When enabled, forces the s3 client to use path-style access. By default, the client will automatically choose between path-style and virtual-hosted-style. Should only be enabled if the s3 compatible storage cannot support virtual-hosted-style. Refer to your S3 compatible storage provider or the Amazon S3 docs for more information. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_S3_FORCEPATHSTYLEACCESS. false
compression When set to an algorithm such as 'zstd', enables compression of backup contents. When not set or set to 'none', backup content is not compressed. Enabling compression reduces the required storage space for backups in S3 but also increases the impact on CPU and disk utilization while taking a backup. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_S3_COMPRESSION none
basePath When set, all objects in the bucket will use this prefix. Must be non-empty and not start or end with '/'. Useful for using the same bucket for multiple Zeebe clusters. In this case, basePath must be unique. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_S3_BASEPATH.

YAML snippet

  store: s3
    bucketName: null
    endpoint: null
    region: null
    secretKey: null
    apiCallTimeout: PT180S
    forcePathStyleAccess: false
    compression: none
    basePath: null

Configure the following if store is set to GCS.

Field Description Example Value
bucketName Name of the bucket where the backup will be stored. The bucket must already exist. The bucket must not be shared with other Zeebe clusters unless basePath is also set. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_GCS_BUCKETNAME.
basePath When set, all blobs in the bucket will use this prefix. Useful for using the same bucket for multiple Zeebe clusters. In this case, basePath must be unique. Should not start or end with '/' character. Must be non-empty and not consist of only '/' characters. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_GCS_BASEPATH.
host When set, this overrides the host that the GCS client connects to. By default, this is not set because the client can automatically discover the correct host to connect to. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_GCS_HOST
auth Configures which authentication method is used for connecting to GCS. Can be either 'auto' or 'none'. Choosing 'auto' means that the GCS client uses application default credentials which automatically discovers appropriate credentials from the runtime environment: Choosing 'none' means that no authentication is attempted which is only applicable for testing with emulated GCS. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_GCS_AUTH. auto

YAML snippet

  store: gcs
    bucketName: null
    basePath: null
    host: null
    auth: auto

Configure the following if store is set to Azure.

Field Description Example Value
endpoint Name of the endpoint where the backup will be stored. Sets the blob service endpoint. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_AZURE_ENDPOINT.
accountName Account name used to connect to the service. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_AZURE_ACCOUNTNAME.
accountKey Account key used to connect to the service. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_AZURE_ACCOUNTKEY.
connectionString The connection string to connect to the service. If this is defined, it will override the account name, account key, and endpoint. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_AZURE_CONNECTIONSTRING.
basePath Used to define the container name where the blobs will be saved. This basePath cannot be null. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_DATA_BACKUP_AZURE_BASEPATH.

YAML snippet

  store: azure
    endpoint: null
    accountName: null
    accountKey: null
    connectionString: null
    basePath: null

This section contains all cluster related configurations, to setup a zeebe cluster.

Field Description Example Value
nodeId Specifies the unique ID of this broker node in a cluster. The ID should be between 0 and number of nodes in the cluster (exclusive). This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_NODEID. 0
partitionsCount Controls the number of partitions, which should exist in the cluster. This can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_PARTITIONSCOUNT. 1
replicationFactor Controls the replication factor, which defines the count of replicas per partition. The replication factor cannot be greater than the number of nodes in the cluster. This can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_REPLICATIONFACTOR. 1
clusterSize Specifies the zeebe cluster size. This value is used to determine which broker is responsible for which partition. This can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_CLUSTERSIZE. 1
initialContactPoints Allows to specify a list of known other nodes to connect to on startup. The contact points of the internal network configuration must be specified. The format is [HOST:PORT]. To guarantee the cluster can survive network partitions, all nodes must be specified as initial contact points. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_INITIALCONTACTPOINTS specifying a comma-separated list of contact points. Default is empty list. [, ]
clusterName Allows to specify a name for the cluster. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_CLUSTERNAME. zeebe-cluster
heartbeatInterval Configure heartbeatInterval. The leader sends a heartbeat to a follower every heartbeatInterval. Note: This is an advanced setting. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_HEARTBEATINTERVAL. 250ms
electionTimeout Configure electionTimeout. If a follower does not receive a heartbeat from the leader with in an election timeout, it can start a new leader election. electionTimeout should be greater than configured heartbeatInterval. When the electionTimeout is large, there will be delay in detecting a leader failure. When the electionTimeout is small, it can lead to false positives when detecting leader failures and thus leading to unnecessary leader changes. If the network latency between the nodes is high, it is recommended to have a higher election latency. Note: This is an advanced setting. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_ELECTIONTIMEOUT. 2500ms

