Cisco Field Notice: FN - 70489 - PKI Self-Signed Certificate Expiration in Cisco IOS and Cisco IOS XE Software
Name: Cisco FN#70489 - IOS-PKI Self-Signed Certificate Expiration
Intent: Find Cisco device affected by the Field Notice 70489
Description: This check finds all Cisco device running IOS and Cisco IOS XE software affected by the Field Notice 70489
Problem description:
Self-signed X.509 PKI certificates (SSC) that were generated on devices that run affected Cisco IOS or Cisco IOS XE software releases expire on 2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. New self-signed certificates cannot be created on affected devices after 2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. Any service that relies on these self-signed certificates to establish or terminate a secure connection might not work after the certificate expires.
Check the Field Notice for workarounds and solutions.
// Versions that are affected. Note that these version strings are actually patterns
// with * indicating any number of arbitrary characters. For example, the first version pattern is "12.x" which matches
// versions like 12.1, 12.231, and so on.
affectedVersions =
// Determines if the given device may be affected by the field notice, based on two criteria:
// (1) the device OS is either IOS or IOS-XE, and
// (2) the OS version matches at least one of the affected version strings listed above.
isAffectedPlatform(device) =
(device.platform.os == OS.IOS || device.platform.os == OS.IOS_XE) &&
(!isPresent(device.platform.osVersion) || length((foreach versionPattern in affectedVersions
where matches(device.platform.osVersion, versionPattern)
select versionPattern)) > 0);
// For the given device, get the trustpoints that have "enrollment selfsigned" set defined for the given device.
// Includes the number of self-signed certs declared for the trustpoint.
getTrustPointsWithSelfSignedCerts(device) =
foreach line in device.files.config
let crypto = patternMatch(line.text, `crypto pki trustpoint {tpName:string}`)
where isPresent(crypto)
let enrollmentLines = (foreach cryptoLine in line.children
where isPresent(patternMatch(cryptoLine.text, `enrollment selfsigned`))
select cryptoLine.text)
where length(enrollmentLines) > 0
let certLines = (foreach line in device.files.config
let cryptoCertChain = patternMatch(line.text, `crypto pki certificate chain {tpName:string}`)
where isPresent(cryptoCertChain) && cryptoCertChain.tpName == crypto.tpName
foreach certLine in line.children
where isPresent(patternMatch(certLine.text, `certificate self-signed`))
select certLine.text)
select { tpName: crypto.tpName,
numSelfSignedCerts: length(certLines)
// True if this line is "ip http secure-server".
usedInHttpSecureServer(line) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `ip http secure-server`));
// True if this line applies the trustpoint in a "ip http secure-trustpoint" command.
usedInHttpSecureTrustpoint(line, tpName) =
length((foreach match in [patternMatch(line.text, `ip http secure-trustpoint {tpName:string}`)]
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select line)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint in "crypto signaling default" or "crypto signaling remote-addr" commands.
usedInSipOverTls(line, tpName) =
length((foreach match in [patternMatch(line.text, `crypto signaling default trustpoint {tpName:string}`),
patternMatch(line.text, `crypto signaling remote-addr {ipv4Address} {ipv4Address} trustpoint {tpName:string}`)
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select line)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint in "secure-signaling" or "tftp-server-credentials" commands underneath
// the "telephony-service" configuration section.
usedInTelephonyService(line, tpName) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `telephony-service`)) &&
length((foreach child in line.children
let match1 = patternMatch(child.text, `secure-signaling trustpoint {tpName:string}`)
let match2 = patternMatch(child.text, `tftp-server-credentials trustpoint {tpName:string}`)
where (isPresent(match1) && match1.tpName == tpName) ||
(isPresent(match2) && match2.tpName == tpName)
select child.text)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint under "credentials" configuration section.
usedInCredentials(line, tpName) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `credentials`)) &&
length((foreach child in line.children
let match = patternMatch(child.text, `trustpoint {tpName:string}`)
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select child.text)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint under various "dpsfarm" configurations.
usedInDspFarm(line, tpName) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `dspfarm profile {number} {"conference" | "mtp" | "transcode"} security`)) &&
length((foreach match in [patternMatch(line.text, `trustpoint {tpName:string}`)]
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select match)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint in a "stcapp security" command.
