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Introduction to lilos

lilos is a small operating system for embedded Rust applications. It’s intended for applications that have real-time needs.

What makes lilos unique:

  • It relies on Rust futures and async fn to implement cheap and flexible concurrency, without making you write explicit state machines. This means you can have more tasks in less RAM, and do complex things like have tasks split into multiple parts and rejoin, all with compiler checks.

  • It provides a small but extensible set of OS constructs, like queues and mutexes, and makes it relatively easy for you to add custom ones.

  • lilos concurrency happens almost entirely on the stack, which means concurrent tasks can freely borrow things from one another without requiring 'static or Send. This also means lilos doesn’t need any sort of heap or arena allocator.

  • lilos APIs try to be as clear and simple to understand as possible. There are no magic macros or required code generation.

  • You can write a useful lilos-based application that uses no unsafe code.

lilos was, as far as I’m aware, the first async embedded Rust OS, derived from a system I built in 2019. It’s been running in deployed systems since then, and I’ve been gradually improving and fixing it as I use it for more and more projects.

lilos currently supports ARM Cortex processors (M0, M0+, M3, M4, M7, and probably M33). I would be delighted to port it to a RISC-V processor and stop being ARM-centric. Perhaps you could recommend a cheap dev board for me to buy?

1. Basic idea

lilos is intended to be built into an application, which is a program you write that does some sort of embedded microcontroller thing. lilos itself is a library (Rust crate) that you link into your application using Cargo. Once your application’s main function hands control to lilos (using lilos::exec::run_tasks), lilos takes over the CPU and manages concurrent execution of your code until reset.

Applications are built out of tasks, which are the basic unit of concurrent execution in lilos (sort of like a thread). At the outermost layer, an application has a fixed set of one or more tasks, which are Rust futures (typically async fns) handed to lilos in run_tasks. Some of those tasks are started right away, while others can be configured to start later in response to events.

You can also have concurrency within a task. For instance, you can write code like this to cause a task to do some work, split into two independent pieces that run to completion, and then merge back together:


// Things A and B will run concurrently until both finish.
let (a_result, b_result) = join! {

do_something_with(a_result, b_result);

In the join! block, the async functions work_on_thing_a and work_on_thing_b will be interleaved, sharing CPU time until they both complete.

This is the reason why lilos is so useful: from a set of statically-defined top-level tasks, you can create complex patterns of concurrency that change dynamically.

lilos tasks are managed by the executor, in the lilos::exec module. It’s the chunk of code that ensures tasks get CPU time when they need it, and mostly don’t get CPU time when they don’t.

The executor schedules application tasks cooperatively, which means that a task has to explicitly give up the CPU (by using, for example, await) for other tasks to run. This has some advantages:

  1. You don’t have to think about preemption, and

  2. Most race conditions are made more difficult, since each span of code between await points is effectively a free critical section.

Of course, this has the drawback that code entering an infinite loop (which in this case includes panicking) will stop the whole executor. More on this later.

To make this "free critical section" idea consistent, the executor also manages the CPU’s interrupt controller to carefully control when interrupt service handlers can run. By default, the executor will postpone any ISR from running until the current task completely yields the CPU. This ensures that ISRs run between tasks rather than preempting them, and makes ISR-task interaction a lot easier to reason about. In the simplest configuration (using run_tasks), application code using lilos won’t be preempted by anything.

While lilos always schedules tasks cooperatively, it is possible to configure the executor to allow certain interrupts (or all interrupts) to preempt your task code, for situations where you need tightly bounded latency. This is an advanced technique, outside the scope of this guide, but if you’re curious, see lilos::exec::run_tasks_with_preemption.

1.1. A contrived example: using join with LEDs

Here is an example that alternates between blinking two LEDs together, and blinking them at totally different frequencies. This is sort of pseudocode because I haven’t provided all the build system files and such to make it work, but the code in the box below is actual lilos code that could work if plugged into the right scaffolding. (See the examples folder in the repo for complete worked examples.)

// We have two LEDs, named Led::A and Led::B.
// Make them both outputs.

// With that done, enter into our blinky-pattern loop.
loop {
    // First we're going to blink the two LEDs together 10 times
    // (for a total of 20 toggles). We'll make them blink at 5Hz,
    // which means we need to sleep for 100 ms each time.
    for _ in 0..20 {


    // Now let's break into two concurrent state machines, one
    // managing each LED, and blink them at different unrelated
    // frequencies. For the next three seconds, A will toggle
    // at delays divisible by 30, while B will toggle at delays
    // divisible by 50; at any delay divisible by both 30 and 50,
    // they will toggle near-simultaneously. (Note that this is
    // very similar to the "fizzbuzz" cliche tech interview
    // question.)
    join! {
        // A will go faster:
        async {
            for _ in 0..100 { // 100 * 30 = 3000
        // B will go slower but finish at the same time:
        async {
            for _ in 0..60 { // 60 * 50 = 3000

    // We rejoin here with both async blocks complete,
    // and continue our loop at the top.

