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ba2f6ff · Jul 29, 2024


329 lines (264 loc) · 13.6 KB

File metadata and controls

329 lines (264 loc) · 13.6 KB


  • reference page (all on one page) - - Cmd+F friendly

  • arbitrary precision integers as the default (do we ever want 8-bit 16-bit ones etc?)

  • record destructuring that allows renaming

  • pattern match pinning? ^, allowing to check against variables and not just literals?

  • case..of that takes the same pattern across multiple cases:

  match t with
  | ML.Var (pos, _) | ML.Hole (pos, _) | ML.Abs (pos, _, _)
  | ML.App (pos, _, _) | ML.Let (pos, _, _, _, _) | ML.Annot (pos, _, _)
  | ML.Tuple (pos, _) | ML.LetProd (pos, _, _, _)
  | ML.Variant (pos, _, _) | ML.Match (pos, _, _)
    -> pos
  • String pattern matching ("ABC" ++ rest ++ "DEF"), similar to List pattern matching

    • TODO somehow also pattern match on a char? 'C' ++ str seems easy enough but what about arbitrary char?
  • [](): the postfix "array-access" operator

    • [n], [-n], [m..n], [m...n], [str]
    • examples:
      • list[2]
      • list[-1]
      • list[2..3]
      • array[0]
      • array[-2]
      • tuple[2]
      • tuple[-n] probably not useful?
      • tuple[2..3] - dropping first 2 elements? is that doable?
      • string[0]
      • string[2]
      • string[0..2]
      • dict["xyz"]
      • record["abc"] ?? unsure if we can do that type-safely. probably not or only with literals
  • functions can have multiple arities with different implementations (and return types)

    • (Seq.sum(lambda, seq) vs Seq.sum(seq))
    • can have the same arity multiple times, dispatching on the input types
  • automatic tail recursion (Erlang/Elm style)

  • ++ for sequence-adding

    • with overloaded operators, it could be arbitrary:
      • A ++ [B,C,D] --> [A,B,C,D]
      • [A,B,C] ++ D --> [A,B,C,D]
      • [A,B]++[C,D] --> [A,B,C,D]
  • type annotations

    • can be omitted if the function has single variant (arity + set of arg types + return type)
    • must be present if there are multiple variants, and must directly precede the function
    • either argument name can be omitted, or argument type can be omitted, but not both
    • arguments are enforced if there are multiple arguments of the same type
      • foo(Int, Int): Int // <- disallowed
      • foo(x: Int, Int): Int // <- disallowed
      • foo(x: Int, y: Int): Int // <- allowed
      • in new syntax: foo : x:Int -> y:Int -> Int
    • return type cannot be omitted
  • Extending others' modules with new functions and constants

  • if ... then ... without else implicitly returns () from the else, which means the then... also needs to return ().

    • automatic monad-wrapping of the ()? That's probably the only place where this would make sense.
  • deep record updates: {...old.x, foo: + 1}

  • compile to HVM -> by proxy to native, parallel

  • ranges: 1..5, 1...5, 1,3..8, 5..1, 5...1, 5,3..-8 = list-like things. Likely a Sequence protocol like Clojure has, and majority of stdlib working on sequences rather than lists?

  • implements LSP(?) and Debug Adapter Protocol (to have VSCode/... debugger out of box)

  • holes? to aid programming and ask the typechecker for its opinion

    • might be cool if not only the compiler tells you, but the LSP tells you or the formatter replaces the hole with the needed type
  • Fraction type?

  • operator overloading probably done in the Kotlin way: operator fun plus, etc.

  • Probably no <| pipelines? << and >> still might have their place.

  • inline pragmas? for to become tail-safe etc.

  • Opaque types by default? Keyword for opt-in transparency instead of for opt-in opaqueness?

lambda syntax like TS and Kotlin? (i: X, j: Y) => expression? Would be more familiar than Elm's \i j -> expression or Roc's \i,j -> expression


Would really love them to make more precise constructors and more powerful pattern matching:


type Expr a where
  I : Int -> Expr Int
  B : Bool -> Expr Bool
  Add : Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
  Mul : Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
  Eq : Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool

eval : Expr a -> a      -- see? no `Maybe (Either Int Bool)`
eval expr =
  case expr of
    I i -> i                        -- see?
    B b -> b                        -- these two rows?
    Add e1 e2 -> eval e1 + eval e2
    Mul e1 e2 -> eval e1 * eval e2
    Eq e1 e2 -> eval e1 == eval e2  -- see? no manual checking of impossible cases!

  • automatic letrec

  • explicit qualification like etc. is preferable over typeclass-y fmap

  • functions can be implicitly namespaced, as if methods on a type

    • Logger.pure(
    • pure and bind are used in the monad blocks MonadName { ... } by the compiler
    • can we later do something cool with the namespace itself?
      • see monad-state test, with derive IdGen.each as Monad.each
  • dot notation: myXY.addX(1) if there is a fn XY.addX

    • do we want it?
    • it will undermine the preference
  • name collisions of type constructors can have collisions; they need to be distinguished like:

    • type X = A | B(Int)
    • type Y = A | B(Int)
    • foo = A // error
    • foo = X.A // ok!
  • Automatic hole driven development / expansion?


  • check out OCaml modules

  • anonymous ADTs? check out open unions/tags in Roc/Grace/...

