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1449 lines (1093 loc) · 63.9 KB

File metadata and controls

1449 lines (1093 loc) · 63.9 KB



Sources for this information include:

Data types

Name Description
T * N A N-length sequence of type T.
Int8 8-bit signed integer.
Int16 16-bit signed integer.
Int32 32-bit signed integer.
Word8 8-bit unsigned integer.
Word16 16-bit unsigned integer.
Word32 32-bit unsigned integer.
Float 32-bit floating point.
NullString Null-terminated string.
NullString (N) Null-padded string to minimum length N.
Point (T) An (x, y, z) coordinate parameterized by a type T. Equivalent to T * 3.
Flag (T) A boolean value parameterized by a type T.
Bits (N) A number from N bits in a bit-packed message.
? T A value of type T that optionally appears, according to some condition.
Delta (T) A set of named fields, defined by a SVC_DELTADESCRIPTION message.
RemainingBits Individual bits of padding until the next byte boundary.

Understanding the demo file structure and how to read

File structure overview

Start of file
DemoHeader Demo header
Word32 Directory start offset
Frame Directory entry #1 frame
Frame Directory entry #1 frame
... (frames repeat until NextSection frame)
Frame (NextSection) Directory entry #1 NextSection frame
Frame Directory entry #2 frame
Frame Directory entry #2 frame
... (frames repeat until NextSection frame)
Frame Directory entry #2 NextSection frame
... (collections of directory entry frames repeat for each directory entry)
Word32 Total number of directory entries
DirectoryEntry Directory entry #1
DirectoryEntry Directory entry #2
... (directory entries repeat for total number of directory entries times)
End of file

Reading a demo file

  1. Start at the beginning of the file.

  2. Read the DemoHeader fields.

  3. Read a Word32 immediately following the DemoHeader. This "directory offset" is the byte position where the directory entries start.

    • This value should be equal to the file size in bytes - 188.
    • If the value is 0, the client may have crashed while recording and not written the directory metadata to the demo file. In this scenario, frames start immediately after the header, and steps (4.) through (7.) should be skipped.
  4. Seek to the directory offset and read a Word32. This provides the total number of directory entries.

    • This value should be between 1 and 1024.
    • In some circumstances (disconnect while recording), the total entries reported can be inaccurate.
  5. Read a DirectoryEntry.

  6. Repeat step (5.) totalEntries times.

  7. Seek to the DirectoryEntry frame offset. This is the byte position where frames start.

  8. Read a Word8 to identify the frame type and then read a frame of that type.

    • See Frame type mapping.

    • If the frame is a NetworkMessages frame, there will be a chunk of messageLength bytes following the initial fields that contains engine and user messages. To read these:

      1. Read a Word8 to identify the message type, and read a message of that type:

        • See UserMessage if the type is n >= 64. The type corresponds to the index received in a prior SVC_NEWUSERMSG message.

        • See EngineMessage if the type is 1 >= n < 64. The type corresponds to one of the SVC_ messages.

      2. Repeat step (b.) until the chunk of messageLength bytes has been exhausted.

  9. Repeat step (8.) until a NextSection frame has been read.

  10. Associate the frames read with the current DirectoryEntry.

  11. Repeat steps (7.) through (9.) for each DirectoryEntry.

File structure


Name Type Description
header DemoHeader Metadata about the demo file.
directory Directory Container for entry "files".


Name Type Description
magic NullString (8) HLDEMO for GoldSrc, HLDEMO2 for Source.
demoProtocol Word32 Protocol version the demo was recorded in. Expected to be 5.
networkProtocol Word32 Network version the demo was recorded in. Can be used to deal with format changes.
mapName NullString (260) Name of the map.
gameDirectory NullString (260) Name of the directory: valve for Half-Life, cstrike for Counter-Strike, dod for Day of Defeat, etc.
mapChecksum Int32 CRC32 map file checksum. A checksum mismatch will cause the client to disconnect.
directoryOffset Word32 Byte position of the directory.


Name Type Description
totalEntries Word32 Total number of entries in the directory. Expected to be in [1, 1024].