(The join! macro is from the futures crate, if you’re curious.)

2. Structuring a lilos application

A lilos application consists of the following parts:

  1. A main function, or entry point, which is responsible for setting up any resources needed by tasks, and then starting lilos.

  2. State shared between any two or more tasks.

  3. One or more tasks, which are written as async fns that take the state they need as arguments — either by value, for state they will own, or by reference, for state they will share with other tasks.

For very simple applications that consist of totally independent concurrent tasks, you can skip number 2. But for most applications, some kind of communication between tasks is important.

One of the things that makes lilos unusual is that you can declare shared state as local variables on main's stack — safely. This has a lot of advantages, but the main one is that it lets the compiler’s borrow-checking work across tasks. To use the main alternative — putting state in static — you have to be somewhat careful to retain Rust’s guarantees.

There are a lot of times when the advantages of having state in a static outweigh the drawbacks, and I’ll touch on that in a later section.

2.1. Anatomy of a simple main

The main function of a lilos application typically looks something like this:

#[cortex_m_rt::entry] (1)
fn main() {
    let cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap(); (2)
    let p = set_up_some_hardware(); (3)

    let shared_between_a_and_b = Cell::new(true); (4)

    let alice = pin!(task_alice( (5)
    let bob = pin!(task_bob( (6)

        &mut cp.SYST,
        16_000_000, (7)
    lilos::exec::run_tasks( (8)
        &mut [alice, bob],
        lilos::exec::ALL_TASKS, (9)
  1. The entry proc-macro from cortex_m_rt binds the main function to the processor’s Reset vector, and ensures that everything’s set up the way Rust expects before starting main.

  2. Hardware setup usually wants access to the shared Cortex-M peripherals defined by the architecture reference manual. Here we use the cortex_m crate to get a handle to them that we can use below.

  3. Generally, some amount of hardware setup needs to happen before starting tasks. The most common example is adjusting the processor’s clock frequency or starting an external crystal oscillator, but this is also a handy place to configure pins or turn on peripherals that tasks will use. This step often produces a Peripherals object from the processor-specific PAC crate, which is shown here as p.

  4. State shared between tasks can be created as local variables here. The types shared between tasks do not need to be Send or Sync, so we can use simple types with interior mutation like Cell. (This is a core advantage of not letting tasks preempt one another except at await points.)

  5. task_alice is initialized with a combination of state shared with bob, and a peripheral that she will exclusively control (the TURBOENCABULATOR). (We’ll come back to the pin! macro below.)

  6. task_bob gets the same shared state and a different exclusive peripheral.

  7. This configures the lilos::time module assuming that the Cortex-M SYSTICK timer is ticking at 16 MHz. This must be done before using other API from lilos::time.

  8. This starts the executor and runs alice and bob concurrently, until reset.

  9. The "start mask" defines the subset of tasks to start immediately. It’s usually ALL_TASKS which, as its name suggests, starts them all.

2.2. Writing a simple task

Tasks in lilos are async fns that will never complete. They return the Infallible type (from core::convert).

Most tasks also want arguments, which provide them with resources and shared state.

A prototypical task looks like this:

async fn task_alice( (1)
    shared: &MySharedState, (2)
    owned: &mut SomeBuffer, (3)
    turboencabulator: TURBOENCABULATOR, (4)
) -> Infallible { (5)
    loop { (6)

        shared.wait_for_bob().await; (7)
  1. Each task is usually written as an async fn. This async fn is actually a task constructor: you could call it twice to make two Alice tasks, unless it prevents that somehow. (This one does not.)

  2. Shared state is passed into the task constructor by shared reference (&).

  3. Owned-but-external state, such as large buffers, are passed by exclusive reference (&mut).

  4. You can also pass in resources by-value, like this TURBOENCABULATOR type, which is presumably from a Peripheral Access Crate since it disregards Rust style norms. This can help prevent a task constructor from being called more times than you intended, since there’s no way for the code that called task_alice to get that turboencabulator back to do it again. (Unless you build one, of course.)

  5. The async fn for a task must never return. The Infallible type is the best way to describe this using only the standard library: it’s an enum with no variants, so it’s impossible to construct one, and so it’s impossible to return from this function. (You can still panic! of course.) This ensures that the Future produced from the async fn will never complete.

  6. The easiest way to ensure that a task never completes is to use a loop.

  7. The loop should contain at least one await point or equivalent macro (such as join!, select_biased!, or pending!). Otherwise, it will never yield control to other tasks!

You can also write your task as an explicit Future if you’d prefer. It’ll work fine. Just make sure type Output = Infallible.

2.3. Using static for state

You can get quite far while keeping all your state on the stack. However, you may run into cases where it breaks down. For me, this is almost always one of the following situations:

  1. I’m using a lot of RAM, and I want to know if I’ve run out of RAM at compile time. (Stack usage isn’t measured at compile time, so if you run out, you find out with a panic at runtime.)

  2. I have a variable that I want to inspect from a debugger, so I’d like it to be at a predictable place in memory with a predictable name.

  3. I have a large buffer that I’d like to place somewhere specific. For instance, a lot of microcontrollers have several different RAMs that aren’t right next to each other; you might put the stack in one, and a large communication buffer in another, to get the most out of the chip. The other common reason I want to do this is to use DMA.

In all three of these cases, the state you’re stuffing into a static may or may not be shared between tasks. It’s often useful to put a single task’s own state into a static for visibility.

Rust has rules on the use of static that help to avoid the most common race conditions and other mistakes. These rules mean we have to do some extra paperwork to put state in a static, in most cases.

The simplest case is putting an Atomic type in a static. These types are thread-safe and use interior-mutability, so Rust is totally chill with them being static (rather than the more restricted static mut). Putting an AtomicUsize in a static is trivial, and so is sharing it across tasks:

static EVENT_COUNTER: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);

async fn task_alice() -> Infallible {
    loop {
        EVENT_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);

async fn task_bob() -> Infallible {
    loop {


(You could also pass each task a &AtomicUsize rather than having them hardcode the static, of course.)

To static more complex things safely — things that need to be static mut — there’s a pattern that builds on this foundation. The core issue with static mut is that any code that can see the variable (in terms of scope) can try and poke it to generate a &mut. If you do this in two places, you’ve now got two &mut references pointing at the same thing, which is Bad And Wrong — &mut needs to remain exclusive. You can defend against this by using a pair of static variables and a pinch of unsafe. Here’s a case where we want a 1 kiB buffer to be static:

fn get_the_buffer() -> &'static mut [u8; 1024] { (1)
    static TAKEN: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); (2)

    if TAKEN.swap(true, Ordering::SeqCst) { (3)
        // This function has been called more than once,
        // which would produce an aliasing &mut.
        // Just Say No!

    // If we get to this point, the check above passed.
    // That means we're the first to execute this code since
    // reset! That in turn means we can safely produce a
    // &mut to our buffer and know it will be unique.
        static mut BUFFER: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024]; (4)

        unsafe { &mut BUFFER } (5)
  1. Because the buffer is static, we can return a reference with the 'static lifetime. Doing anything else is complex and I don’t recommend it.

  2. Define an AtomicBool that records whether our buffer has been "taken" by a call to this function. Because it’s defined inside the function, we only have to read this one function to see all possible uses of the variable and convince ourselves that we’ve done the right thing.

  3. This will return true on the second time we call this function, causing us to panic. We’ve exchanged compile-time borrowing checks (which we get for free for state on the stack) for runtime borrowing checks. (There’s not really a great alternative to this, since the compiler is very conservative about static.)

  4. By declaring the BUFFER inside this function, we again ensure that only code written write here can potentially access it. By opening an anonymous scope on the line just above, we also guarantee that no code earlier in the function can access it — so if you tried to touch BUFFER before checking TAKEN, you’d get a compile error. Overkill? Arguably. But I’m allergic to bugs.

  5. Using unsafe, we assert to the compiler that we have checked all the preconditions for producing a &mut referring to BUFFER. Which, in this case, we have.

This pattern covers the vast majority of uses of static. The main exception is if you want to build an array out of a type that is not Copy, or if the initializer expression you want to use to initialize your static is not const.

There’s a sneaky trick for getting around the Copy limitation for initializing arrays: array literals actually allow any Copy value or any const. So this works:

struct MyTypeThatIsNotCopy;

static STATE: [MyTypeThatIsNotCopy; 256] = {
    const X: MyTypeThatIsNotCopy = MyTypeThatIsNotCopy;
    [X; 256]

…​where [MyTypeThatIsNotCopy; 256] would fail. Weird, huh? But useful.

Initializing a static from a non-const expression is more involved, and for now I’m treating it as out of scope for the intro guide.

3. How to think about async and await

Some documentation of Rust async and await has presented it as a seamless alternative to threads. Just sprinkle these keywords through your code and get concurrency that scales better! I think this is very misleading. An async fn is a different thing from a normal Rust fn, and you need to think about different things to write correct code in each case.

3.1. async fn represents an inversion of control

Here is how I think about fn vs async fn:

  • A Rust fn is a function that will execute until it decides to stop executing (ignoring things like threads being preempted), or until it’s interrupted by a panic. In particular, its caller gives up control by calling it, and cannot decide to "un-call" it halfway through. (And likewise, if your fn calls another fn, you give up control to that fn, which can decide to enter an infinite loop or panic!.)

  • A Rust async fn is an explicit state machine that you can manipulate and pass around, that happens to be phrased using normal Rust syntax instead of tables and match statements. It generates a hidden type implementing the Future trait. The code that calls an async fn (or uses any Future, for that matter) has ultimate control over that Future, and can decide when it runs or doesn’t run, and can even discard it before it completes.

This distinction is subtle but very important: an async fn represents an inversion of control compared to a normal fn.

3.2. Hand-rolling an explicit state machine

If you wrote an explicit state machine by hand, this distinction would be clear in the code. For instance, here’s a simple one:

enum State {

impl State {
    /// Returns `true` if it completes, `false` otherwise.
    fn step(&mut self) -> bool {
        match self {
            Self::Begin => {
                *self = Self::PinHigh;
            Self::PinHigh => {
                *self = Self::PinLow;
            Self::PinLow => {
                *self = Self::Done;
            // Our terminal state:
            Self::Done => true,

State machines like this are almost universal in embedded systems, whether they’re phrased explicitly or left implicit. Drivers that have a combination of API entry points and interrupt service routines, for instance, form this kind of state machine. This toy version is written to be small enough to pick apart.

Each time the code that owns your State calls step, your code gets the opportunity to do stuff. At the end of that stuff, it returns, and the calling code regains control. It can then keep calling step until it gets true, indicating completion; or it could do something else and never call step again; or it could drop your state. (Note that it can also choose to keep calling step even after getting the true result! It’s very much in control here.)

How long will the high and low periods on the pin last? Well, how often will the caller call step? Sometimes this is defined by a contract (e.g. "this state machine advances every 100 ms"), but in this code example, we haven’t done anything to control timing. The caller could call step in a loop and make the high/low periods as short as possible, or it could sleep for months in between calls…​or never call step again.

What will the final state of the pin we’re controlling be? Currently, we can’t say. The caller could leave us paused forever without calling step, or could drop us before we finish. So the final state of the pin could be high, low, or tristate, depending on what the caller chooses. We could make this better-defined by adding a Drop impl, so if the caller were to drop the State before it finishes, the pin would do someting predictable:

impl Drop for State {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if !matches(self, Self::Done) {
            *self = Self::Done;

But if your caller decides to hang on to State and never call step, there’s not really anything State itself can do about this.

And you want it this way. Really. Keep reading.

3.3. Explicit state machines mean your caller has control

That might sound bad, but it’s really powerful. For instance, imagine that your caller looks like this:

let mut state = State::default();

loop {
    let done = state.step();
    if done { break; }

If we want to step every time the user presses a key, then we have to accept the possibility of never step-ping — because we can’t force the user to press a key! Being able to create a state machine and have it sit around waiting forever, at very low cost, is part of the power of writing explicit state machines.

3.4. Writing state machines with async fn

Writing explicit state machines in "long-hand" like this is error-prone and complex. Let’s rewrite the running example as an async fn. (The pending! macro is from the futures crate, and yields to the caller without waiting for any particular event. It contains an await.)

async fn my_state_machine() {



That doesn’t reproduce the Drop behavior if we’re cancelled. To do this in an async fn you need to have something in the body of the function that will perform an action when destroyed. You can roll this by hand, but, I recommend the scopeguard crate and its defer! macro:

async fn my_state_machine() {

    // Now that we've set the pin, make sure
    // it goes tristate again whether we exit
    // normally or by cancellation.
    defer! { tristate_pin(); }


    // Pin gets tristated here

That’s dramatically less code. It’s also much easier to check for correctness:

  • You can tell at a glance that there’s no way to return to an earlier state from a later one, since doing so would require a for, loop, or while, and there isn’t one here.

  • You can see (once you’ve read the docs for the defer! macro) that, as soon as the pin gets set high and before we yield control back, the state machine will ensure that the pin gets tristated at the end, no-matter-what. You don’t have to go hunting for a separate Drop impl.

3.5. await is a composition operator

Often, an application winds up requiring a hierarchy of state machines. Imagine that you wanted to take the pin-toggling state machine from the previous section, and ensure that it waits a certain minimum interval between changes. If the OS provides a "sleep for a certain time period" state machine (as lilos does) then the easiest way is to plug that into your state machine. Its states effectively become sub-states within one of your states. This is composition.

In a hand-rolled state machine, this is hard enough to get right that I’m not going to present a worked example. (Try it if you’re curious!)

But with a state machine expressed using async fn, it’s trivial, because we have an operator for it: await. await is the most common state machine composition operator (though not the only one!). It says, "take this other state machine, and run it to completion as part of my state machine."

