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This repository hosts epromela ---a tool for building models of smart contracts that can be validated by the Spin model checker.

1.- How to build reliable smart contracts

Is your smart contract reliable?

Reliability is an attribute of a system, of a smart contract in this discussion, and defines its continuity of correct service. Thus my smart contract is reliable if it is capable of monitoring or enforcing
contractual interactions continuously and correctly. This means that a realiable smart contract does not crash or produce incorrect verdicts.

What can go wrong with a smart contract?

Smart contracts are complex systems and as such are likely to contain design and implementation faults that will eventually manifiest as run--time errors. These errors will derail the smart contracts from its normal expected behaviour or crash it.

Errors and faults: To follow precise terminology (see for example, Basic Concepts and Taxonomy of Dependable and Secure Computing, Algirdas et. al.) I should distinguish between faults and errors; however, since the use of the two terms as synonymous is widely spread, I will not insist in the distintion, except where strictly necessary. Intuitively speaking, a fault is a dormant error, for example, an erroneous line of the Java code that has not been activated in the execution because some if-conditions have not been satisfied yet.

Where do errors come from?

Smart contracts are impacted by several errors that we clasified into design, implementation and mapping errors.

  • Design time errors: They are accidently introduced during the development phase by the humans responsible for designing the smart contract.

  • Implementation errors: They are introduced by the humans responsible for coding the smart contract, for example, in Solidity language.

  • Mapping errors: They are introduced by the humans responsible for mapping design into implementation.

These types of errors are hard to avoid unless a rigorous approach to validate the smart contract is taken.

Ideal smart contracts, that is, smart contracts that always follow normal execution paths are relatively simple to build and examine. However, realistic smart contracts are remarkably intricate. Complexity is due to fact that they are distributed systems executed by two or more parties interacting is a loosely coupled manner over the conventional Internet. Consequently, at runtime, smart contracts are likely to be impacted by human, infrastructure (software, hardware and network) and application behaviours:
  • Human behaviour: for example, the person responsible for authorizing a payment might accidentaly or deliberately delay it and make the smart contract fail.

  • Infrastructure behaviour: for example unpredictable message delays, clock skews and network breakdowns might delay a payment message beyond its deadline.

  • Application behaviour: for example,
    the application might send a message incorrectly formatted, include a delivery addresses that cannot be found, take a delivery as complete when the corresponding item has been delivered to the wrong address, try charge a bank account that does not have sufficient funds, and so on.

A smart contract that is meant to be reliable needs to include mechanisms for tolerating these abnormal (and undesirable) situations that will sooner or later materialize. Thus the smart contract code that deals with the normal (ideal) execution needs to be complemented with code that deals with abnormal (exceptional) executions. That is, the smart contract need to be able to follow plan B (contingency) when plan A does not work.

Accounting for exceptional situation is a necessary step towards building realiable contracts, however, it is not enough. The problem with bringing exceptions into the design of smart contracts is that they become populated by intricate executions that are hard to examine and reason about for correctness. The designer can address the problem only with the assitance of mechanical tools that help in systematic validation of the smart contract.

Smart contract models

To appreciate validation, it is worth bearing in mind that a smart contract is a model of the original legal contract signed between the contracting parties. Such a model is expressed at different levels of abstractions ranging from high level normative statements to execution code, such as Ethereum EVM bytecode. Each model (strictly speaking, each version of the model) is liable to errors that correspond to its level of abstraction.

Design time models: a design time model is liable to errors included in the contractual clauses: conflicting clauses, duplicated clauses, missing clauses and so on. See for example, Model Checking Correctness Properties of a Middleware Service for Contract Compliance, Carlos Molina-Jimenez,

Implementation time models: an implementation time model is liable to errors related to the implementation language and to the mapping that the programmer implements to convert the abstract model of the smart contract into executable code. The programmer needs skill to interprete the abstract model of the smart contract correctly and to map it accurately. For example, smart contracts implemented in Solidity language are known to be at risk of being afflicted by reentrancy, unchecked send, integer overflow, and other language related errors. See for example, ZEUS: Analyzing Safety of Smart Contracts, Sukrit at. al..

Mapping from model into model* Errors (precisely faults) are likely to be included during the building of the models themselves and during the conversion (mapping) from one model into the next model below. This is due to the semantic gap between models represented at different levels of abstractions; mapping from one statement at a given model to the next model below is not one-to-one, but many-to-many. See for example, Establishing Conformance Between Contracts and Choreographies, Carlos Molina-Jimenez, at. al.. Even if the mapping is correct, sometimes it becomes relevant to learn, how did the programmer map a given statement into implementation code, out of several correct alternatives?