  • default arguments?

  • typeclasses? interfaces? protocols? late extension of those? (Clojure, Kotlin)

    • adhoc polymorphism: function overloading, sep. implementations for different types
    • parametric polymorphism: one function with one implementation working on many types
      • id : a -> a
      • map : (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
    • open: allow adding after the fact (not just near the type/class definition)
    • Haskell typeclasses: 0 or 1 implementations, never more (can be done with newtypes)
    • George Wilson:
    • no hierarchy / inheritance; object conforms to a protocol only if it implements the contract
    • Haskell: dispatches on the return type as well. Clojure: dispatches only on first fn arg
    • Haskell: allows overloading even values, not just functions (minBound)
  • extension functions / objects / vals

  • unsure: imports: by default import SplitMix implies exposing (SplitMix) if the module exposes that. (Should this default/principal type to import be defined in the imported module?)

  • unsure: do we want the order of definitions to not matter? Probably not

  • example of scripting main that takes cmdline args, and perhaps reads

  • guard syntax for equational style? perhaps not?

  • does dot syntax putting things on the left instead of on the right (like |>) play nice? Isn't it contradictory? Which way wins in the stdlib? Should those be unified?

  • does ordered let together with implicit main mean top level declarations are ordered like F# is?

  • how to do multiline strings?

  • as to be an allowed identifier

  • ! for do-notation: do we want to allow it anywhere, not just once per line?

    • foo = f!(x!,y,z!) translates to
      xx = x!
      zz = z!
      foo = f!(xx,y,zz)
  • postfix op for seq access - desugar to getAt? Not all seqs would implement that

    • [1] -> getAt(i: Int, coll: Seq(a)): Maybe(a) given ...
    • [-1] -> -//-
    • [1..3] -> getAt(r: Range, coll: Seq(a)): Maybe(a) given ...
    • [1,3..8] -> -//-
    • [3..] ? do we want to allow infinite ranges?
  • collection API:

  • collection API: HandAxe?


  • algebraic effects? have a specific way to say "no effect!" but otherwise the default is that whatever usages do, we do also? have a way to say "at least +Log", or "whatever, but disallow Log"?


Data structures - Okasaki? Clojure impl? Fast F# - "Writing a dictionary", fast hashing/... etc.

  • value1: Doc = ... translates to:
    value1: Doc
    value1 = ...


  • plugging into comparable, appendable, ...
  • custom operators
  • custom everything (full language unlocked -- effect modules etc.)
  • deriving implementations of Functor etc.
  • GADTs
  • some form of do notation?
  • A|B|C -> or patterns
  • equational fn declarations
  • lambda holes
  • Extension functions / values


  • pipeline style
  • explicit function qualification
  • immutability
  • purity


  • OCaml modules
  • Algebraic effects instead of monads?

  • ' and _ in identifiers

  • ? and - in identifiers?

  • eprintln

  • check out jakt::libc::io. How will we do this in HVM?

  • punning for function calls? (probably only makes sense if we forced f(x=1,y=2) in some places)

  • auto-derived Printable/... (doesn't need an inverse Read instance)

  • Seqs (eg. for infinite ranges):

Tests: "they don't run by default; but they are exposed values (if not private), they all compile down to (() -> TestResult) and you can run them from the REPL etc. or even use them in your program

Interpreter: don't parse + interpret stdlib on each run. What are our options? Compiling to bytecode? Have the final (non-OCaml but HVM?) interpreter run on HVM code anyway, so the stdlib can be a precompiled HVM file to be concatenated to the rest?

Current thinking about monads:

Monad syntax sugar:

  1. Monad-y code needs to be run inside MonadName { ... } blocks.
  2. MonadName { ... } blocks are available if these functions are in scope: MonadName.pure MonadName.bind
  3. IO { ... } is implicit if omitting main().
  4. If a monadic value is to be left "unwrapped", use x = monadicValue or x = monadicValue(x,y,z) if creating it needs arguments.
  5. If a monadic value is to be executed, use x = monadicValue! or x = monadicValue!(x,y,z) if creating it needs arguments.
  6. If not binding the result to a name, _ = can be omitted: log!("hello") // is the same as _ = log!("hello")
  7. Non-monadic exprs without an x = binding are only allowed as the last stmt

We should allow the last bang (x!(a,b)) result to be returned from the expr block

Promises made:

  • cara build (from Tests docs)
  • cara run (from Tests docs)
  • cara test (from Tests docs)
  • lists have optional end and start , delimiter
  • complex numbers in stdlib
  • bigintegers in stdlib
  • bigdecimals in stdlib
  • fractions in stdlib
  • int8, int16, int32, int64 in language
  • uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64 in language
  • float32, float64 in language


"Always rules" are better than "almost rules": = assigns : ascribes @ annotates . selects () encloses values [] encloses types

  • perhaps something similar should hold for Cara? "if I see @ it's always for XYZ"


output = iterate(step, 175) -- sequence starts at 175 |> takeUntil(eq(1)) |> scale(4) |> println

--> ASCII chart, how cool is that!

                                ▂         █                                  
                              ▁ █       ▅ █▁                                 
                            ▃ █▁█▅  ▂ ▆ █▃██▁                                


Overall pointless is worth studying more: