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Alpha: basic web-service and client, no logging, so try to add it by yourself
Beta: default logging (config only)
Gamma: custom logging (via custom code)
Delta: https + basic authentication
Epsilon: code-only endpoints (no config files at all)
Clone the repository or download as zip file .
Open and build solution \src\Library (so you will have \WcfSoapLogger\bin\Debug\WcfSoapLogger.dll)
Open and build solution \src\UsageExamples\ExampleCommon (it contains common example code as dll)
Open any example solution as admin and set it to launch both service and client
Build and run solution, it will automatically open service url and logging folder
How to setup https for example Delta
First, you need an https certificate. Let's take one generated by Fiddler when it intercepts https requests
Run Fiddler, enable it to see https, and open
Run certmgr.msc -> Personal -> Certificates, find * , and export it as file with private key
Run mmc -> File -> Add Snap-in -> Certificates -> Computer account -> Local -> Personal -> Certificates, and import that file
Set its thumbprint in \ExampleDelta\Service\LinkSSLtoPort.bat and run it as admin
Open hosts file in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc , add line
Run Visual Studio as admin and open solution Delta
Launch both service and client, it should work
How to launch both service and client
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