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Search syntax

Christian Boxdörfer edited this page Jul 29, 2022 · 13 revisions

Normal and wildcard search (FSearch 0.2 and later)


Operator Keyword Description
AND space, AND, && An AND operator combines two search terms. Only results that match both search terms are returned.
OR OR, || An OR operator combines two search terms. Results that match one or both search terms are returned.
NOT NOT, ! A NOT operator negates the following search term.
Grouping (, ) Search terms can be surrounded by parentheses to group them together.


Keyword Description Example
* Matches zero or more characters *.pdf finds document.pdf but also .pdf
? Matches exactly one character k?ng finds king, kong, kung, k1ng, etc.


Modifiers can be applied to a search term. They can also be chained: folder:case:exact:(backup OR archive)

Keyword Description Example
Match case
ignore case
case:Test finds TestDocument.odt but not testdocument.odt

nocase:test finds TestDocument.odt and testdocument.odt
exact: Exact match exact:test finds Test and test but not testdocument.odt
Match files only file:test finds a file named test.odt but won't find the folder testfolder
Match folders only file:test finds a folder named testfolder but won't find the file test.odt
Match the full path
Match only the file/folder name
path:home finds a folder named home and all its children
Enable regular expression
Disable regular expression

Note: All reserved characters used by the FSearch search syntax (e.g. (, ), \) need to be escaped properly when they're used in the regular expression. This can be achieved by surrounding the whole expression with double quotes ".
file:regex:".+\.pdf$" finds all files which have the pdf extension


Keyword Description Example
childcount:<num> Search for all folders which have <num> children childcount:1 finds all folders which only contain one file or folder
childfilecount:<num> Search for all folders which have <num> files as children childfilecount:<=4 finds all folders which contain up to 4 files and an any number of folders
childfoldercount:<num> Search for all folders which have <num> folders as children childfoldercount:10..20 finds all folders which contain 10 to 20 folders and an any number of files
contenttype:<string> Match the content type of files and folders
The content type is the mime type of a file

Note: Determining the content type of a file is an expensive operation and can take a long time. It's therefor advised to first narrow down the potential results (e.g. path:/mnt/backup/documents contenttype:pdf)
contenttype:text finds all text files, like text/plain or text/css
Search for all files and folders which have been modified at dm:2020 finds all files and folders which have been modified in 2020
empty: Search for all folders which are empty
ext:<semi-colon-seperated-list> Search for files with the specified extensions ext:jpg;png;gif
parent:<path> Search for all files and folders which are stored in the folder specified by <path> parent:/home/user
size:<size> Search for all files and folders with the size specified by <size> size:1Mb, file:size:>20gb, file:size:0


Sequence Description Example
Double quotes Everything in between "" is treated literally (like spaces) "/home/user/my folder" *.pdf/home/user/my folder AND *.pdf
Backslash \ escapes the following character (like space or ") /home/user/my\ folder \"quote\".txt/home/user/my folder AND "quote".txt

Regular expression search


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