YAML snippet

  nodeId: 0
  partitionsCount: 1
  replicationFactor: 1
  clusterSize: 1
  initialContactPoints: []
  clusterName: zeebe-cluster
  heartbeatInterval: 250ms
  electionTimeout: 2500ms

Field Description Example Value
raft Configure raft properties.
enablePriorityElection When this flag is enabled, the leader election algorithm attempts to elect the leaders based on a pre-defined priority. As a result, it tries to distributed the leaders uniformly across the brokers. Note that it is only a best-effort strategy. It is not guaranteed to be a strictly uniform distribution. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_RAFT_ENABLEPRIORITYELECTION. true

YAML snippet

  raft: enablePriorityElection = true

Field Description Example Value
flush Configures how often data is explicitly flushed to disk. By default, for a given partition, data is flushed on every leader commit, and every follower append. This is to ensure consistency across all replicas. Disabling this can cause inconsistencies, and at worst, data corruption or data loss scenarios. The default behavior is optimized for safety, and flushing occurs on every leader commit and follower append in a synchronous fashion. You can introduce a delay to reduce the performance penalty of flushing via delayTime.
enabled If false, explicit flushing of the Raft log is disabled, and flushing only occurs right before a snapshot is taken. You should only disable explicit flushing if you are willing to accept potential data loss at the expense of performance. Before disabling it, try the delayed options, which provide a trade-off between safety and performance. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_RAFT_FLUSH_ENABLED. true
delayTime If the delay is > 0, then flush requests are delayed by at least the given period. It is recommended that you find the smallest delay here with which you achieve your performance goals. It's also likely that anything above 30s is not useful, as this is the typical default flush interval for the Linux OS. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_RAFT_FLUSH_DELAYTIME. 0s

YAML snippet

    enabled: true
    delayTime: 0s

Configure parameters for SWIM protocol which is used to propagate cluster membership information among brokers and gateways.

Field Example Value Description
broadcastUpdates Configure whether to broadcast member updates to all members. If set to false updates will be gossiped among the members. If set to true the network traffic may increase but it reduce the time to detect membership changes. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_BROADCASTUPDATES. false
broadcastDisputes Configure whether to broadcast disputes to all members. If set to true the network traffic may increase but it reduce the time to detect membership changes. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_BROADCASTDISPUTES. true
notifySuspect Configure whether to notify a suspect node on state changes. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_NOTIFYSUSPECT. false
gossipInterval Sets the interval at which the membership updates are sent to a random member. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_GOSSIPINTERVAL. 250ms
gossipFanout Sets the number of members to which membership updates are sent at each gossip interval. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_GOSSIPFANOUT. 2
probeInterval Sets the interval at which to probe a random member. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_PROBEINTERVAL. 1s
probeTimeout Sets the timeout for a probe response. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_PROBETIMEOUT. 100ms
suspectProbes Sets the number of probes failed before declaring a member is suspect. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_SUSPECTPROBES. 3
failureTimeout Sets the timeout for a suspect member is declared dead. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_FAILURETIMEOUT. 10s
syncInterval Sets the interval at which this member synchronizes its membership information with a random member. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MEMBERSHIP_SYNCINTERVAL. 10s

YAML snippet

  broadcastUpdates: false
  broadcastDisputes: true
  notifySuspect: false
  gossipInterval: 250ms
  gossipFanout: 2
  probeInterval: 1s
  probeTimeout: 100ms
  suspectProbes: 3
  failureTimeout: 10s
  syncInterval: 10s

Configure the parameters used to propagate the dynamic cluster configuration across brokers and gateways.

Field Description ExampleValue
syncDelay Sets the interval between two synchronization requests to other members of the cluster. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_CONFIGMANAGER_GOSSIP_SYNCDELAY 10s
syncRequestTimeout Sets the timeout for the synchronization requests. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_CONFIGMANAGER_GOSSIP_SYNCREQUESTTIMEOUT 2s
gossipFanout Sets the number of cluster members the configuration is gossiped to. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_CONFIGMANAGER_GOSSIP_GOSSIPFANOUT 2

YAML snippet

    syncDelay: 10s
    syncRequestTimeout: 2s
    gossipFanout: 2

This feature is useful when the network latency between the nodes is very high (for example when nodes are deployed in different data centers).

