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143 lines (131 loc) · 10.6 KB

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     |   /| _|  / _ \ | |) || |\/| || _| 
     |_|_\|___|/_/ \_\|___/ |_|  |_||___|
A MATLAB implementation of a binary image GMM classifier.
   ___ _      _   ___ ___ ___ ___ ___   _ _____ ___ ___  _  _ 
  / __| |    /_\ | _ \_ _| __|_ _/ __| /_\_   _|_ _/ _ \| \| |
 | (__| |__ / _ \|   /| || _| | | (__ / _ \| |  | | (_) | .` |
  \___|____/_/ \_\_|_\___|_| |___\___/_/ \_\_| |___\___/|_|\_|

**** All code from third party sources which was not provided in lab material is credited **** Code was used from the following sources: * L.J.P. van der Maaten. (c2017). Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2017]. * Wolf C,. Matlab code for Zernike moments. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2017]. * Spruyt, V. "How to draw an error ellipse representing the covariance matrix?". [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2017]

--------------------------------------* 1 *-------------------------------------- Packaging and execution instructions.

  • Extract all files from the folder. This expands as a directory of files:
    • calcCov.m - Calculates the covariance matrix of a data matrix.
    • calcMean.m - Calculates the mean vector of a data matrix.
    • centersquare.m - Used in Zernike feature extraction (Wolf. C).
    • chainCode.m - Calculates image chain code.
    • classify.m - Classifies image using models.mat or unsupervised_models.mat Example use: classify('./images/train/Alien001', 'SUPERVISED')
    • CM20220 Coursework Report.pdf - Report on findings.
    • confusionMatrix.m - Confusion matrix for supervised GMM classification. Example use: confusionMatrix('./images/train', './images/custom', 8, 'BW', 0)
    • conMatAccuracy.m - Computes classifier accuracy for given conditions. Example use: conMatAccuracy(15, 'PCA', 0)
    • customTestImages.m - Script - Classifies the custom image set.
    • ensurePSD.m - Ensures matrix is positive semi definite (provided in Lab material)
    • equalVec.m - Tests if 2 vectors are equal (provided in Lab material)
    • error_elipse.m - Script - produces covariance error elipse (Spruyt, V).
    • findBlackSpot.m - Finds first black spot in an image
    • findWhiteSpot.m - Finds first white spot in an image (provided in Lab material)
    • getClasses.m - Gets list of classes in an image directory (provided in Lab material)
    • getClassList.m - Gets list of classes in an image directory
    • getDataMatrix.m - Gets data matrix of all features of certain class (provided in Lab material)
    • getFeatures.m - Gets features of a given image. Example use: getFeatures('./images/test/Alien043.gif', 8, 'BW', 0)
    • getNumImages.m - Counts images in an image directory (provided in Lab material)
    • klDivergence.m - Calculates the KL divergence between 2 Normal distributions.
    • klDivGaussians.m - Script - Calculates the KL Divergence betwteen the Gaussians of the supervised GMM.
    • kMeans.m - Script - Clusters data using k-means and creates an unsupervised GMM.
    • matrixSpread.m - Calculates the spread of a given matrix - classifier % accuracy for confusion matrix.
    • numFeaturesBWPlot.m - Script - Plots number of BW Features against resultant % classifier accuracy.
    • numFeaturesFourierPlot.m - Script - Plots number of Fourier Features against resultant % classifier accuracy.
    • numFeaturesPCAPlot.m - Script - Plots number of PCA Features against resultant % classifier accuracy.
    • numFeaturesZernikePlot.m - Script - Plots number of Zernike Features against resultant % classifier accuracy.
    • numImagesForClass.m - Calculates the number of images belonging to a certain class in a directory (provided in Lab material)
    • plotFourierSpectrum.m - Script - Plots shift in Fourier Spectrum against resultant % classifier accuracy.
    • plotKernelDensityEstimation.m - Script - Plots probability distribution estimation for each class.
    • README.txt - Instructions.
    • train.m - Trains a supervised GMM based on a chosen feature extraction type. Example use: train('./images/train', 6, 'FOURIER', 0)
    • tsnePlot.m - Script - Plots predicted vs actual classes for a given feature extraction type.
    • unsupervised_con_matrix.m - Confusion matrix for unsupervised GMM classification. Example use: unsupervised_con_matrix('./images/train', './images/test')
    • verifyImageDir.m - Verifies an image directory (provided in Lab material)
    • zernike_bf.m - Used in Zernike feature extraction (Wolf. C).
    • zernike_mom.m - Used in Zernike feature extraction (Wolf. C).
    • zernike_orderlist.m - Used in Zernike feature extraction (Wolf. C).
    • zernike_rec.m - Used in Zernike feature extraction (Wolf. C).