Name Type Description
type Word32
description NullString (64) Name of the entry.
flags Word32
cdTrack Int32
trackTime Float
framesCount Word32 Total frames in the entry.
framesOffset Word32 Byte position where the entry's frames start.
fileLength Word32 Length of the entry.
frames Frame * N Continue reading until reaching a NextSection frame.


Name Type Description
frameType Word8 Frame type id.
time Float Time in seconds since recording began.
frame Word32 Frame index.
frameData See Frame type mapping.

Frame type mapping

Type Frame type Description
0 NetworkMessages Data from the server.
1 NetworkMessages Data from the server.
2 DemoStart First frame of demo playback.
3 ConsoleCommand A console command executed by the user.
4 ClientData Client state information.
5 NextSection Final frame of the directory entry.
6 Event Game engine event.
7 WeaponAnimation
8 Sound
9 DemoBuffer


This frame has no additional fields.


Name Type Description
command NullString (64)


Name Type Description
origin Point (Float)
viewAngles Point (Float)
weaponBits Word32
fov Float


This frame has no additional fields.


Name Type Description
flags Int32
index Int32
delay Float
args EventArgs


Name Type Description
flags Word32
entityIndex Word32
origin Point (Float)
angles Point (Float)
velocity Point (Float)
ducking Flag (Word32)
fparam1 Float
fparam2 Float
iparam1 Int32
iparam2 Int32
bparam1 Flag (Int32)
bparam2 Flag (Int32)


Name Type Description
channel Int32
sampleLength Word32
sample Word8 * sampleLength
attenuation Float
volume Float
flags Int32
pitch Int32


Name Type Description
bufferLength Word32
buffer Word8 * bufferLength


Name Type Description
timestamp Float
refParams RefParams
userCmd UserCmd
moveVars MoveVars
view Point (Float)
viewModel Int32
sequenceInfo SequenceInfo
messagesLength Word32 Length of buffer that contains messages. Expected to be in [0, 65536].
messages Message * N Variable number of engine/user messages that fits into messagesLength bytes.


Name Type Description
viewOrigin Point (Float)
viewAngles Point (Float)
forward Point (Float)
right Point (Float)
up Point (Float)
frameTime Float
time Float
intermission Flag (Int32)
paused Flag (Int32)
spectator Flag (Int32)
onGround Flag (Int32)
waterLevel Int32
simVel Point (Float)
simOrg Point (Float)
viewHeight Point (Float)
idealPitch Float
cl_viewangles Point (Float)
health Int32
crosshairAngle Point (Float)
viewSize Float
punchAngle Point (Float)
maxClients Int32
viewEntity Int32
plaerNum Int32
maxEntities Int32
demoPlayback Int32
hardware Int32
smoothing Int32
ptrCmd Int32
ptrMoveVars Int32
viewPort Int32 * 4
nextView Int32
onlyClientDraw Int32


Name Type Description
lerpMs Int16
ms Word8
unknown Word8
viewAngles Point (Float)
forwardMove Float
sideMove Float
upMove Float
lightLevel Int8
unknown Word8
buttons Word16
impulse Int8
weaponSelect Int8
unknown Word8 * 2
impactIndex Int32
impactPosition Point (Float)


Name Type Description
gravity Float
stopSpeed Float
maxSpeed Float
spectatorMaxSpeed Float
accelerate Float
airAccelerate Float
waterAccelerate Float
friction Float
edgeFriction Float
waterFriction Float
entGravity Float
bounce Float
stepSize Float
maxVelocity Float
zMax Float
waveHeight Float
footsteps Flag (Int32)
skyName NullString (32)
rollAngle Float
rollSpeed Float
skyColor Float * 3
skyVec Point (Float)


Name Type Description
incomingSequence Int32
incomingAcknowledged Int32
incomingReliableAcknowledged Int32
incomingReliableSequence Int32
outgoingSequence Int32
reliableSequence Int32
lastReliableSequence Int32


Name Type Description
messageType Word8 Message type id.

