This is a LaTeX template for a thesis in Computer Science at CMU, for use with the excellent
package. It began life as the class
file and
template hosted on David Koes's
website, but it seems that a Ship-of-Theseus situation occurred at some point during my hacking.
The included cmutr.sty
was written by Matt Zekauskas, and produces a "CMU tech report"-compliant
title page. The font choices (Libertine and Inconsolata) are those of acmart.sty
The book
document class, like article
, is intentionally simple. In contrast, memoir
bells and whistles you may find useful when writing a book (or thesis), including features found in
the fancyhdr
, subfigure
, geometry
, and epigraph
packages, among others.
I also include (and recommend) the biblatex
, microtype
, and cleveref
packages. All of these,
especially memoir
, have extensive documentation available on CTAN or via texdoc