And so, we can add sleeps to our pin-toggler by changing our pending!() to instead await a reusable sleep-for-a-duration state machine:

async fn my_state_machine() {
    defer! { tristate_pin(); }



    // Pin gets tristated here

This will ensure that a minimum of 100 ms elapses between our changes to the pin. We can’t impose a maximum using this approach, because — as we saw above — our caller could wait months between stepping our state machine, and that’s part of what we’re signing up for by writing this state machine.

Composition and cancellation interact in wonderful ways. Let’s say you’re using some_state_machine and you’re suspicious that it might take more than 200 ms. You’d like to impose a timeout on it: it will have 200 ms to make progress, but if it doesn’t complete by the end of that window, it will be cancelled (drop-ped).

lilos provides a "future decorator" for this purpose: with_timeout. It’s a function that takes any future as input, and returns an altered future that won’t be polled past a certain time.

match with_timeout(Millis(200), some_state_machine()).await {
    Some(result) => {
        // The state machine completed successfully!
    None => {
        // The timeout triggered first! Do any additional
        // cleanup you require here.
There are many other ways of doing this, such as using the select_biased! macro from the futures crate; with_timeout is cheaper.

This is the sort of power we get from the async fn ecosystem. Doing this with hand-rolled state machines is probably possible, but would be complex — and we haven’t even talked about borrowing and lifetimes. That’s a bigger topic than will fit in this doc, but the short version is: borrowing across await points in an async fn pretty much Just Does What You’d Expect, but getting it right in a hand-rolled state machine requires unsafe and gymnastics.

3.6. Summary

From my perspective, this is the fundamental promise of async fn: easier, composable, explicit state machines.

If a chunk of code absolutely needs to run to completion without letting anything else run, use a normal fn. If a chunk of code doesn’t need to call any async fns, use a normal fn. Basically, any function that can be written as a normal fn without breaking something, should be. It’s easier.

But if you need to write a state machine, use async fn. It’s harder to understand than normal fn because of the inversion of control and potential for cancellation, but far easier to understand than the code you might write by hand to do the same thing!

There’s a proposal to make code generic on whether or not it’s being used async, so that the same code could produce both a simple function and a Future. In this case you’d have to make sure to think about correctness in all possible ways your code could be used. I am suspicious, and I hope after reading this section, you are too.

4. lilos executor and API contracts

To be able to reason about the behavior of a program written using async fn, it’s important to understand the fundamental promises made by the async runtime that underlies it. These promises will apply to the outermost futures (in lilos, the top-level tasks), and will by default apply to the futures composed within those futures unless the code does something to alter the behavior.

I like to be able to make statements like "my program can’t do X" and not turn out to be wrong later, so I’ve tried to specify lilos's behavior pretty rigorously. The API docs are, as always, the authoritative definition, but this section will summarize the important bits.

4.1. Promises made to tasks by the executor

If you give a future to the lilos executor in the top-level tasks array, the executor will:

  1. Poll it promptly when it receives an event.

  2. Generally not poll it when it has not received an event, but, no guarantees.

"Receives an event" here means that the top-level future, or any future contained within it, blocked waiting for an event like a Notify or a queue, and that event got signaled.

This means, if you plug a future into the top-level tasks array, you can assume it will be polled at approximately the right times, and not dropped unexpectedly, or ignored for months for no reason.

Each time it processes the task array, the executor polls the futures in the order they appear. This means the event response latency for the first task in the array will be slightly better than the latency for the 400th task in the array. This may be relevant if your application is latency-sensitive.

The executor reserves the right to poll your task future sometimes even when a relevant event has not occurred. These are called spurious wakes. The ability to generate spurious wakes is actually critical to the implementation of the executor, for reasons that are described in the executor code if you’re curious. This is why the lowest-level event APIs like Notify always take a condition predicate, to tell if the event they’re waiting for has really happened.

4.2. Promises made by the API to their callers

All futures produced by the lilos public API — which includes every pub async fn in the lilos crate — should have well-defined behavior on cancellation. Dropping a lilos API future without polling it, or without polling it to completion, should never lose data or corrupt state. The intent is that the APIs adhere to the following definition of "cancel-correct:"

Calling an async fn and dropping the returned future before it completes should have no relevant side effects beyond dropping any values passed into the async fn as arguments.

I snuck the word "relevant" in there because it will obviously have some side effects. At the very least, it will burn CPU time and mess with memory. It might increment some event counters behind the scenes. But from the perspective of a caller, it should be fine to drop the future and then retry the operation without having to think about it.

The exception made for arguments passed into the async fn exists because there’s no good way to get the arguments back out on drop. So if you pass ownership of, say, a peripheral into an async fn, and then you throw that async fn away…​ well, you’ve thrown away access to the peripheral too. In general, if there’s any chance you’ll want to cancel and retry an operation, it should take its resources by reference.