Any message with an id of 64 or greater is a user message. That message id corresponds to the index field originally sent in SVC_NEWUSERMSG. If the user message size specific in SVC_NEWUSERMSG is greater than -1, read that number of Word8 values.

If the message was not sent in SVC_NEWUSERMSG, or the message was sent with a size field value of -1, read a single Word8 to obtain the message length, then read that number of Word8 values.

Unknown or variable size message
Name Type Description
length Word8 Total size of data sent with this user message.
unknown Word8 * length

This message has no fields.


This message has no fields.

Name Type Description
reason NullString
Name Type Description
eventCount Bits (5) Total number of events in the message.
events Event * eventCount


Name Type Description
eventIndex Bits (10)
hasPacketIndex Flag (Bits (1))
packetIndex ? Bits (11) Only sent if hasPacketIndex is set.
hasDelta ? Flag (Bits(1)) Only sent if hasPacketIndex is set.
delta ? Delta (event_t) Only sent if hasDelta is set.
hasFireTime Flag (Bits (1))
fireTime Bits (16) Only sent if hasFireTime is set.
Name Type Description
protocolVersion Word32
Name Type Description
entityIndex Int16
Name Type Description
flags Bits (9) Determines which fields are present.
volume ? Bits (8) Only sent if the SND_VOLUME bit is set in flags (flags & 1). Value scaled by 1/255.
attenuation ? Bits (8) Only sent if the SND_ATTN bit is set in flags (flags & 2).
channel Bits (3)
entityIndex Bits (11)
soundIndexLong ? Bits (16) Only sent if the SND_LONG_INDEX bit is set in flags (flags & 4).
soundIndexShort ? Bits (8) Only sent if the SND_LONG_INDEX bit is not set in flags (flags ~ 4).
hasX Flag (Bits (1))
hasY Flag (Bits (1))
hasZ Flag (Bits (1))
originX OriginCoord Only sent if hasX is set. Use 0 otherwise. See below.
originY OriginCoord Only sent if hasY is set. Use 0 otherwise. See below.
orginZ OriginCoord Only sent if hasZ is set. Use 0 otherwise. See below.
pitch ? Bits (8) Only sent if the SND_PITCH bit is set in flags (flags & 8). Use 1 otherwise.


Name Type Description
intFlag Flag (Bits (1))
fractionFlag Flag (Bits (1))
isNegative ? Flag (Bits (1)) Only set if intFlag or fractionFlag is set.
intValue ? Bits (12) Only sent if intFlag is set. Use 0 otherwise.
fractionValue ? Bits (3) Only sent if intFlag is set. Use 0 otherwise.
unknown Bits (2)

Once the coordinate has been read, calculate intValue + fractionValue / 32, and flip negative if isNegative is set.

Name Type Description
time Float
Name Type Description
message NullString
Name Type Description
command NullString
Name Type Description
pitch Int16 Multiply by 1 / (65536 / 360)
yaw Int16 Multiply by 1 / (65536 / 360).
roll Int16 Multiply by 1 / (65536 / 360).
Name Type Description
protocol Int32
spawnCount Int32
mapChecksum Int32
clientDllHash Word8 * 16
maxPlayers Word8
playerIndex Word8
isDeathmatch Flag (Word8)
gameDir NullString
hostname NullString
mapFileName NullString
mapCycle NullString
unknown Word8
Name Type Description
index Word8
lightInfo NullString
Name Type Description
index Word8
id Word32
userInfo NullString A string of field names and their values in the format field//value.
cdKeyHash Word8 * 16
Name Type Description
name NullString An identifier for the decoder.
totalFields Word16
fields Delta (delta_description_t) * totalFields

These should be saved and used to later decode deltas of the given name.

See Delta decoding for more.

