reference page (all on one page) - https://tour.gleam.run/everything/ - Cmd+F friendly
arbitrary precision integers as the default (do we ever want 8-bit 16-bit ones etc?)
record destructuring that allows renaming
pattern match pinning? ^, allowing to check against variables and not just literals?
case..of that takes the same pattern across multiple cases:
match t with
| ML.Var (pos, _) | ML.Hole (pos, _) | ML.Abs (pos, _, _)
| ML.App (pos, _, _) | ML.Let (pos, _, _, _, _) | ML.Annot (pos, _, _)
| ML.Tuple (pos, _) | ML.LetProd (pos, _, _, _)
| ML.Variant (pos, _, _) | ML.Match (pos, _, _)
-> pos
String pattern matching ("ABC" ++ rest ++ "DEF"), similar to List pattern matching
- TODO somehow also pattern match on a char?
'C' ++ str
seems easy enough but what about arbitrary char?
- TODO somehow also pattern match on a char?
(): the postfix "array-access" operator- [n], [-n], [m..n], [m...n], [str]
- examples:
- list[2]
- list[-1]
- list[2..3]
- array[0]
- array[-2]
- tuple[2]
- tuple[-n] probably not useful?
- tuple[2..3] - dropping first 2 elements? is that doable?
- string[0]
- string[2]
- string[0..2]
- dict["xyz"]
- record["abc"] ?? unsure if we can do that type-safely. probably not or only with literals
functions can have multiple arities with different implementations (and return types)
- (Seq.sum(lambda, seq) vs Seq.sum(seq))
- can have the same arity multiple times, dispatching on the input types
automatic tail recursion (Erlang/Elm style)
- modulo cons? allowing for
go n = n :: go (n - 1)
to be tail-optimized
- modulo cons? allowing for
++ for sequence-adding
- with overloaded operators, it could be arbitrary:
- A ++ [B,C,D] --> [A,B,C,D]
- [A,B,C] ++ D --> [A,B,C,D]
- [A,B]++[C,D] --> [A,B,C,D]
- with overloaded operators, it could be arbitrary:
type annotations
- can be omitted if the function has single variant (arity + set of arg types + return type)
- must be present if there are multiple variants, and must directly precede the function
- either argument name can be omitted, or argument type can be omitted, but not both
- arguments are enforced if there are multiple arguments of the same type
- foo(Int, Int): Int // <- disallowed
- foo(x: Int, Int): Int // <- disallowed
- foo(x: Int, y: Int): Int // <- allowed
- in new syntax: foo : x:Int -> y:Int -> Int
- return type cannot be omitted
Extending others' modules with new functions and constants
if ... then ... without else implicitly returns () from the else, which means the then... also needs to return ().
- automatic monad-wrapping of the ()? That's probably the only place where this would make sense.
deep record updates: {...old.x, foo: old.x.foo + 1}
compile to HVM -> by proxy to native, parallel
1..5, 1...5, 1,3..8, 5..1, 5...1, 5,3..-8
= list-like things. Likely a Sequence protocol like Clojure has, and majority of stdlib working on sequences rather than lists? -
implements LSP(?) and Debug Adapter Protocol (to have VSCode/... debugger out of box)
holes? to aid programming and ask the typechecker for its opinion
- might be cool if not only the compiler tells you, but the LSP tells you or the formatter replaces the hole with the needed type
Fraction type?
operator overloading probably done in the Kotlin way: operator fun plus, etc.
Probably no <| pipelines? << and >> still might have their place.
inline pragmas? for Maybe.map to become tail-safe etc.
Opaque types by default? Keyword for opt-in transparency instead of for opt-in opaqueness?
lambda syntax like TS and Kotlin? (i: X, j: Y) => expression
? Would be more familiar than Elm's \i j -> expression
or Roc's \i,j -> expression
Would really love them to make more precise constructors and more powerful pattern matching:
type Expr a where
I : Int -> Expr Int
B : Bool -> Expr Bool
Add : Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
Mul : Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
Eq : Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
eval : Expr a -> a -- see? no `Maybe (Either Int Bool)`
eval expr =
case expr of
I i -> i -- see?
B b -> b -- these two rows?
Add e1 e2 -> eval e1 + eval e2
Mul e1 e2 -> eval e1 * eval e2
Eq e1 e2 -> eval e1 == eval e2 -- see? no manual checking of impossible cases!
- https://dev.realworldocaml.org/gadts.html
- https://github.com/ollef/sixten?tab=readme-ov-file#algebraic-data-types-and-pattern-matching
Can we even have GADTs with Hindley-Milner?
There is some issue with QuickCheck IIRC.
Might be useful for implementation: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/practical-type-inference-for-arbitrary-rank-types/
Slides: https://www.cis.upenn.edu/~sweirich/talks/icfp06-wobbly.pdf
Paper: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/gadt-pldi.pdf
Seems like we need to enforce functions using case..of to have type annotations.
The general principle is this: type refinement is only carried out based on user-supplied type annotations. So if no type signature is supplied for eval, no type refinement happens, and lots of obscure error messages will occur.
automatic letrec
explicit qualification like
etc. is preferable over typeclass-yfmap
functions can be implicitly namespaced, as if methods on a type
- Logger.pure(
are used in the monad blocksMonadName { ... }
by the compiler- can we later do something cool with the namespace itself?
- see
test, withderive IdGen.each as Monad.each
- see
dot notation: myXY.addX(1) if there is a fn XY.addX
- do we want it?
- it will undermine the
name collisions of type constructors can have collisions; they need to be distinguished like:
- type X = A | B(Int)
- type Y = A | B(Int)
- foo = A // error
- foo = X.A // ok!
Automatic hole driven development / expansion?
check out OCaml modules
- https://dev.realworldocaml.org/first-class-modules.html
- https://www.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/zvl018/comment/j1vhh48/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
- OCaml modules can contain other modules as well
open M
- basically unqualified importlet open M in ...
- scoped unqualified import (would eg. be good in Elm's views?)- same effect as
Gen.(generate 10 bool)
but we probably don't want that
- same effect as
module QR = QuickCheck.Runner
is basically Elm'simport ... as
- Apart from that OCaml has signatures (interfaces) and functors (module -> module functions)
- we need a way to export only certain functions/types
anonymous ADTs? check out open unions/tags in Roc/Grace/...
default arguments?
typeclasses? interfaces? protocols? late extension of those? (Clojure, Kotlin)
- adhoc polymorphism: function overloading, sep. implementations for different types
- parametric polymorphism: one function with one implementation working on many types
- id : a -> a
- map : (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
- open: allow adding after the fact (not just near the type/class definition)
- Haskell typeclasses: 0 or 1 implementations, never more (can be done with newtypes)
- George Wilson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EdQFCP5mZ8
- no hierarchy / inheritance; object conforms to a protocol only if it implements the contract
- Haskell: dispatches on the return type as well. Clojure: dispatches only on first fn arg
- Haskell: allows overloading even values, not just functions (minBound)
extension functions / objects / vals
unsure: imports: by default
import SplitMix
impliesexposing (SplitMix)
if the module exposes that. (Should this default/principal type to import be defined in the imported module?) -
unsure: do we want the order of definitions to not matter? Probably not
example of scripting main that takes cmdline args, and perhaps reads
guard syntax for equational style? perhaps not?
does dot syntax putting things on the left instead of on the right (like |>) play nice? Isn't it contradictory? Which way wins in the stdlib? Should those be unified?
does ordered let together with implicit main mean top level declarations are ordered like F# is?
how to do multiline strings?
to be an allowed identifier -
! for do-notation: do we want to allow it anywhere, not just once per line?
foo = f!(x!,y,z!)
translates toxx = x! zz = z! foo = f!(xx,y,zz)
postfix op for seq access - desugar to
? Not all seqs would implement that- [1] -> getAt(i: Int, coll: Seq(a)): Maybe(a) given ...
