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A Open Source Plug & Play Online Customer Communication Platform. On PPMessage, you can chat with your customer via Web or mobile App. As open source Intercom alternative, nothing needs change, you can start a SAAS with PPMessage.

PPMessage targets to be deployed on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows systems. And PPMessage is a clearly API system which could be integrated with any open source Content Management System like Wordpress, Drupal and any commercial system even a e-commerce system.

PPMessage includes a backend system which exposes oauth and web service APIs, a frontend SDK named PPCom, a frontend App named PPKefu.

PPCom run on customer user side, and can be integrated in Web site via a single line Javascript code or integrated in mobile App with PPCom mobile API. Customer use PPCom to communicate with service user.

PPKefu run on service user side, service user can use PPKefu application to communicate with customer user. PPKefu can run on Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS and Web.

PPConsole is Web user interface of PPMessage and open sourced as well. After PPMessage backend running, PPConsole provided a Web interface to help the service team leader to setup the PPMessage system.

In the following, it is a simple guide to help developer delopy PPMessage backend and generate Web version of PPCom and PPKefu on Mac OS X. Want to know more, please go to PPMessage Site get more detail documents about PPMessage.

Run PPMessage on Mac OS X


  • Homebrew

      /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
    • Install command
      brew install hg autoconf libtool automake redis libmagic mysql libjpeg libffi fdk-aac lame mercurial
      brew tap homebrew/services
      brew tap homebrew/nginx
      brew install nginx-full --with-upload-module
      brew install ffmpeg --with-fdk-aac --with-opencore-amr --with-libvorbis --with-opus
    • Or use ppmessage/scripts/ to install automatically
  • Manual download

    • Apns-client source
      hg clone
      cd ./apns-client; sudo -H python install; cd -
    • Geolite2 library source
      git clone --recursive
      cd libmaxmindb; ./bootstrap; ./configure; make; make install; cd -
    • Geolite2 DB (assuming you have cloned the ppmessage source, and under the root ppmessage directory.)
      cd ppmessage/api/geolite2
      gunzip GeoLite2-City.mmdb.gz
      cd -

    sh ppmessage/scripts/ is an alternative scripts way which PPMessage provides.

    • Mysql connector python
      wget -c
      tar zxvf mysql-connector-python-2.1.3.tar.gz
      cd mysql-connector-python-2.1.3
      sudo python install
      cd -
  • Python pip

    • Install command
      sudo -H pip install AxmlParserPY beautifulsoup4 biplist certifi cffi chardet cryptography evernote filemagic geoip2 green identicon ipaddr jieba matplotlib maxminddb numpy paho-mqtt paramiko Pillow ppmessage-mqtt pyOpenSSL pyparsing pypinyin python-dateutil python-gcm qiniu qrcode readline redis requests rq scikit-learn scipy six SQLAlchemy supervisor tornado xlrd
    • Or use ppmessage/scrips/ to install automatically

Config mysql and redis

  • Mysql user and password (replace DB_PASSWORD with what you want to set as mysql password)
    brew services list
    brew services start mysql
    mysqladmin -uroot password DB_PASSWORD
  • Redis

    • Start redis
    brew services list
    brew services start redis

Config and prepare PPMessage

Assuming you have clone ppmessage and under ppmessage directory. In the directory, you can see files and ppmessage directory.

Check the requirements are ready or not. needs super user permission

    sudo python ppmessage/scripts/

Use your text editor (vim/emacs/sublime) to edit the config file in PPMessage

    vim ppmessage/bootstrap/

Bootstrap PPMessage based on your customized file

    sh bootstrap

Generate PPCom/PPKefu/PPConsole - web version

PPCom has iOS and Android SDK. PPKefu has Android, iOS, Windows PC, Mac OS X PC application.

Bower components install

Install Web javascript libraries via bower.

    sh bower

Node components install

Install node.js components via npm.

    sh npm

Run gulp task

Use gulp task to generate final PPCom/PPKefu/PPConsole javascript file.

    sh gulp

Start/Stop PPMessage server

    sh start
    sh stop

See log

    sh log


Use your browser open your server url which has been configed in file.