When latency is high, the network bandwidth is severely reduced. Hence enabling compression helps to improve the throughput.

:::caution When there is no latency enabling this may have a performance impact. :::

:::note When this flag is enables, you must also enable compression in standalone broker configuration. :::

Field Description Example Value
messageCompression Configure compression algorithm for all messages sent between the gateway and the brokers. Available options are NONE, GZIP and SNAPPY. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_CLUSTER_MESSAGECOMPRESSION. NONE

YAML snippet

messageCompression: NONE

Field Example Value Description
cpuThreadCount Controls the number of non-blocking CPU threads to be used. WARNING: You should never specify a value that is larger than the number of physical cores available. Good practice is to leave 1-2 cores for ioThreads and the operating system (it has to run somewhere). For example, when running Zeebe on a machine which has 4 cores, a good value would be 2. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_THREADS_CPUTHREADCOUNT. 2
ioThreadCount Controls the number of io threads to be used. These threads are used for workloads that write data to disk. While writing, these threads are blocked which means that they yield the CPU. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_THREADS_IOTHREADCOUNT. 2

YAML snippet

  cpuThreadCount: 2
  ioThreadCount: 2

Replaces the deprecated configuration.

Field Description Example Value
enabled Set this to enable flow control for user requests. When enabled the broker rejects user requests when the number of inflight requests is greater than than the "limit". The value of the "limit" is determined based on the configured algorithm. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_ENABLED. true
algorithm The algorithm configures which algorithm to use for the flow control. It should be one of vegas, aimd, fixed, gradient, or gradient2. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_ALGORITHM. aimd
useWindowed If enabled, will use the average latencies over a window as the current latency to update the limit. It is not recommended to enable this when the algorithm is aimd. This setting is not applicable to fixed limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_USEWINDOWED. false

YAML snippet

    enabled: true
    algorithm: aimd
    useWindowed: false

Field Description Example Value
requestTimeout The limit will be reduced if the observed latency is greater than the requestTimeout. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_AIMD_REQUESTTIMEOUT. 200ms
initialLimit The initial limit to be used when the broker starts. The limit will be reset to this value when the broker restarts. This setting can also be overridden using the environment ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_AIMD_INITIALLIMIT. 100
minLimit The minimum limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_AIMD_MINLIMIT. 1
maxLimit The maximum limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL__REQUEST_AIMD_MAXLIMIT. 1000
backoffRatio The backoffRatio is a double value x such that x is between 0 and 1. It determines the factor by which the limit is decreased. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_AIMD_BACKOFFRATIO. 0.9

YAML snippet

  algorithm: aimd
    requestTimeout: 200ms
    initialLimit: 100
    minLimit: 1
    maxLimit: 1000
    backoffRatio: 0.9

Field Description Example Value
limit Set a fixed limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_FIXED_LIMIT. 20

YAML snippet

  algorithm: fixed
    limit: 20

Field Description Example Value
initialLimit The initial limit to be used when the broker starts. The limit will be reset to this value when the broker restarts. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_VEGAS_INITIALLIMIT. 20
alpha The limit is increased if the queue size is less than this value. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_VEGAS_ALPHA. 3
beta The limit is decreased if the queue size is greater than this value. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_VEGAS_BETA. 6

YAML snippet

  algorithm: vegas
    initialLimit: 20
    alpha: 3
    beta: 6

Field Description Example Value
minLimit The minimum limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_GRADIENT_MINLIMIT. 10
initialLimit The initial limit to be used when the broker starts. The limit will be reset to this value when the broker restarts. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_GRADIENT_INITIALLIMIT. 20
rttTolerance Tolerance for changes from minimum latency. A value ≥ 1.0 indicating how much change from minimum latency is acceptable before reducing the limit. For example, a value of 2.0 means that a 2x increase in latency is acceptable. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_GRADIENT_RTTTOLERANCE 2.0

YAML snippet

  algorithm: gradient
    minLimit: 10
    initialLimit: 20
    rttTolerance: 2.0

Field Description Example Value
minLimit The minimum limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_GRADIENT2_MINLIMIT. 10
initialLimit The initial limit to be used when the broker starts. The limit will be reset to this value when the broker restarts. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_GRADIENT2_INITIALLIMIT. 20
rttTolerance Tolerance for changes from minimum latency. A value ≥ 1.0 indicating how much change from minimum latency is acceptable before reducing the limit. For example, a value of 2.0 means that a 2x increase in latency is acceptable. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_GRADIENT2_RTTTOLERANCE. 2.0
longWindow longWindow is the length of the window (the number of samples) to calculate the exponentially smoothed average latency. This setting can also be overridden using the environment ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_REQUEST_GRADIENT2_LONGWINDOW. 600

YAML snippet

  algorithm: gradient2
    minLimit: 10
    initialLimit: 20
    rttTolerance: 2.0
    longWindow: 600

Field Description Example Value
enabled Set this to enable or disable flow control for all writes. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_WRITE_ENABLED. false
rampUp Time period during which the write limit gradually increases to the configured limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_WRITE_RAMPUP. 10s
limit The maximum number of record that can be written per second. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_WRITE_LIMIT. 1000

YAML snippet

  enabled: false
  rampUp: 10s
  limit: 1000

Field Description Example Value
enabled Set this to enable or disable write throttling based on the exporting backlog. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_WRITE_THROTTLING_ENABLED. false
acceptableBacklog The number of records that can be in the exporting backlog. The write rate is throttled such that the backlog stabilizes around this value when exporting is a bottleneck. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_WRITE_THROTTLING_ACCEPTABLEBACKLOG. 100000
minimumLimit The minimum write limit that is guaranteed even when throttling. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_WRITE_THROTTLING_MINIMUMLIMIT. 100
resolution The frequency at which the throttling is updated. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_FLOWCONTROL_WRITE_THROTTLING_RESOLUTION. 15s

YAML snippet

    enabled: false
    acceptableBacklog: 100000
    minimumLimit: 100
    resolution: 15s

Field Description Example Value
enabled Set this to enable or disable backpressure. When enabled the broker rejects user requests when the number of inflight requests is greater than than the "limit". The value of the "limit" is determined based on the configured algorithm. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_ENABLED. true
useWindowed if enabled - will use the average latencies over a window as the current latency to update the limit. It is not recommended to enable this when the algorithm is aimd. This setting is not applicable to fixed limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_USEWINDOWED. true
algorithm The algorithm configures which algorithm to use for the backpressure. It should be one of vegas, aimd, fixed, gradient, or gradient2. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_ALGORITHM. aimd

YAML snippet

  enabled: true
  useWindowed: true
  algorithm: aimd

Field Description Example Value
requestTimeout The limit will be reduced if the observed latency is greater than the requestTimeout. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_AIMD_REQUESTTIMEOUT. 200ms
initialLimit The initial limit to be used when the broker starts. The limit will be reset to this value when the broker restarts. This setting can also be overridden using the environment ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_AIMD_INITIALLIMIT. 100
minLimit The minimum limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_AIMD_MINLIMIT. 1
maxLimit The maximum limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_AIMD_MAXLIMIT. 1000
backoffRatio The backoffRatio is a double value x such that x is between 0 and 1. It determines the factor by which the limit is decreased. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_AIMD_BACKOFFRATIO. 0.9

YAML snippet

  algorithm: aimd
    requestTimeout: 200ms
    initialLimit: 100
    minLimit: 1
    maxLimit: 1000
    backoffRatio: 0.9

Field Description Example Value
limit Set a fixed limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_FIXED_LIMIT. 20

YAML snippet

  algorithm: fixed
    limit: 20

Field Description Example Value
initialLimit The initial limit to be used when the broker starts. The limit will be reset to this value when the broker restarts. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_VEGAS_INITIALLIMIT. 20
alpha The limit is increased if the queue size is less than this value. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_VEGAS_ALPHA. 3
beta The limit is decreased if the queue size is greater than this value. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_VEGAS_BETA. 6

YAML snippet

  algorithm: vegas
    initialLimit: 20
    alpha: 3
    beta: 6

Field Description Example Value
minLimit The minimum limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_GRADIENT_MINLIMIT. 10
initialLimit The initial limit to be used when the broker starts. The limit will be reset to this value when the broker restarts. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_GRADIENT_INITIALLIMIT. 20
rttTolerance Tolerance for changes from minimum latency. A value ≥ 1.0 indicating how much change from minimum latency is acceptable before reducing the limit. For example, a value of 2.0 means that a 2x increase in latency is acceptable. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_GRADIENT_RTTTOLERANCE 2.0

