win-builder (devel and release, 64 and 32bit).
OK on devtools::check_win_devel() see here:
OK on Rhubv2 for platfroms as follows:
1 [VM] linux R-* (any version) ubuntu-latest on GitHub 2 [VM] m1-san R-* (any version) macos-latest on GitHub 3 [VM] macos R-* (any version) macos-13 on GitHub 4 [VM] macos-arm64 R-* (any version) macos-latest on GitHub 5 [VM] windows R-* (any version) windows-latest on GitHub 6 [CT] atlas R-devel (2025-02-15 r87725) Fedora Linux 38 (Container Image) 7 [CT] c23 R-devel (2025-02-15 r87725) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 9 [CT] clang-ubsan R-devel (2025-02-15 r87725) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 10 [CT] clang16 R-devel (2025-02-14 r87718) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 12 [CT] clang18 R-devel (2025-02-14 r87718) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 13 [CT] clang19 R-devel (2025-02-14 r87718) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 14 [CT] clang20 R-devel (2024-10-09 r87215) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 15 [CT] donttest R-devel (2025-02-14 r87718) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 17 [CT] gcc14 R-devel (2025-02-15 r87725) Fedora Linux 40 (Container Image) 18 [CT] intel R-devel (2025-02-15 r87725) Fedora Linux 38 (Container Image) 20 [CT] nold R-devel (2025-02-15 r87725) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 21 [CT] noremap R-devel (2025-02-14 r87718) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 24 [CT] ubuntu-clang R-devel (2025-02-15 r87725) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 25 [CT] ubuntu-gcc12 R-devel (2025-02-15 r87725) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 26 [CT] ubuntu-next R-4.4.2 (patched) (2025-02-15 r87725) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS 27 [CT] ubuntu-release R-4.4.2 (2024-10-31) Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
- Improved create_Arrow(), fixed crs for Coast and load_Coastline().
- Added create_Ellipse() and create_CircularArrow(). Improved get_iso_polys().
- Optimized create_Arrow().
- Modified add_Legend() behavior. Updated add_Cscale(), get_iso_polys() and Basemaps.
- Added create_Hashes() and add_Legend() functions. Modified get_iso_polys().
- Updated SmallBathy() and coastline accessed by load_Coastline().
- Added Rotate_obj() function.
- Added create_Arrow() function. Fixed bug in seabed_area(). SmallBathy is now a function, not an object.
- Improved add_Cscale() and updated SmallBathy.
- Improved create_Pies().
- Improved DensifyData().
- Added get_iso_polys() function.
- Moved all operations from sp/raster to sf/terra. Added get_C_intersection() function.
- Now the vignette links to the GitHub README to avoid CRAN Checks issues.
- Added create_Pies() and add_PieLegend() functions.
- Added load_Bathy() function.
- Shortened Vignette to pass CRAN tests.
- Added area and centroid for each cell created using create_PolyGrids().
- Moved to using EPSG codes in spatial operations.
- Added NamesIn parameter in create_x functions.
- Changed handling of packages dependencies.
- Changed crs argument to accommodate rgdal and sp updates.
- Modified create_PolyGrids() function to avoid locations falling on edges between cells.
- Added p4s argument in load functions to force the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection when loading via GEOJSON.
- replaced T by TRUE and F by FALSE.
- on.exit() was used in the get_depths function (option call is needed to produce acurate contours).
- cat() was replaced by either warning() or message() when needed.
- replaced dontrun{} by donttest{} (necessary because some example are slow, because they use a call to load a GEOJSON file from an online source - and this seems slow during checks()).
- modified par() calls as requested.
- directed save() calls to temp directory.
- added more details in description file.