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Antony Male edited this page Oct 24, 2015 · 5 revisions

In almost every project I've needed to hide/show an element based on some bool value in the ViewModel. You can do this with DataTriggers, or using a converter.

The converter implementation is very simple: when bound to a bool property, if it reads a true value, it returns one (preconfigured) visibility, if it reads a false value, it returns another.

If you bind in to a property of a type other than bool, it will use the following rules:

  1. If the value is null, it's treated as false
  2. If the value is 0 (as an int, float, double, etc), it's treated as false
  3. If the value is an empty collection, dictionary, etc, it's treated as false
  4. Otherwise, it's treated as true

This matches the truthsy/falsy rules seen in many languages. It's also handy if, say, you want to show a ListView if and only if the collection it's bound to isn't empty.

Basic example usage:

<!-- In any .Resources section - doesn't have to be Window.Resources -->
   <s:BoolToVisibilityConverter x:key="boolToVisConverter" TrueVisibility="Visible" FalseVisibility="Hidden"/>

<!-- Later in code -->
<TextBlock Visibility="{Binding SomeBoolProperty, Converter={StaticResource boolToVisConverter}}"/>

If you want the (usual) case of a converter which uses Visiblity.Visible for the true case, and Visibility.Collapsed for the false case, there's a shortcut:

<TextBlock Visibility="{Binding SomeBoolProperty, Converter={x:Static s:BoolToVisibilityConverter.Instance}}"/>
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