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712 lines (540 loc) · 26.5 KB


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712 lines (540 loc) · 26.5 KB (4 June 2014)

  • Bug fix: arrow head and tail length and gaps specified with Local now work correctly (#193).

1.2 (27 May 2014)

  • New features

    • Several attributes (such as line width, dashing size, arrowhead size, and font size) that formerly had a value of type Double now have the more general type Measure R2. This allows the attributes to be specified relative to one of four measurement frames: Local, Global, Normalized, and Output.

    • New DSL for specifying measurements.

    • New synonyms for specifying measurements, e.g. thin, thick, and medium, large.

    • Support for radial and linear gradients for fills and strokes.

    • New DImage type that supports both embedded and external images in Backends that support them.

    • New lengths Traversal for setting headLength and tailLength simultaneously.

    • Frustrum and Box shapes added to Diagrams.ThreeD.Shapes.

    • New function quartForm to find roots of quartic polynomials.

    • New Lenses for polar coordinates.

    • New trig functions, sinA, atanA, etc. which take Angle as input or output.

  • New instances

    • Transformable instances for LineWidth, Dashing, LineTexture, and FillTexture.
  • API changes

    • FillColor and LineColor attributes have been replaced with the more general FillTexture and LineTexture. Use the solid function to convert a color to a texture.

    • The size of arrow heads and tails is now specified in terms of length instead of the radius of their circumcircle.

    • Gaps at the ends of arrows are now specified using Measure R2.

    • The gap traversal has been replaced by gaps for consistency in naming, though gap is still provided for backwards compatibility.

    • fontSize now takes a value of type Measure R2.

    • Get rid of (bitrotted) Show backend.

    • Functions in TwoD.Adjust now return the adjustment transformation itself in addition to the resized Diagram and Options record; this can be used, e.g. to convert screen coordinates back into diagram coordinates.

    • Export pathLocSegments.

    • The avgScale function has been moved to Diagrams.Core.

    • The Angle definition and related functions (e.g. angleBetween) have moved to a separate module, Diagrams.Angle.

    • A separate Diagrams.TwoD.Attributes module now contains most of the attributes that require 2D transformation instances.

    • The splitColorFills function has been replaced by splitTextureFills.

  • Dependency/version changes

    • Allow semigroups-0.15

    • Allow `opt-parse-applicative-0.9.0

    • Allow lens-4.2 (15 May 2014)

- Allow `semigroups-0.14` (10 April 2014)

- Allow `semigroups-0.13` (4 April 2014)

  • Require intervals-0.7
  • Give connectOutside a reasonable behavior even when one or both endpoints has no trace (19 March 2014)

  • Allow lens-4.1 (18 March 2014)

  • Allow optparse-applicative-0.8 (9 March 2014)

  • Allow vector-space-points-0.2

1.1 (8 March 2014)

  • New features

    • Support for Deformations, arbitrary (non-affine) transformations on objects such as points, paths, and located trails (though not on diagrams).

    • New functions clipTo, which clips a diagram's envelope and trace along with its visual representation, and clipped, which clips the diagram's visual representation but replaces its envelope and trace with those of the clipping path.

    • New arrowV function, for creating an arrow with the direction and magnitude of a given vector.

    • gap traversal, for setting the head and tail gaps of an arrow simultaneously.

    • Generalized types for centerXY and snugXY, based on new basis function from `diagrams-core

    • New 3D Transforms, alignment, and 3D-specific Prelude.

    • New frame function similar to pad, but increases the envelope of a diagram by an amount specified in local units in every direction irrespective of the local origin.

    • New splitFills function for pushing fill attributes down to subtrees containing only loops (mostly of relevance only to backend implementors).

  • New instances

    • Typeable instances for all data types that are used as diagram primitives.
    • Sectionable instance for FixedSegment.
  • API changes

    • Angle is now a type, rather than a class. It uses a single internal representation for angles, and lenses turn, rad, and deg are supplied for constructing (using @@) and viewing (using ^.) Angles in various units. In addition, the Num instance for Angle has been removed, eliminating a class of errors where a bare number is interpreted in units other than what you expect.

    • Removed Num instance for angles.

  • Dependency/version changes

    • Require lens >= 4.0.
    • Allow array-0.5.
    • Allow hashable-1.1.
    • Remove NumInstances dependency.
  • Bug fixes

    • Exclude joins in offsets on close segments (#160).
    • Exclude extra segment when joining loops in offset (#155).
  • Performance improvements

    • colorToSRGBA function now avoids expensive matrix operations, offering dramatic speedups in rendering diagrams with many color attributes.

1.0.1 (26 January 2014)

- Depend on `hashable` package, and add `Hashable` instance for

  Technically, the PVP specifies that adding a new instance
  requires a major version bump.  However, I highly doubt anyone
  was making their own orphan `Hashable` instances before.  Feel
  free to yell at Brent if this breaks your build. (28 November 2013)

- Allow semigroups-0.12

1.0 (25 November 2013)

  • New features

    • New modules Diagrams.TwoD.Arrow and Diagrams.TwoD.Arrowheads for creating arrows.
    • New module Diagrams.Backend.CmdLine, providing a flexible framework for creating command-line-driven diagram rendering executables.
    • New functions in Diagrams.Offset: offsetTrail and offsetPath for one-sided offsets of trails and paths; expandTrail and expandPath for "stroking" trails and paths, computing a path whose fill corresponds to the stroke of the given trail or path.
    • New module Diagrams.Tangent for computing tangent and normal vectors of segments, trails, and paths.
    • New functions in Diagrams.Align to allow diagrams to be aligned by Trace called snug, snugBy and snugCenter and the ability to define other boundary functions for alignment. Functions snugL, snugR, etc. are included in TwoD.Align.
    • Lenses from Control.Lens are now used consistently for record fields throughout the library.
    • New function angleRatio for calculating the ratio between two angles.
    • Restricted identity functions asTurn, asRad, and asDeg for resolving type ambiguity
    • New miter limit attribute.
    • New function annularWedge in TwoD.Arc
    • New avgScale utility in TwoD.Transform, for backends which cannot fully implement freezing of line width
    • New function heptagon, a vast improvement over the linguistic frankenstein septagon.
    • New function lookupName (re-exported from diagrams-core) for simple lookups of named subdiagrams
    • New function angleBetween to calculate the angle between two vectors.
    • New function arcBetween to draw an arc between two given points.
    • A bunch of new modules containing types, primitives and utilities for constructing 3D diagrams: Diagrams.ThreeD.Align, .Camera, .Light, .Shapes, .Transform, .Types, and .Vector. This is still a "feature preview" (in particular, appropriate 3D backends are still under construction).
  • New instances

    • AdditiveGroup and VectorSpace instances for Turn, Rad, Deg
    • Alignable instance for (->) e
    • Default instances for FillRule, FillRuleA, LineJoin, LineCap, FillColor
    • Show instances for FillRule, FillRuleA
  • API changes

    • e no longer exported from Diagrams.Prelude.
    • Diagrams.BoundingBox is no longer exported from Diagrams.Prelude.
    • Re-export Diagrams.Core.pointDiagram from Diagrams.Prelude.
    • Added fromAlphaColour method to Color class.
    • & renamed to ^&
    • Stop re-exporting tan, over, and both from Data.Colour.
    • New coordinate lenses _x, _y, and _z for R2, P2, R3, P3
    • Export fullTurn from Diagrams.Prelude.
    • Codomain (Located a) is now Point (Codomain a) instead of Located (Codomain a).
    • Export domainBounds from Diagrams.Parametric.
    • Adjusting functionality moved from Diagrams.Parametric to its own module, Diagrams.Parametric.Adjust.
    • Rename strokeT (and primed variant) to strokeTrail; rename strokeLocT to strokeLocTrail.
    • ScaleInv is now in its own module, Diagrams.TwoD.Transform.ScaleInv.
    • Re-export Image type (but not constructor) from Diagrams.TwoD
    • Removed Floating and RealFloat instances for Turn and Deg
    • offsetSegment now returns a Located instead of a tuple.
    • Removed Num and Fractional instances for R2.
  • Dependency/version changes

    • Remove newtype dependency
    • New dependencies on lens, tagged, optparse-applicative, filepath, safe, vector-space-points, MemoTrie
    • Depend on intervals >= 0.3 && < 0.5.
  • Bug fixes

    • Depend on intervals 0.3, which allows diagrams to build on Windows, by evading a GHCi linker bug which affects the FFI use in previous versions of intervals (diagrams-contrib#14)

    • Use point envelope at the origin for text objects instead of an empty envelope (#115, #116).