If you are a developer interested in building realiable smart contracts, we suggest the following approach:

  1. Include exception handling in the design of the smart contract under development. Exception handling should be central to your design rather than an afterthought component.
  2. Build an abstract model of the smart contract and model check it with your favourite model checker, with one that has been specifically designed (or tuned to) for model checking smart contracts--if you have one. This is the stage where you need to verify that you have not forgotten execution paths and that you have included logic to react to both normal and abnormal (exceptional) situations. For example, check that if a cancellation takes place, the smart contract will not complete before the buyer is refunded. Check that the smart contract does not allow the seller to double charge the buyer or that the latter does not get items for free.
  3. Build the executable model of your smart contract and test it. There are other techniques that can be used for verification of executable code (for example, symbolic execution) but we are following testing here. Test (exercise) the actual implementation deployed in the actual infrastructure. If possible, exercise all the executions sequences encoded in the smart contract--this is perfectly possible for small contracts. Do not forget to verify that the executable smart contract conforms to the highest model of the smart contract--likely to be in plain English business language.

It is worth clarifying that these are standard software engineering techniques for building reliable systems and are referred to as fault-tolerance techniques. However, perhaps due to the novelty of blockchain-based applications, they have been largely ignored by developers of smart contracts. This comes as a surprise as a salient particularity of smart contracts (in particular those deployed on--blockchains) is that once deployed, they are very hard to amend.

Validation of smart contract models to remove faults

The approach that we are following in our research is shown in the figure.

As shown in the figure, we rely on exception handling with formal validation of smart contracts. Notice that the box of the exceptional smart contract behaviour is larger than the box of normal smart contract behaviour. We have drawn them like that to underline the fact that exception handling code represents a large porcentage of the whole code-some authors claim that it can be as large as up to two-thirds.

Once the abstract model of the smart contract is built, we model check and test it systematically to uncover and remove faults. We stress that the programmer is likely to produce an unreliable executable smart contract out of a realiable abstract model. We introduce testing to uncover and remove potential faults. Though not shown in the figure, the faults uncovered arrows are meant to trigger correction and re-examination of the corresponding models.

Central to the figure is the contraval tools that we use at both, the model checking and testing stages. Details of the contraval tool are explained next.

2. Contraval (smart contract validation)

Validate your smart contracts before deployment

A particularity of smart contracts deployed on--blockchain is that because of their descentralisation and openess, they are hard to amend after deployment. Therefore, we suggest that smart contracts are thoroughly validated (for example, using conventional model checking tools) to uncover potential logical inconsistencies of their clauses (omissions, contradictions, duplications, etc.). In addition, we suggest that the actual implementation is systematically tested before deployment. In hybrid architectures (see for example, Implementation of Smart Contracts Using Hybrid Architectures with On- and Off-Blockchain Components) that include on and off--blockchain components the risk of implementing buggy is exacerbated by the interaction between the the components.

Hello World Contract example: As an example, let as have a look at a hello world contract example of a smart contract between a buyer and a store:

1) The buyer is obliged to pay the store withing the
   next 3 days. 
2) The store is obliged to acknowledge the payment 
   withing 24 hrs after receiving it. 
3) The contract will be considered complete either
 * normally when the store submits the acknowledge.
 * abnormally when one or both parties fail to meet
  their deadlines.

The contract in natural language can be represented schematically. Depending on the execution model of the operations, diffent models can be built.

As an example, let us assume the execution model shown in the following figure.

On the basis of the exedcution model shown above, we can represent the contract example schematically.

In the figure, pay represents the execution of the pay operation initiated by the buyer. Similarly, ack represens the execution of the ack operation initiated by the store. These executions, result in the generation of business events that are notified to the smart contract (see below), for example, the execution of the operation pay generates the pay business event.

A diamon represents an alternative output produced by the execution of the operation located at its left. In accordance with the execution model, the outcome is either sucess or timeout. For example, payto (where to stands for timeout) presentes the failure of the execution of the operation pay to complete before the deadline.

The dashed lines represent abnormal paths to contract completion. For instance, the dashed line associated to payto means that the buyer failed to observe its obligation to pay within 3 days. Consequently, the contract ends abnormally.

What can Epromela do with smart contracts?

Epromela is a language for writing models that can be model checked by the Spin model checker.

We have built it by extending the standard Promela language with primitives that help developers build models of smart contracts using constructs that are natural to smart contracts. Examples of these constructs are role players (e.g., buyer and seller), rights, obligations and prohibitions; and operations such as assign obligation to pay to buyer, has buyer fulfilled obligation to pay?, cancel buyer's obligation to pay, etc.

We use the promela tool for

  • model checking: we verify the logical correctness of the contract at design time and
  • generation of execution sequences we generate excution sequences (test cases) with the tool for testing for conformance the actual implementation.

Model checking

Spin can verify the logical consistency of the model epromela of the smart contract against correctness properties written in LTL (Linear Temporal Logics) formulae.

Generation of execution sequences (test cases) for conformance testing

Spin can be instructed to generate all the execution sequences encoded in the epromela model of the smart contract. The basic idea is to use Spin as a generator of counterexamples produced against LTL formulae.

Business Event Generator of epromela

At the heart of epromela lies a Business Event Generator (BEG) that is responsible for generating the events that correspond to the execution of contractual operations.

To appreciate its functionality, let us have a look at the figure bellow that shows the interaction between the buyer and store of the contract example.

As shown in the figure, the execution of each contractual operation results in the exchange of messages between the two contractual parties. A copy of each message can be sent to third parties (for example, to a smart contract) as shown in the figure.

