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File metadata and controls

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After you have installed ansible

apt update
apt install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
apt update
apt install ansible

and downloaded ansible playground with

git clone
cd playground

and installed ansible collections

ansible-galaxy collection install community.mysql
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix

and installed the roles

ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml

You have the setup locally. Congratulations. Now, let's say you have to do a deployment. How to proceed? First we have to make sure we can get to the server => keys.

Copy your public key over to the new server and enter it in to the .ssh/authorized_keys file

scp ~.ssh/ username@server:~.ssh/

cat >> authorized_keys

Make sure to set the correct permissions

chmod 700 .ssh/
chmod 600 .ssh/*

Allright, now you can connect to your server you have to deploy with your keys. Great!

Now let's go to ansible and test our connections with the ping module

ansible -i playground/inventories/ubuntu-minimal/hosts owncloud -u username -m "ping"


  1. key authentication: chmod go-rwx ~/.ssh{,/authorized_keys}
  2. sudo ohne password: visudo /etc/sudoers.d/ # add the following line: ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
  3. ansible inventory is the hosts file: in there set [all:vars] ansible_host=<>; ansible_user=; ansible_become=yes; ansible_become_user=root