--------------------------------------* 2 *-------------------------------------- Images used.

  1. "training set" - provided with Lab material ('./images/train')
  2. "test set" - provided with Lab material ('./images/test')
  3. "custom set" - taken from the MPEG7 CE Shape-1 Part B database ('./images/custom')

--------------------------------------* 3 *-------------------------------------- Training the classifier.

The supervised GMM classifier can be trained using train.m which saves a MATLAB struct 'models' as a supervised GMM. * train.m has 4 parameters - imagedir, N, featureType, Shift - imagedir = directory of image to train classifier on (usually './images/train') - N = Number of Features (length of feature vector) - featureType = 'FOURIER' / 'ZERNIKE' / 'BW' / 'PCA' - Shift = Shift in Fourier coefficients sampled from (usually 0) * It will model all of the parameters of each class in the training directory as separate Gaussian distributions in a GMM. - This model can be seen by using the command "load 'models'"

The unsupervised GMM classifier can be trained using kMeans.m which saves a MATLAB struct 'unsupervised_models' as an unsupervised GMM. * Click run on the kMeans.m script to see the data being clustered by the k-Means algorithm. * The following variables can be changed within the file to see the effects: - numFeatures = Number of Features (length of feature vector) - featureType = 'FOURIER' / 'ZERNIKE' / 'BW' / 'PCA' - Shift = Shift in Fourier coefficients sampled from (usually 0) - testDir = './images/test'; - trainDir = './images/train'; * The script computes the parameters to a Gaussian for each cluster then models an unsupervised GMM. * This script also plots the k-Means clusters and actual classifications and works out the closest label to each k-Means cluster in the GMM.

--------------------------------------* 4 *-------------------------------------- Testing the classifier.

Testing the supervised GMM classifier uses: confusionMatrix.m and conMatrixAccuracy.m * confusionMatrix.m has 5 parameters. It outputs the supervised confusion matrix under given conditions. - traindir = directory of image to train classifier on (usually './images/train') - testdir = directory of image to test classifier on (usually './images/test') - N = Number of Features (length of feature vector) - featureType = 'FOURIER' / 'ZERNIKE' / 'BW' / 'PCA' - Shift = Shift in Fourier coefficients sampled from (usually 0) * conMatrixAccuracy.m has 3 parameters. It outputs the computed accuracy of the classifier using these given conditions. - N = Number of Features (length of feature vector) - featureType = 'FOURIER' / 'ZERNIKE' / 'BW' / 'PCA' - Shift = Shift in Fourier coefficients sampled from (usually 0)

Testing the unsupervised GMM classifier uses: unsupervised_con_matrix.m * unsupervised_con_matrix.m has 2 parameters. It outputs the unsupervised confusion matrix under given conditions and its accuracy. - traindir = directory of image to train classifier on (usually './images/train') - testdir = directory of image to test classifier on (usually './images/test')

--------------------------------------* 5 *-------------------------------------- Further analysis.

  • Click run on the customTestImages.m script - Classifies the custom image set.
  • Click run on the error_elipse.m script - produces covariance error elipse (Spruyt, V).
  • Click run on the klDivGaussians.m script - Calculates the KL Divergence betwteen the Gaussians of the supervised GMM.
  • Click run on the kMeans.m script - Clusters data using k-means and creates an unsupervised GMM.
  • Click run on the numFeaturesBWPlot.m script - Plots number of BW Features against resultant % classifier accuracy.
  • Click run on the numFeaturesFourierPlot.m script - Plots number of Fourier Features against resultant % classifier accuracy.
  • Click run on the numFeaturesPCAPlot.m script - Plots number of PCA Features against resultant % classifier accuracy.
  • Click run on the numFeaturesZernikePlot.m script - Plots number of Zernike Features against resultant % classifier accuracy.
  • Click run on the plotFourierSpectrum.m script - Plots shift in Fourier Spectrum against resultant % classifier accuracy.
  • Click run on the plotKernelDensityEstimation.m script - Plots probability distribution estimation for each class.
  • Click run on the tsnePlot.m script - Plots predicted vs actual classes for a given feature extraction type.