The Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) API is used for checking available space for apps and retrieving user friendly error messages.
App function |
Description |
XtfPullAuditionApp |
Reserved for internal use. |
XtfPullRegisterApp |
Reserved for internal use. |
XtfPullSupplyMock |
Reserved for internal use. |
XtfPullUnregisterApp |
Reserved for internal use. |
Console info function |
Description |
XtfCloseConsoleInfoList |
Frees resources associated with an XtfConsoleInfo object returned by XtfGetConsoleInfoList. |
XtfGetAvailableSpaceForAppInstallation |
Gets the total number of bytes available on the specified storage device of a development console. |
XtfGetConsoleFieldValue |
Retrieves information about a console, one of Tools IP Address, Console IP Address, AccessKey, Console ID, HostName, Device ID, DevKit Cert type, SystemMajorVersion, SystemMinorVersion, SystemBuildVersion, or SystemRevisionVersion. |
XtfGetConsoleInfoList |
Returns an XtfConsoleInfo object that contains information about a console. |
XtfGetSavedConsoleAddress |
Gets the Tools IP address of the default console for Xbox Tools Framework (XTF) apps. |
XtfGetSystemUpTime |
Gets the amount of time in milliseconds that the System has been up. |
Credential function |
Description |
XtfAddCredential |
Adds credentials (user name and password) to the given console for use by Run from PC Deployment. |
XtfCloseCredentialInfoList |
Frees resources associated with an XtfNetworkCredentials object returned by XtfGetCredentialInfoList. |
XtfGetCredentialInfoCount |
Gets the count of credentials stored in an XtfNetworkCredentials object returned by XtfGetCredentialInfoList. |
XtfGetCredentialInfoList |
Returns an XtfNetworkCredentials object that contains the list of credentials currently stored on the console. |
XtfGetCredentialServerName |
Gets the server name part of the credentials stored at an index in an XtfNetworkCredentials object returned by XtfGetCredentialInfoList. |
XtfGetCredentialUserName |
Gets the user name part of the credentials stored at an index in an XtfNetworkCredentials object returned by XtfGetCredentialInfoList. |
XtfRemoveCredential |
Removes credentials from the given console. Use XtfAddCredential add credentials. |
Debug function |
Description |
XtfCaptureOutputBegin |
Starts capture of debug output. |
XtfCaptureOutputEnd |
Stop capture debug output. |
XtfDebugStringCallback |
Callback invoked for each output debug string captured. |
XtfDebugStringErrorCallback |
Callback invoked for each error captured. |
XtfGetErrorText |
Gets a user-friendly error message and action text. |
Game clip function |
Description |
XtfCaptureRecordedGameClip |
Captures a video clip from the currently running game. |
Package info function |
Description |
XtfClosePackageInfo |
Frees a package information object. |
XtfGetAumid |
Gets the application model user ID at an index from a package information object. |
XtfGetCountofAppUserModelIds |
Gets the count of application user model IDs from a package information object. |
XtfGetPackageFullName |
Get the full package name from a package information object. |
XtfRegisterAllPackagesOnDrive |
Register all packages deployed on the specified drive. |
XtfRegisterNetworkSharePackage |
Registers a package for Run from PC Deployment. |
XtfRegisterPackage |
Registers a package deployed to the title scratch drive. |
XtfRegisterPackageOnDrive |
Registers a package deployed on the specified drive. |
XtfUnregisterPackage |
Unregisters a package deployed to the title scratch drive. |
TitleOS function |
Description |
XtfCacheTitleOS |
Adds a Game OS to the OS cache. |
XtfGetCachedTitleOSVersions |
Gets the version information of each Game OS cached on the console. |
XtfGetCachedTitleOSVersionsCallback |
Callback invoked for each Game OS found by XtfGetCachedTitleOSVersions. |
XtfGetTitleOSFourPartVersion |
Gets version information about the Game OS for the currently running title. |
XtfGetTitleOSState |
Query the state of the Title OS, Fast Iteration Mode, running Title, associate PID, and Package information. |
XtfGetTitleProcessMemoryReports |
Reserved for internal use. |
XtfRemoveTitleOSFromCache |
Removes a Game OS from the cache on the console. |
XtfRemoveTitleOSFromCacheByVersion |
Removes the Game OS matching the specified FourPartVersion from the cache on the console. |
XtfShutdownTitleOS |
Shuts down the active title and Game OS. |
XtfStartTitleOS |
Starts or restarts the specified Game OS. |
XtfStartTitleOSByGameConfig |
Starts or restarts the Game OS based on the contents of a MicrosoftGame.config file that is stored in memory as a string. |
XtfStartTitleOSByVersion |
Starts or restarts the Game OS matching the specified FourPartVersion from the cache on the console. |
Overlay Folder Function |
Description |
XtfClearAllOverlayFolders |
Clears the Overlay Folder paths for all packages installed/registered on the console. |
XtfGetOverlayFolder |
Gets the Overlay Folder path for a specified package. |
XtfSetOverlayFolder |
Sets the Overlay Folder path for a specified package. |
Structure |
Description |
FourPartVersion |
The four-part version number of a Game OS. |
Enumeration |
Description |
XtfConsoleCertType |
Enumeration Reserved for internal use. |
XtfConsoleFieldId |
Enumeration Identifies the value to return from XtfGetConsoleFieldValue. |
XtfConsoleFieldType |
Enumeration Identifies the type of the value returned from XtfGetConsoleFieldValue. |