- [-1] -> -//-
- [1..3] -> getAt(r: Range, coll: Seq(a)): Maybe(a) given ...
- [1,3..8] -> -//-
- [3..] ? do we want to allow infinite ranges?
collection API: https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html
collection API: HandAxe? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDq251FbmK4
- algebraic effects? have a specific way to say "no effect!" but otherwise the default is that whatever usages do, we do also? have a way to say "at least +Log", or "whatever, but disallow Log"?
- OCaml 5 just got effects (via GADTs): https://v2.ocaml.org/releases/5.0/manual/effects.html
Data structures - Okasaki? Clojure impl? Fast F# - "Writing a dictionary", fast hashing/... etc.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hd1XoubzdK4
- https://github.com/matthewcrews/FastDictionaryTest
value1: Doc = ...
translates to:value1: Doc value1 = ...
- plugging into comparable, appendable, ...
- custom operators
- custom everything (full language unlocked -- effect modules etc.)
- deriving implementations of Functor etc.
- some form of do notation?
- A|B|C -> or patterns
- equational fn declarations
- lambda holes
- Extension functions / values
- pipeline style
- explicit function qualification
- immutability
- purity
- OCaml modules
- Algebraic effects instead of monads?
' and _ in identifiers
? and - in identifiers?
check out jakt::libc::io. How will we do this in HVM?
punning for function calls? (probably only makes sense if we forced f(x=1,y=2) in some places)
auto-derived Printable/... (doesn't need an inverse Read instance)
Seqs (eg. for infinite ranges): https://clojure.org/reference/sequences
Tests: "they don't run by default; but they are exposed values (if not private
), they all compile down to (() -> TestResult) and you can run them from the REPL etc. or even use them in your program
Interpreter: don't parse + interpret stdlib on each run. What are our options? Compiling to bytecode? Have the final (non-OCaml but HVM?) interpreter run on HVM code anyway, so the stdlib can be a precompiled HVM file to be concatenated to the rest?
Current thinking about monads:
Monad syntax sugar:
- Monad-y code needs to be run inside MonadName { ... } blocks.
- MonadName { ... } blocks are available if these functions are in scope: MonadName.pure MonadName.bind
- IO { ... } is implicit if omitting main().
- If a monadic value is to be left "unwrapped", use x = monadicValue or x = monadicValue(x,y,z) if creating it needs arguments.
- If a monadic value is to be executed, use x = monadicValue! or x = monadicValue!(x,y,z) if creating it needs arguments.
- If not binding the result to a name,
_ =
can be omitted: log!("hello") // is the same as _ = log!("hello") - Non-monadic exprs without an
x =
binding are only allowed as the last stmt
We should allow the last bang (x!(a,b)
) result to be returned from the expr block
Promises made:
- cara build (from Tests docs)
- cara run (from Tests docs)
- cara test (from Tests docs)
- lists have optional end and start , delimiter
- complex numbers in stdlib
- bigintegers in stdlib
- bigdecimals in stdlib
- fractions in stdlib
- int8, int16, int32, int64 in language
- uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64 in language
- float32, float64 in language
From core-lang.dev/design:
"Always rules" are better than "almost rules": = assigns : ascribes @ annotates . selects () encloses values [] encloses types
- perhaps something similar should hold for Cara? "if I see @ it's always for XYZ"
From ptls.dev/online/collatz.html:
output = iterate(step, 175) -- sequence starts at 175 |> takeUntil(eq(1)) |> scale(4) |> println
--> ASCII chart, how cool is that!
▂ █
▁ █ ▅ █▁
▃ █▁█▅ ▂ ▆ █▃██▁
Overall pointless is worth studying more: https://ptls.dev/docs.html