The scenario_runner provides support for the OpenSCENARIO 1.0 standard. The current implementation covers initial support for maneuver Actions, Conditions, Stories and the Storyboard. If you would like to use evaluation criteria for a scenario to evaluate pass/fail results, these can be implemented as StopTriggers (see below). However, not all features for these elements are yet available. If in doubt, please see the module documentation in srunner/tools/
An example for a supported scenario based on OpenSCENARIO is available here
In addition, it is recommended to take a look into the official documentation available here and here.
The easiest way to convert old OpenSCENARIO samples to the official standard 1.0 is to use xsltproc and the migration scheme located in the openscenario folder. Example:
xsltproc -o newScenario.xosc migration0_9_1to1_0.xslt oldScenario.xosc
In the following the OpenSCENARIO attributes are listed with their current support status.
This covers all part that are defined outside the OpenSCENARIO Storyboard
Attribute | Support | Notes |
FileHeader |
✅ | Use "CARLA:" at the beginning of the description to use the CARLA coordinate system. |
CatalogLocations ControllerCatalog |
✅ | While the catalog is supported, the reference/usage may not work. |
CatalogLocations EnvironmentCatalog |
✅ | |
CatalogLocations ManeuverCatalog |
✅ | |
CatalogLocations MiscObjectCatalog |
✅ | |
CatalogLocations PedestrianCatalog |
✅ | |
CatalogLocations RouteCatalog |
✅ | While the catalog is supported, the reference/usage may not work. |
CatalogLocations TrajectoryCatalog |
✅ | While the catalog is supported, the reference/usage may not work. |
CatalogLocations VehicleCatalog |
✅ | |
ParameterDeclarations |
✅ | |
RoadNetwork LogicFile |
✅ | The CARLA level can be used directly (e.g. LogicFile=Town01). Also any OpenDRIVE path can be provided. |
RoadNetwork SceneGraphFile |
❌ | The provided information is not used. |
RoadNetwork TafficSignals |
❌ | The provided information is not used. |
Entities EntitySelection |
❌ | The provided information is not used. |
Entities ScenarioObject CatalogReference |
✅ | The provided information is not used. |
Entities ScenarioObject MiscObject |
✅ | The name should match a CARLA vehicle model, otherwise a default vehicle based on the vehicleCategory is used. BoundingBox entries are ignored. |
Entities ScenarioObject ObjectController |
❌ | The provided information is not used. |
Entities ScenarioObject Pedestrian |
✅ | The name should match a CARLA vehicle model, otherwise a default vehicle based on the vehicleCategory is used. BoundingBox entries are ignored. |
Entities ScenarioObject Vehicle |
✅ | The name should match a CARLA vehicle model, otherwise a default vehicle based on the vehicleCategory is used. The color can be set via properties ('Property name="color" value="0,0,255"'). Axles, Performance, BoundingBox entries are ignored. |
The OpenSCENARIO Actions can be used for two different purposes. First, Actions can be used to define the initial behavior of something, e.g. a traffic participant. Therefore, Actions can be used within the OpenSCENARIO Init. In addition, Actions are also used within the OpenSCENARIO story. In the following, the support status for both application areas is listed. If an action contains of submodules, which are not listed, the support status applies to all submodules.