5. Interrupts and concurrency

5.1. Calling lilos APIs from interrupt handlers

Using lilos APIs from interrupt handlers is nuanced.

In the default configuration (an application started using run_tasks without any fancy preemption options), interrupt handlers don’t preempt task code. In this situation, you can squint and treat interrupt handlers as an additional task, albeit one that isn’t async.

On Cortex-M processors, the default interrupt controller configuration also stops interrupt handlers from preempting each other.

In this situation, it’s safe to use a surprisingly broad set of lilos's APIs from interrupt handlers. However, it’s kind of hard to actually access the APIs.

A small subset of core lilos types are Sync and can be stored directly in a static, for sharing with interrupt handlers. Notify is the main one, and is the example discussed in the section Using an interrupt to wake a task. This is the easy case.

Fancier things like mutexes are, perhaps surprisingly, not Sync` in lilos. This is because `Sync indicates whether a type can support simultaneous shared access from multiple threads with potentially arbitrary preemption and interleaving of operations; we don’t have to support that on lilos because our tasks aren’t threads, and this simplifies the implementation dramatically.

It’s possible to share these types with interrupt handlers in a limited fashion safely, but I don’t currently have a worked example of this because it’s a very niche requirement, in my experience.

5.2. Interrupt prioritization and ISR preemption

By configuring the interrupt controller, you can arrange for interrupt handlers to be able to preempt one another even if they can’t preempt lilos tasks. On the cortex_m crate this requires some unsafe code, so you won’t do it by accident.

Once you’ve done this, assume that lilos APIs are only safe to use from the lowest priority interrupt handlers — that is, the ones that aren’t going to be preempting another handler. There are exceptions, in particular Notify, which is always safe.

5.3. Allowing ISRs to preempt tasks

By configuring the interrupt controller appropriately and starting your application with run_tasks_with_preemption, it’s possible to allow a subset of interrupt handlers to fire even while your tasks are running. Any interrupt handlers that you allow to do this must be careful with what lilos API they call. Unless stated otherwise, assume that they only have access to Notify.

The most common example of this is allowing the SysTick interrupt handler to preempt application code. lilos uses SysTick to maintain the OS timer, and its SysTick interrupt handler is carefully written to be safe when preempting task code. If tasks do more than about a millisecond of computation between yielding with await points, the SysTick handler may be delayed, and the OS may lose time.

For instance, setting SysTick to the highest priority and allowing it to preempt tasks would look like this:

// ... in the application main fn ...
let mut cp = cortex_m::Peripherals::take().unwrap();

// ... other stuff ...

unsafe {
    // Set to the highest priority.
    cp.SCB.set_priority(SystemHandler::SysTick, 0); (1)

// set up tasks...

// run the executor
unsafe {
    lilos::exec::run_tasks_with_preemption( (2)
        lilos::exec::Interrupts::Filtered(0x80), (3)

At <1> we override the default priority (which is all-1s) to zero, the highest.

When starting the executor at <2>, we use run_tasks_with_preemption, which requires unsafe because it requires you to have thought through your application architecture in terms of preemption. (In this specific case, it’s probably fine for any application, but once other interrupt handlers are involved, you’ll want to be careful.)

Passing Filtered(0x80) at <3> masks interrupts of priority 0x80 and lower (numerically greater) while tasks are running. This leaves the priorities between 0 and 0x7F available for preempting interrupt handlers. Note that the number of bits implemented in the priority field on Cortex-M is vendor dependent, so you can’t just pass 1 here and expect it to work for "any priority lower than 0."

6. How to do the thing you’re trying

lilos has extensive API documentation, which is always the most up-to-date and complete source for information about the APIs. To view it from a local clone of the lilos repository, enter the os subdirectory and run:

cargo doc --open

This section will give a higher-level tour of the APIs you might use while building an application, organized by the problem they solve.

Note that lilos uses Cargo features to control which parts of its API are built. By default, lilos will build with all the toppings. You can opt out of this and request individual features a la carte if you like.

6.1. Using an interrupt to wake a task

lilos::exec::Notify is what you want for this.

Notify is a very small (8 bytes), very cheap object that is designed to hang out in a static and synchronize task code with events. Those events usually come from interrupts, though Notify is also used under the hood to implement most other inter-task-communication APIs in lilos.

Notify doesn’t have to be in a static, it’s just often convenient for it to be in a static.