    • Adjusting the end of a trail now works correctly (#95).

    • Only look for miter join on corners in Diagrams.TwoD.Offset (#118).

    • wedge from Diagrams.TwoD.Arc is now a Loop (#99)

  • Performance improvements

    • R2 is now strict and UNPACKed
    • Add strictness to Offset, Segment, OffsetEnvelope, and SizeSpec2D.
    • Make getEnvelope calculation for Segment more efficient by floating divisions out of the inner calculation.
    • Use a specialized HasTrie instance for R2. (27 September 2013)

  • allow semigroups-0.11

0.7.1 (11 September 2013)

  • New features

    • New standard miter limit attribute
    • New functions lineColorA, lineWidthA, lineMiterLimitA, fontSizeA for directly applying attribute values
    • setDefault2DAttributes now sets default line cap (butt), line join (miter), and miter limit (10) attributes
  • New instances

    • Data.Default instances for
      • LineCap
    • LineJoin
    • LineMiterLimit
    • LineWidth
    • LineColor
    • FontSize

0.7 (9 August 2013)

  • New features

    • New module Diagrams.TwoD.Curvature, for computing the curvature of 2D segments at any given point.
    • New module Diagrams.Offset, containing an offsetSegment function that builds a trail a fixed distance from the original segment. This is a precursor to planned functions offsetTrail and offsetPath.
    • New function Diagrams.TwoD.Transform.onBasis, for extracting a matrix representation of a 2D transformation
    • New functions extrudeEnvelope and intrudeEnvelope, for extending or shrinking an envelope only in a certain direction.
    • Generalize the Color class to absolute colors. This addresses concerns raised in issue #66 by letting the backend choose which color space to render Color instances to. Functions are provided for backwards compatibility with the old semantics.
    • New function scaleInvPrim for creating a diagram from a single scale-invariant primitive.
    • New module Diagrams.Parametric, containing a collection of classes abstracting over "parametric" things: Parametric, DomainBounds, EndValues, Sectionable, and HasArcLength, with instances for segments, trails, and related things.
    • A big refactoring of segments and trails:
      • Segments can now be either "closed" or "open".
      • There are now two types of trails: "lines" (which travel from point A to point B) or "loops" (closed curves which end where they started). Trail is now a wrapper type which can contain both loops and lines.
      • There is a new Located wrapper type for adding locations to translation-invariant things. Paths now consist of a collection of Located Trails.
      • The PathLike class is now renamed to TrailLike; the trailLike function takes a Located Trail as input.
    • New convenience functions boundaryFrom and boundaryFromMay, for computing boundaries of subdiagrams.
    • Re-export from diagrams-lib a lot of things defined in diagrams-core, to make them easier for users to find. Several new modules have been created as a result: Diagrams.Query, Diagrams.Envelope, Diagrams.Trace, and Diagrams.Names.
    • Export the centroid function from Diagrams.Prelude.
    • triangle is now a synonym for eqTriangle.
  • New instances

    • IsPrim instances for Path, Ellipsoid, Image, Text, and ScaleInv
    • Eq, Ord, and Show instances for SizeSpec2D
  • API changes

    • CircleFrac has been renamed Turn (though CircleFrac is retained as a deprecated synonym).
    • Diagrams.Coordinates is no longer exported from Diagrams.Prelude. This is for compatibility with lens, as (&) is a rather important lens operator and clashes with Diagrams.Coordinates. Users who want the Coordinates stuff can import Diagrams.Coordinates explicitly.
  • Dependency/version changes

    • allow base-4.7
    • upgrade to monoid-extras-0.3
    • depend on data-default-class instead of data-default
    • Tested with GHC 7.7.
  • Bug fixes

    • Added a special case that was a not handled properly by the quadratic solver, resulting in bogus envelopes in certain cases (#88).
    • Import only Data.NumInstances.Tuple instead of Data.NumInstances. Previously, Diagrams.Prelude exported Eq, Show, and Num instances for functions and tuples; now it only exports tuple instances. Users wishing to use Diagrams.CubicSpline with a vector space built over functions (!?) can import Data.NumInstances.Function themselves. (#48)
    • Do scaling on a Path before constructing a TrailLike in rect (#43) (4 May 2013)

  • bump upper bound to allow NumInstances-1.3 (28 March 2013)

  • bump upper bound to allow NumInstances-1.2

  • Quadratic solver is now more numerically stable, getting rid of some incorrect behavior of juxtapose (#46) 7 January 2013

  • allow semigroups-0.9

0.6: 11 December 2012

  • New features

    • boundingRect function for constructing a bounding rectangle

    • bg function for "setting the background color" (i.e. placing atop a colored bounding rectangle)

    • New functions setDefault2DAttributes and adjustDiaSize2D. adjustDia2D does both --- so the behavior of adjustDia2D has not changed, but it is now possible to apply just one of the two adjustments using the new functions.

