Remove previous Minimal Airflow Deployment from the default namespace
helm uninstall airflow
kubectl delete pvc --all
Create a separate DAGS repo on Github where we will store all our DAGS in the root folder.
Now on the top right copy the SSH url under Code > SSH and define the path in the config script as.
# ./scripts/
export DAGS_REPO=""
Now lets deploy Airflow using the values.yaml file with our own secrets managed by our Helper Chart.
# Copy airflow configuration values file
cp Section3/yamls ./ -r
Add the following code to
or simply copy it cp Section3/scripts/ ./ -r -f
helm repo add apache-airflow
helm repo update
echo "Checking Previous Deployments"
if helm history --max 1 $RELEASE_NAME -n $NAMESPACE 2>/dev/null | grep -i FAILED | cut -f1 | grep -q 1; then
echo "Deleting Airflow"
helm uninstall $RELEASE_NAME -n $NAMESPACE
# Create Values File from Templated Values File
j2 ./yamls/values.yaml.j2 > ./yamls/values.yaml
echo "Installing Airflow"
helm upgrade --install $RELEASE_NAME apache-airflow/airflow -n $NAMESPACE --create-namespace\
-f ./yamls/values.yaml \
rm ./yamls/values.yaml
Run ./scripts/