Here’s an example of using Notify to synchronize with an interrupt when sending a byte out a UART. This is a simplified and platform-generic version of the code in the UART-related examples in the repo; see those examples if you want more.

static TX_EMPTY: Notify = Notify::new(); (1)

/// Sends a byte, waiting if the UART is busy.
async fn send_byte(uart: &Uart, byte: u8) {
    if { (2)
        // Uh-oh. There's still something in the UART's TX
        // register, which means it's still working on the
        // _last_ byte we gave it. With a fast CPU and a
        // slow serial port, this could take a long time!
        // Let's block until/ the hardware says it's done.

        uart.control.modify(|_, w| { (3)

        TX_EMPTY.until(|| {

    // tx_empty is set, so, we can stuff the next byte in!
    uart.transmit.write(|w| w.bits(byte));

#[interrupt] (5)
fn UART() {
    // Get access to the UART from the ISR. Because it's a shared reference
    // this is almost always okay.
    let uart = unsafe { &*my_device_pac::UART::PTR };

    let control =;
    let status =;

    if control.tx_empty_irq_enable().bit_is_set() { (6)
        if status.tx_empty().bit_is_set() {
            // The send_byte routine is blocked waiting to hear from us.
            // Keep the interrupt from reoccurring:
            uart.control.modify(|_, w| {
                w.tx_empty_irq_enable().clear_bit() (7)
            // And signal the task:
            TX_EMPTY.notify(); (8)
  1. We declare a Notify at static scope where both our async fn and the interrupt handler can see it. I generally name the Notify after the hardware event it represents.

  2. Check UART status before attempting to send, to find out if it’s still working. This is an optimization; you could also do the enable-interrupt-and-wait sequence unconditionally. That code would be correct, but slower in cases where there’s no need to wait.

  3. Alter the UART configuration to generate an interrupt when tx_empty gets set.

  4. Use Notify::until to wait for the event. until takes a predicate function to tell when to wake up; here, we check the same status bit we read before to see when it gets set. It’s important to do this check, because it’s entirely possible (and sometimes useful) for tasks to wake spuriously. This makes sure the condition we think we’re waiting for has actually happened.

  5. Peripheral access crates for microcontrollers in the cortex-m-rt ecosystem define interrupt proc-macros for marking functions as ISRs. Since this example is generic, this pretends we’re targeting a micro with an interrupt named "UART."

  6. Interrupts can happen for a variety of reasons, and can be spurious. More complex interrupt handlers than this one usually wind up handling a variety of different conditions in the same routine. Here we check for the interrupt-enable bit that we set above to decide whether to act on the tx_empty status bit. This is technically overkill for the example, but becomes really important as soon as you also want to (say) receive data!

  7. If the event has occurred, we clear its interrupt-enable bit at the UART to keep this ISR from triggering again (at least, due to that particular event).

  8. This signals any tasks waiting on the Notify that they should check the condition they’re monitoring. In our case, because tx_empty is set (we checked!), this will cause the suspended send_byte routine to wake and finish processing.

The send_byte sketch above is cancel-safe because the type of byte (u8) is Copy. It’s written so that transmitting the byte happens after all await points. This means that it either transmits the byte and completes, or does not transmit the byte and the caller can retry (using a copy of byte).

6.2. Giving other tasks an opportunity to run if ready

If you want to temporarily pause an async fn to give any other pending tasks a chance to run, but without yielding the CPU for more time than necessary, use either lilos::exec::yield_cpu or the futures::pending! macro.

Here’s how to use yield_cpu to periodically give other tasks a chance to run during a large mem-copy, which would otherwise burn the whole CPU until it finishes (because it’s all synchronous code):

async fn polite_copy(source: &[u8], dest: &mut [u8]) {
    assert_eq!(source.len(), dest.len());

    for (schunk, dchunk) in source.chunks(256).zip(dest.chunks_mut(256)) {

        // Every 256 bytes, pause briefly and see if anyone else
        // is ready to run.

futures::pending!() is more or less equivalent to lilos::exec::yield_cpu().await. I prefer yield_cpu because it makes the await visible to the reader, but do whatever feels best to you!

If you need to do a large RAM-to-RAM bulk copy, and are concerned about impacting event response times, it’s often convenient to do it with DMA — freeing the CPU and avoiding the need to yield_cpu.

6.3. Doing something periodically

The easiest way to do something periodically is with the lilos::time module, which uses the SysTick timer common to all ARM Cortex-M CPUs.

lilos::time is available if lilos was built with the systick feature, which is on by default.

To use this module, make sure you’re calling lilos::time::initialize_sys_tick in your main function!

For precisely timing a periodic task in a loop, use lilos::time::PeriodicGate.

let mut gate = PeriodicGate::from(Millis(100));
loop {


PeriodicGate will try to minimize drift by always computing the "next time" in terms of the previous time, no matter how long you spend doing other actions in this iteration of the loop. So, this example will call toggle_a_pin every 100 ms, even if it takes 50 ms to run.

If what you actually want is to make sure that a minimum amount of time passes between two operations, you’re looking for lilos::exec::sleep_for instead:

loop {


If toggle_a_pin() takes 50 ms to run, this loop will call it every 150 ms instead of every 100 ms.

