Shared memory (pthread
) method for relaxing large matrices on the HPC cluster at University of Bath, using SLURM with jobs submitted in varying configurations.
The relaxation technique offers a solution of differential equations. This is done by having an array of values and repeatedly replacing a value with the average of its four neighbours; excepting boundary values, which remain at fixed values. This is repeated until all values settle down to within a given precision.
This technique was implemented as part of CM30225: Parallel Computing.
- Compile with:
gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -Wconversion -pthread sharedrelax.c -o sharedrelax
- Run with:
./sharedrelax [args]
Where [args]
-d (Integer, default=100) The matrix dimensions
-t (Integer, default=1) The number of threads
-p (Double, default=0.5) The precision threshold
-v (No specifier, default=false) Enable verbose mode, do not use while performance testing
-i (No specifier, default=false) Enable info mode, use while correctness testing