GlobalAction | Init support | Story support | Notes |
EntityAction |
✅ | ✅ | |
EnvironmentAction |
✅ | ❌ | |
ParameterAction |
✅ | ✅ | |
InfrastructureAction TrafficSignalAction TrafficAction |
❌ | ❌ | |
InfrastructureAction TrafficSignalAction TrafficSignalControllerAction |
❌ | ✅ | |
InfrastructureAction TrafficSignalAction TrafficSignalStateAction |
❌ | ✅ | As traffic signals in CARLA towns have no unique ID, they have to be set by providing their position (Example: TrafficSignalStateAction name="pos=x,y" state="green"). The id can also be used for none CARLA town (Example: TrafficSignalStateAction name="id=n" state="green") |
UserDefinedAction | Init support | Story support | Notes |
CustomCommandAction |
❌ | ✅ | This action is currently used to trigger the execution of an additional script. Example: type="python /path/to/script args". |
PrivateAction | Init support | Story support | Notes |
ActivateControllerAction |
❌ | ✅ | Can be used to activate/deactive the CARLA autopilot. |
ControllerAction |
✅ | ✅ | AssignControllerAction is supported, but a Python module has to be provided for the controller implementation, and in OverrideControllerValueAction all values need to be False . |
LateralAction LaneChangeAction |
❌ | ✅ | Currently all lane changes have a linear dynamicShape, the dynamicDimension is defined as the distance and are relative to the actor itself (RelativeTargetLane). |
LateralAction LaneOffsetAction |
❌ | ✅ | Currently all type of dynamicShapes are ignored and depend on the controller. This action might not work as intended if the offset is high enough to make the vehicle exit its lane |
LateralAction LateralDistanceAction |
✅ | ✅ | |
LongitudinalAction LongitudinalDistanceAction |
❌ | ✅ | timeGap attribute is not supported |
LongitudinalAction SpeedAction |
✅ | ✅ | |
SynchronizeAction |
❌ | ❌ | |
TeleportAction |
✅ | ✅ | |
VisibilityAction |
❌ | ❌ | |
RoutingAction AcquirePositionAction |
❌ | ✅ | |
RoutingAction AssignRouteAction |
❌ | ✅ | Route Options (shortest/fastest/etc) are supported. Shortests means direct path between A and B, all other will use the shortest path along the road network between A and B |
RoutingAction FollowTrajectoryAction |
❌ | ✅ | Currently only Polylines without temporal constraints are supported and the trajectoryFollowingMode is up to the controller |
Conditions in OpenSCENARIO can be defined either as ByEntityCondition or as ByValueCondition. Both can be used for StartTrigger and StopTrigger conditions. The following two tables list the support status for each.
EntityCondition | Support | Notes |
AccelerationCondition |
✅ | |
CollisionCondition |
✅ | |
DistanceCondition |
✅ | *freespace* attribute is still not supported |
EndOfRoadCondition |
✅ | |
OffroadCondition |
✅ | |
ReachPositionCondition |
✅ | |
RelativeDistanceCondition |
✅ | |
RelativeSpeedCondition |
✅ | |
SpeedCondition |
✅ | |
StandStillCondition |
✅ | |
TimeHeadwayCondition |
✅ | |
TimeToCollisionCondition |
✅ | |
TraveledDistanceCondition |
✅ |
ValueCondition | Support | Notes |
ParameterCondition |
✅ | The level of support depends on the parameter. It is recommended to use other conditions if possible. Please also consider the note below. |
SimulationTimeCondition |
✅ | |
StoryboardElementStateCondition |
✅ | startTransition, stopTransition, endTransition and completeState are currently supported. |
TimeOfDayCondition |
✅ | |
TrafficSignalCondition |
✅ | As traffic signals in CARLA towns have no unique ID, they have to be set by providing their position (Example: TrafficSignalCondition name="pos=x,y" state="green"). The id can also be used for none CARLA town (Example: TrafficSignalCondition name="id=n" state="green") |
TrafficSignalControllerCondition |
✅ | |
UserDefinedValueCondition |
❌ |
!!! Note In the OpenSCENARIO 1.0 standard, a definition of test / evaluation criteria is not defined. For this purpose, you can re-use StopTrigger conditions with CARLA. The following StopTrigger conditions for evaluation criteria are supported through ParameterConditions by providing the criteria name for the condition:
* criteria_RunningStopTest
* criteria_RunningRedLightTest
* criteria_WrongLaneTest
* criteria_OnSideWalkTest
* criteria_KeepLaneTest
* criteria_CollisionTest
* criteria_DrivenDistanceTest
There are several ways of defining positions in OpenSCENARIO. In the following we list the current support status for each definition format.
Position | Support | Notes |
LanePosition |
✅ | |
RelativeLanePosition |
✅ | |
RelativeObjectPosition |
✅ | |
RelativeRoadPosition |
✅ | |
RelativeWorldPosition |
✅ | |
RoadPosition |
✅ | |
RoutePosition |
❌ | |
WorldPosition |
✅ |