YAML snippet

  algorithm: gradient
    minLimit: 10
    initialLimit: 20
    rttTolerance: 2.0

Field Description Example Value
minLimit The minimum limit. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_GRADIENT2_MINLIMIT. 10
initialLimit The initial limit to be used when the broker starts. The limit will be reset to this value when the broker restarts. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_GRADIENT2_INITIALLIMIT. 20
rttTolerance Tolerance for changes from minimum latency. A value ≥ 1.0 indicating how much change from minimum latency is acceptable before reducing the limit. For example, a value of 2.0 means that a 2x increase in latency is acceptable. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_GRADIENT2_RTTTOLERANCE. 2.0
longWindow longWindow is the length of the window (the number of samples) to calculate the exponentially smoothed average latency. This setting can also be overridden using the environment ZEEBE_BROKER_BACKPRESSURE_GRADIENT2_LONGWINDOW. 600

YAML snippet

  algorithm: gradient2
    minLimit: 10
    initialLimit: 20
    rttTolerance: 2.0
    longWindow: 600

Each exporter should be configured following this template:

Field Description Example Value
exporters Configure exporters below
jarPath path to the JAR file containing the exporter class. JARs are only loaded once, so you can define two exporters that point to the same JAR, with the same class or a different one, and use args to parametrize its instantiation.
className entry point of the exporter, a class which must extend the io.camunda.zeebe.exporter.Exporter interface. A nested table as "args:" will allow you to inject arbitrary arguments into your class through the use of annotations. These setting can also be overridden using the environment variables "ZEEBE_BROKER_EXPORTERS_[exporter name]_..."

YAML snippet


An example configuration for the Elasticsearch exporter can be found here. (OpenSearch Exporter)

An example configuration for the OpenSearch exporter can be found here. (Camunda Exporter)

An example configuration for the Camunda exporter can be found here.

Field Description Example Value
maxCommandsInBatch Sets the maximum number of commands that processed within one batch. The processor will process until no more follow up commands are created by the initial command or the configured limit is reached. By default, up to 100 commands are processed in one batch. Can be set to 1 to disable batch processing. Must be a positive integer number. Note that the resulting batch size will contain more entries than this limit because it includes follow up events. When resulting batch size is too large (see maxMessageSize), processing will be rolled back and retried with a smaller maximum batch size. Lowering the command limit can reduce the frequency of rollback and retry. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_PROCESSING_MAXCOMMANDSINBATCH. 100

YAML snippet

processing: maxCommandsInBatch = 100

Experimental configuration

See the experimental section of the broker.yaml.template.

Be aware that all configuration's which are part of the experimental section are subject to change and can be dropped at any time.

Multitenancy configuration

For an embedded gateway setup, any gateway property can be passed along to the StandaloneBroker by prefixing

Multi-tenancy in Zeebe can be configured with the following configuration properties. Multi-tenancy is disabled by default. Read more in the multi-tenancy documentation.

:::note For now, multi-tenancy is only supported in combination with Identity. To use multi-tenancy, you must set authentication.mode to 'identity' and specify the camunda.identity.baseUrl property or the corresponding Camunda Identity environment variable as well. :::

:::note If you are using a standalone gateway, refer to the gateway configuration guide. :::

Field Description Example value
enabled Enable multitenancy in the embedded gateway. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_GATEWAY_MULTITENANCY_ENABLED. false
YAML snippet
      enabled: false

Field Description Example value
mode Controls which authentication mode is active; supported modes are none and identity. If identity is set, authentication will be done using camunda-identity, which needs to be configured in the corresponding subsection. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_GATEWAY_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_MODE. none
YAML snippet
    mode: none

:::note The Zeebe configuration properties for Camunda Identity are deprecated as of version 8.4.0. Use the dedicated Camunda Identity properties or the corresponding environment variables. :::

Field Description Example value
issuerBackendUrl The URL to the auth provider backend, used to validate tokens. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_GATEWAY_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_IDENTITY_ISSUERBACKENDURL. http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/camunda-platform
audience The required audience of the auth token. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_GATEWAY_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_IDENTITY_AUDIENCE. zeebe-api
baseUrl The URL to the Identity instance. This setting can also be overridden using the environment variable ZEEBE_BROKER_GATEWAY_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION_IDENTITY_BASEURL. http://identity:8084
YAML snippet
    mode: identity
      issuerBackendUrl: http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/camunda-platform
      audience: zeebe-api
      type: keycloak