    • Diagrams.TwoD.Transform now exports a ScaleInv type for creating scale-invariant objects, which are only affected by rotational and translational components of transformations.

    • The new Diagrams.Coordinates module provides nicer syntax for constructing and pattern-matching point and vector literals.

    • New fromFixedSeg function in Diagrams.Segment, which decomposes a FixedSegment into a starting point and a Segment.

    • New withTrace function for setting the Trace of a diagram.

    • Three new size-related functions:

      • New sized function for scaling an object to a particular size. One particularly nice use of this is to obviate the need to keep fiddling with the line width to get diagrams to "look right"; just set the line width relative to some arbitrary scale (e.g. assuming the final diagram will fit into a 1x1 box) and then apply sized to the final diagram to make it that given arbitrary size. It can also be used for easily making something (a diagram, path, trail, ...) the same size as something else, with the help of the new sizeSpec2D function.

      • New sizedAs function, for setting the size of some object to be "the same as" some other object.

      • New sizeSpec2D function for conveniently calculating the size of an object as a SizeSpec2D value (for use with the new sized funtion).

    • New extrudeEnvelope and intrudeEnvelope functions for modifying envelopes in a single direction only, as well as new functions extrude{Left,Right,Bottom,Top} specializing extrudeEnvelope to 2D.

    • arcCW draws clockwise arcs; arc' draws arcs counterclockwise or clockwise as the radius is positive or negative, respectively.

    • fill color attribute is generalized to support "recommended" and "committed" colors; text objects use a recommended fill color of black.

  • New instances

    • The Show instance for R2 now produces something like 2 & 6 instead of R2 { unR2 = (2,6) }. The Read instance has also been changed to match, so read . show = id.

    • Enveloped instance for FixedSegment

    • Traced instances for Segment, FixedSegment, Trail, and Path

    • New derived Eq instances for LineCapA, LineJoinA, Dashing, DashingA, FillRule, Font, FontSize, FontSlant, FontSlantA, FontWeight, and FontWeightA

    • Renderable Ellipsoid NullBackend instance

  • API changes

    • Data.Colour (minus atop and AffineSpace) is now re-exported from Diagrams.Prelude for convenience.

    • The beneath function is now infixl 6.

    • The BoundingBox module has had a complete overhaul. There is now a special empty bounding box, and bounding boxes are an instance of Monoid.

    • The type of withEnvelope has been slightly generalized.

    • Diagrams.TwoD.Adjust.adjustSize is now deprecated; it has been renamed and moved to Diagrams.TwoD.Size.requiredScaleT.

    • expandPath has been renamed to scalePath.

  • Dependency/version changes

    • Allow data-default 0.4 and 0.5
    • Allow base-4.6
    • Allow containers-0.5
  • Bug fixes

    • arc and arcT functions now always produce counterclockwise arcs, as claimed.

0.5: 9 March 2012

  • New features

    • mkSizeSpec function for constructing a SizeSpec2D from two Maybe Doubles
    • beneath as convenient synonym for flip atop
    • Improvements and extensions to rounded rectangles by Peter Hall:
      • roundedRect' allows rounded rectangles with a different radius specified for each corner
      • both roundedRect' and roundedRect now allow negative radii, resulting in "inverted" circular corners
    • #64: New Alignable class for things that can be aligned.
    • explodeTrail and explodePath have been generalized to return any PathLike type.
    • New path functions pathCentroid (compute the centroid of a path's vertices) and expandPath (scale a path about its centroid).
    • Generalized centroid function now exported from new module Diagrams.Points.
    • Initial (experimental) support for animation:
      • Animation and QAnimation defined as synonyms for Active diagrams (see active package)
      • Instances for Active: V, HasOrigin, Transformable, HasStyle, PathLike, Juxtaposable, Alignable
      • animEnvelope and animRect functions for automatic bounding of animations
    • addClosingSegment function for making the implicit closing segment of a closed trail explicit
    • Improvements to BoundingBox module from Michael Sloan: querying of BoundingBox bounds, corners, extents, and transformation of objects to fit within a given box.
    • Text alignment options from Michael Sloan
    • view function for restricting a diagram's envelope to a rectangular region.
    • iterateN function for iterating a finite number of times
    • atAngle for placing two diagrams next to each other along a specified angle.
    • padX and padY functions for padding in the X- and Y-directions independently.
    • generalized showOrigin function from Ian Ross
    • #40: add shears to Diagrams.TwoD.Transform
  • Performance improvements