6.4. Doing something periodically without SysTick

If you want to do something periodically, but you don’t want to use the SysTick timer to do it, you will want to set up some hardware timer (provided by your microcontroller) and use interrupts as described in the section Using an interrupt to wake a task.

Why would you want to do this? In my case it’s usually one of two reasons:

  1. I’m on a device where idling the CPU in its lowest power state stops the SysTick timer from counting, so it loses time. The Nordic nRF52 series of microcontrollers behave this way.

  2. I need timing more precise than milliseconds. The lilos default time unit is a compromise choice: the ARM SysTick timer has the advantage of being very portable, but it essentially requires an interrupt per tick to do accurate time keeping. So we configure it to tick at 1 kHz to reduce interrupt load.

6.5. Sending something to another task

If you’re cool with requiring the tasks to synchronize — that is, the sender will wait until the receiver is ready to receive, and vice versa — then see the next section for a cheaper and easier option.

If you need to send things from task A to task B, the most general option is the single-producer single-consumer queue in lilos::spsc. This covers cases like:

  • Task A will generate bursts of events intermittently, and task B wants to process them gradually at its own pace.

  • Task A will generate events at regular but variable paces, and task B wants to consume them in large periodic batches.

…​in addition to the simple case of "A wants to send a thing to B."

lilos::spsc is available if lilos is built with the spsc feature, which is on by default.

6.6. Sending something to another task, but synchronously

If you need to send things from task A to task B, and it’s okay to make the two tasks synchronize each time they want to exchange data, then the lilos-handoff crate is your new best friend. Creating a Handoff doesn’t require any storage, and exchanging data using a Handoff guarantees to only copy your data in memory once — unlike spsc, which copies data at least twice: once on the way in, once on the way out.

If you just want the sender to wait while the receiver goes on doing its work, have a look at the try_pop operation on lilos_handoff::Pop.

lilos_handoff is not part of the core API. Use cargo add lilos-handoff to add it to your project.

6.7. Sharing a read-write resource between two or more tasks

If two or more tasks need access to a resource, and they all want to have &mut-style access (but not at the same time, because &mut), you probably want lilos::mutex.

lilos::mutex is available if lilos is built with the mutex feature, which is on by default.
lilos's mutex API is somewhat unusual, and attempts to make it harder for applications to accidentally build cancel-unsafe code on top of it. See the module docs for details.

6.8. Doing something only when all tasks are waiting

If you want to run some code only when there’s nothing else to do, you can provide a custom idle hook to lilos by starting the executor using lilos::exec::run_tasks_with_idle. The default idle hook just contains the WFI instruction that sleeps the processor until the next interrupt. If your processor needs other care when going to sleep (setting some bits in a register, turning off something expensive, reading a bedtime story) the idle hook is the right place to do it.

Two things to note:

  1. Like task code, the idle hook will be run with interrupts off. This is okay because the WFI instruction will resume if a pending interrupt arrives, even if interrupt handler execution is currently disabled.

  2. You can’t use async fn in the idle hook because, by definition, it runs only when no async fn has anything to do.

I like to install an idle hook that sets a pin low, calls cortex_m::asm::wfi(), and then sets that same pin high. By monitoring the pin with a logic analyzer, I can see how often the CPU is idle — the pin will be high when any task is running, and low when nothing is running. Having the logic analyzer compute "average duty cycle" of the signal gives me CPU utilization percentage — for nearly free!

6.9. Getting lilos working on a different microcontroller

There are worked examples in the repo for a bunch of different microcontroller platforms — mostly RP2040 and various STM32s — but maybe you’ve got something different!

If the microcontroller in question is an ARM Cortex-M based system, and you can successfully compile a basic embedded Rust program for it (say, a main that just panics), then lilos should work out of the box. lilos has no dependencies on any features of the microcontroller except those specified by ARM.

If the microcontroller is particularly oriented toward low-power applications, you may want to consider disabling the time feature so that lilos doesn’t expect the SysTick to be configured. Nordic nRF52 micros in particular benefit from this. (There’s not a worked example for the nRF52 in the repo, but I am using them in several projects with lilos.)

On the other hand, if the microcontroller is not an ARM Cortex-M …​ that’s going to be significantly harder.

  • If it’s a 32-bit RISC-V with the standard interrupt controller, I’m actually pretty interested in porting lilos — email me.

  • I haven’t really thought about other 32-bit microcontrollers. As long as it’s supported by rustc, I’m open to it. I love learning about unusual microcontrollers. Email me.

  • If it’s 64-bit, that’s…​probably feasible? But less obviously useful? I’d be curious to hear about your application.

  • I am uninterested in ports to 16- and 8-bit CPUs, and there are parts of the executor’s implementation that will be difficult to get working on such CPUs because of assumptions about atomic types. But, good luck to you!