To reduce the number of states of the model, the BEG abstracts away the communication between the contracting parties and generates the business events by itself as shown in the figure.

Epromela model of the contract example

The smart contract oriented primitives provided by epromela help developers build models that describe the behaivour of contractual interactions in an intuitive manner. The figure bellow shows the two main components of an epromela model, namely, the BEG and the set of rules. It is based on the contract example, consequently, the set of rules (stored in the rules.h files) includes only two rules, one for each business operation.

The two rules include the contruct IS_O, where O stands for obligation, therefore, the construct reads is obligation. IS_O is an illustrative example of the contract oriented primitives that epromela offers. In Rule(pay), IS_O indicates that the rule will trigger only when it receives the event pay and the buyer has a pending obligation to pay.

If you are motivated to run the hello world contract world example, you can find the complete code (and instructions to run it) at the example/helloWorldSmartContract folder. A run of the model will mechanically produce all (three) the execution sequences encoded in the model, namely:

- payto
- pay -> ack
- pay -> ackto

Where payto and ackto stand for expiration of time out to pay and expiration of time out to ack, respectively. You will notice that the rules (included in the rules.h file) are slightly different in comparison with the rules of the previous model.

Alternative epromela model of the contract example

The execution model of operations shown above is not unique. Another altrnative is shoen in the figure.

As an example, let us assume the execution model shown in the following figure.

On the basis of this execution model, we can represent the contract example schematically in the following manner.

In the figure, pay represents the execution of the pay operation initiated by the buyer. Similarly, ack represens the execution of the ack operation initiated by the store. These executions, result in the generation of business events that are notified to the smart contract (see below), for example, the execution of the operation pay generates the pay business event. A diamon represents an alternative execution split, O stands for obligation and TO stands for Time Out. In this model (there are other alternatives), the box at the right side of a diamon represents the sucessful execution of the operation, while the TO represents the expiration of the deadline to succssfully execute the operation.

The dashed lines represent abnormal paths to contract completion. They results from failures to meet deadlines.

The epromela model includes four rules and is shown in the figure. Observe that the model includes two separate rules (for for the normal outcome and another for the timed out outcome) for handling each business operation. For instance, there is a rule for handling pay and another one independent rule for handling payto.

Motivated readers are welcome to run this alternative model of the hello world contract example, they can find the complete code (and instructions to run it) at the example/helloWorldSmartContract folder. As in the model discussed earlier, a run of this model will mechanically produce all (three) the execution sequences encoded in the model, namely:

- payto
- pay -> ack
- pay -> ackto

Where payto and ackto stand for expiration of time out to pay and expiration of time out to ack, respectively.

Execution model of bilateral operations with potential exceptions

A salient feature of epromela is that it can model exceptions on the basis of the following execution model:

Contractual operations are bilateral in the sense that their execution requires the interaction of the two business partners. Upon completion of the execution of a given operation each party independently declares its local outcome: success, business failure (bizfail) or technical failure (tecfail).

Since the parties operate in a loosely coupled mode, their outcomes does not necessarily match. For instance a party might declare success whereas its counterpart declares business failure.

To agree on the outcome of each operation and be able to progress to the next one in harmony, the parties rely on an output synchronizer that is responsible for receiving the individual outcomes, compute a single outcome and notify it to the contractual parties and possibly to other parties that are entitled to follow the execution of the contract.

An schematic view of the execution model is shown in the following figure.

In the figure, oper stands for contractual operation, such as BuyReq, Pay, Conf, etc.

In this execution model, the BEG abstracts away the communication between the contracting parties and plays the role of the output synchronizer as shown in the figure.

The event generated by the BEG are sent to a set of business rules for evaluation for contract compliance.

3. Installation

The directions for installation of epromela are documented in the UserGuide_v1.2.pdf file. The document also includes examples that demonstrate its operation. The reader is expected to have some basic knowledge of SPIN and Promela and a local computer to dowload and deploy them.

4. Implementation, deployment and execution of smart contracts

Once the designer is satisfied about the correctness of the epromela model of the smart contract, he can proceed to implement it in a language for coding smart contracts, deploy and execute it.

We have implemented a Contract Compliant Checker---a tool for assisting designers in this task. The open source code and documentation can be retrieved from the TECOmate repository.

5. Contributors

  • Abubkr A. Abdelsadiq developed the macros as part of his PhD dissertation (2012) at University of Newcastle, UK.
  • Ionnis Sfyrakis from University of Newcastle, UK ( implemented the Python parsers to extract execution sequences during his Masters degree (2012) at Newcastle.
  • Carlos Molina-Jimenez from The Department of Computer Science and Technology (Computer Laboratory), University of Cambridge ( implemented shell scripts to mechanise the extraction of execution sequences. He has been maintaining, documenting and testing the tool. He is currently (2018) working in the TESCON project (EPSRC grant Grant: RG90413 NRAG/536).

6. Bug reporting and comments

Feel free to email carlos.molina + @ + if you have comments, bugs to report or questions.

7. Licence

The contraval tool is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available from Apache’s web pages.