    • Use a balanced folding scheme for cat', reducing time in some cases from \(O(n^2)\) to \(O(n \log n)\)
    • More efficient implementation of beside
  • New instances

    • Alignable instances for QDiagram, Path, Envelope, Active, Set, Map, []
    • Renderable instances for NullBackend (Trail, Path, Segment, Image, Text)
    • Instances for Active: V, HasOrigin, Transformable, HasStyle, PathLike, Juxtaposable, Alignable
  • API changes

    • R2 used to be a synonym for (Double, Double) but is now abstract. To convert between pairs of Doubles and R2, use the new functions r2 and unr2. There are two reasons for this change: 1. to allow for future changes to the implementation of R2; 2. (Double, Double) was an awkward special case getting in the way of useful tuple instances for classes like HasOrigin, Enveloped, and so on.
    • circlePath has been removed; its functionality has been subsumed by circle.
    • adjustSegment now takes an extra tolerance option.
    • Ellipses are now represented using Bezier approximations rather than a separate special type.
    • BoundingBox no longer has a Transformable instance; the old instance was misleading at best.
    • Change semantics of beside (hence also (|||) and (===)) so the result's origin is the same as that of the first argument.
    • adjustDia2D now takes a SizeSpec2D.
    • beside and related functions are now implemented in terms of juxtapose.
    • Instead of taking an R2, roundedRect now takes a pair of Doubles, to be more consistent with rect.
  • Dependency/version changes

    • Support for GHC 7.4.1:
      • depend on colour >= 2.3.2
      • update base and array upper bounds
    • bump vector-space upper bound
  • Bug fixes

    • Avoid scale by zero error in showOrigin.
    • Base adjustDia2D translation on output size rather than diagram size. 30 October 2011

  • bump data-default dependency to allow version 0.3

0.4: 23 October 2011

  • documentation fixes

  • New functions and primitives

    • wedge shape primitive
    • fromDirection function for converting angles to 2D unit vectors; inverse function direction generalized to return any Angle type
    • New functions for computing and adjusting segment lengths
    • scaleUToX and scaleUToY for doing uniform scales resulting in a desired width or height.
    • circlePath, reversePath, decoratePath
  • New features

    • Completely new and improved polygon generation API
    • Cubic splines
    • User-controllable path fill rules
  • Bug fixes

    • fix incorrect corner case in arc generation
    • fix incorrect reverseTrail function

0.3: 18 June 2011

  • New features

    • new customizable stroke' function which lets you assign names to path vertices
    • circle and square functions now take a size argument
    • function for adjusting 2D diagrams to requested size abstracted from cairo backend
    • generalize PathLike class to include an instance for diagrams, and collapse things like polygon/polygonPath into a single polymorphic function
    • basic text support
    • basic support for external images
    • very sketchy initial proof-of-concept library of 3D primitives. See also diagrams-povray package.
  • Bug fixes

    • Issue 32 (mempty not behaving correctly within concatenations)

0.2: 3 June 2011

  • documentation fixes

  • New functions and primitives

    • scaleToX and scaleToY for scaling to an absolute width/height
    • reverseTrail
    • new Angle class and ability to use radians, degrees, or circle fractions for specifying angles
    • rotateAbout and reflectAbout transformations based on new conjugation functions
    • rect and roundedRect primitives
    • explodeTrail/Path for breaking trails and paths into individual segments
  • New features

    • opacity attribute
    • support for path clipping
  • New modules

    • Diagrams.BoundingBox
  • Fixes and updates

    • withBounds now properly uses the new bounds instead of just combining them with the old

0.1.1: 18 May 2011

  • minor documentation fixes
  • link to new website

0.1: 17 May 2011

  • initial preview release