usedInStcApp(line, tpName) =
length((foreach match in [patternMatch(line.text, `stcapp security trustpoint {tpName:string}`)]
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select match)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint under a "webvpn gateway" configuration.
usedInWebVpn(line, tpName) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `webvpn gateway {string}`)) &&
length((foreach match in [patternMatch(line.text, `ssl trustpoint {tpName:string}`)]
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select match)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint under a "crypto ssl policy" configuration.
usedInSslVpn(line, tpName) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `crypto ssl policy {string}`)) &&
length((foreach match in [patternMatch(line.text, `pki trustpoint {tpName:string} sign`)]
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select match)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint under a IKEv2 configuration.
usedInIkeV2(line, tpName) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `crypto ikev2 profile {string}`)) &&
length((foreach subline in line.children
where isPresent(patternMatch(subline.text, `authentication local rsa-sig`))
select line.text)) > 0 &&
length((foreach subline in line.children
let match = patternMatch(subline.text, `pki trustpoint {tpName:string}`)
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select line.text)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint under a ISAKMP profile configuration.
usedInIsaKmpProfile(line, tpName) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `crypto isakmp profile {string}`)) &&
length((foreach subline in line.children
let match = patternMatch(subline.text, `ca trustpoint {tpName:string}`)
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select line.text)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint under a ISAKMP policy configuration.
usedInIsaKmpPolicy(line, tpName) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `crypto isakmp policy {number}`)) &&
length((foreach subline in line.children
let match = patternMatch(subline.text, `authentication {method:string}`)
where isPresent(match) && match.method not in ["pre-share", "rsa-encr"]
select line.text)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint under a ISAKMP configuration.
usedInIsaKmp(line, tpName) =
usedInIsaKmpProfile(line, tpName) || usedInIsaKmpPolicy(line, tpName);
// True if this line applies the trustpoint under an "ip ssh server" configuration.
usedInSshServer(line, tpName) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `ip ssh server certificate profile`)) &&
length((foreach subline in line.children
where isPresent(patternMatch(subline.text, `server`))
foreach subsubline in subline.children
let match = patternMatch(subsubline.text, `trustpoint sign {tpName:string}`)
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select line.text)) > 0;
// True if this line applies the trustpoint under an "restconf" configuration.
usedInRestConf(line, tpName) =
isPresent(patternMatch(line.text, `restconf`)) &&
length((foreach subline in line.children
// In the following, the client keyword is optional. In other words, the pattern below matches both
// ip http client secure-trustpoint abc and ip http secure-trustpoint abc commands.
let match = patternMatch(subline.text, `ip http {"client" | empty} secure-trustpoint {tpName:string}`)
where isPresent(match) && match.tpName == tpName
select line.text)) > 0;
// Returns the collection of config lines that apply the given trustpoint to some feature (on the given device).
trustpointFeatures(device, tpName) =
foreach line in device.files.config
where usedInHttpSecureServer(line) ||
usedInHttpSecureTrustpoint(line, tpName) ||
usedInSipOverTls(line, tpName) ||
usedInTelephonyService(line, tpName) ||
usedInCredentials(line, tpName) ||
usedInDspFarm(line, tpName) ||
usedInStcApp(line, tpName) ||
usedInWebVpn(line, tpName) ||
usedInSslVpn(line, tpName) ||
usedInSshServer(line, tpName) ||
usedInRestConf(line, tpName) ||
usedInIkeV2(line, tpName) ||
usedInIsaKmp(line, tpName)
select line.text;
// The overall query.
// The query finds all devices that are affected by the field notice.
// It then finds all trustpoints that have self-signed certificates, and finds those that were applied to
// one or more features.
foreach device in network.devices
where isAffectedPlatform(device)
foreach tp in getTrustPointsWithSelfSignedCerts(device)
let features = trustpointFeatures(device, tp.tpName)
where length(features) > 0
select { Confidence: if tp.numSelfSignedCerts > 0 then "High" else "Medium",
OS: device.platform.os,
Version: device.platform.osVersion,
TrustPointName: tp.tpName,
Features: features
Notes: By default Forward Enterprise filters out sensitive data (e.g., password fields, SNMP server names) from the device configuration. The check provides a Confidence level based on the data collected. To get more accurate check results, you need to disable the data filtering in the Collector configuration Advanced settings.