Company database insights should be a web scrapper based on django that extracts and stores company info (logo, name, domain, number of employees, country, among others), always looking for the extracted info to be public domain.
This information would be used to build frontends being served from an endpoint for consultation.
- Install dependencies
$ git clone
$ cd db_insights
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create your env with venv or conda and activate with
. ./venv/bin/activate
and configure your credentials, then rename to.env
Create your database in postgres
Run migrations
./ migrate
Create a superuser
./ createsuperuser
Load fixtures for companies
./ loaddata companies.json
Run the django server server
./ runserver
Run django server + esbuild from Procfile with Overmind
overmind start
I am working with stimulus library
Selenium webdriver uses firefox.
- To run test
./ test