Name Type Description
hasDeltaUpdateMask ? Flag (Bits (1)) Only sent if not an HLTV demo.
deltaUpdateMask ? Bits (8) Only sent if hasDeltaUpdateMask is set.
clientData ? Delta (clientdata_t) Only sent if not an HLTV demo.
hasWeaponData ? Flag (Bits (1)) Only sent if not an HLTV demo.
weaponIndex ? Bits (6) Only sent if hasWeaponData is set.
weaponData ? Delta (weapon_data_t) Only sent if hasWeaponData is set.
? RemainingBits
Name Type Description
entityIndex Int16
Name Type Description
pings Ping * N Continue reading until hasPingData is not set.
Name Type Description
hasPingData Bits (1)
playerId ? Bits (8) Only sent if hasPingData is set.
ping ? Bits (8) Only sent if hasPingData is set.
loss ? Bits (8) Only sent if hasPingData is set.
Name Type Description
origin Point (Int16) Multiply by 1 / 8.
direction Point (Int8)
count Word8
color Word8


This message has no fields.

Name Type Description
modelIndex Int16
sequence Int8
frame Int8
colorMap Int16
skin Int8
originX Int16 Multiply by 1 / 8.
rotationX Int8 Multiply by 360 / 256.
originY Int16 Multiply by 1 / 8.
rotationY Int8 Multiply by 360 / 256.
originZ Int16 Multiply by 1 / 8.
rotationZ Int8 Multiply by 360 / 256.
hasRenderMode Flag (Int8)
renderColor ? Word8 * 3 Only sent if hasRenderMode is set.
Name Type Description
eventIndex Bits (10)
eventArgs Delta (event_args_t)
hasFireTime Flag (Bits (1))
fireTime ? Bits (16)
Name Type Description
entities Entity * N Continue reading until entityIndex has all bits set ((1 << 11) - 1).


Name Type Description
index Bits (110)
type Bits (2)
delta ? Delta (entity_state_player_t) Only sent if the type bit is set in flags (flags & 1) and entityIndex is between 0 and the server's maxClients.
delta ? Delta (entity_state_t) Only sent if the type bit is set in flags (flags & 1) and entityIndex is not between 0 and the server's maxClients.
delta ? Delta (custom_entity_state_t) Only sent if the type bit is not set in flags (flags ~ 1).
footer Bits (5) Expected to have all bits set ((1 << 5) - 1).
totalExtraData Bits (6)
extraData Delta (entity_state_t) * totalExtraData
Name Type Description
entityType Word8 Indicates which of the numbered sections should be used to read the entity data.


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 24


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 20


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 6


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 6


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 6


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 10


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 12


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 17


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 16


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 6


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 6


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 6


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 8


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 8
entityIndex Int16
unknown ? Word8 * 2 Only sent if entityIndex is set.


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 9


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 19


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 10


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 16


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 24


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 24


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 24


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 10


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 11


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 16


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 19


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 12


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 16


Name Type Description
channel Int8
x Int16
y Int16
effect Int8
textColor Word8 * 4 Presumably (r, g, b, a).
fadeInTime Int16
fadeOutTime Int16
holdTime Int16
effectTime ? Int16 Only sent if effect is set.
message NullString

TE_LINE (30)

Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 17

TE_BOX (31)

Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 17


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 2


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 10


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 14


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 12

TE_BLOOD (103)

Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 14

TE_DECAL (104)

Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 9

TE_FIZZ (105)

Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 5

TE_MODEL (106)

Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 17


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 13


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 13


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 9


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 17


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 7


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 10


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 10


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 19


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 12


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 7


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 7


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 9


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 16

TE_SPRAY (120)

Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 18


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 5


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 10


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 9


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 7


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 1


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 10


Name Type Description
unknown Word8 * 15
Name Type Description
isPaused Flag (Int8)
Name Type Description
sign Flag (Int8)
Name Type Description
message NullString


This message has no fields.



This message has no fields.

Name Type Description
origin Point (Int16) Multiply each coordinate by 1 / 8.
soundIndex Word16
volume Word8 Multiply by 1 / 255.
attenuation Word8 Multiply by 1 / 64.
entityIndex Word16
pitch Word8
flags Word8

This message has no fields.

Name Type Description
text NullString
Name Type Description
track Int8
loopTrack Flag (Int8)
Name Type Description
saveName NullString
mapCount Word8
mapNames NullString * mapCount
Name Type Description
text NullString
Name Type Description
sequenceNumber Int8
weaponModelBodyGroup Int8
Name Type Description
positionIndex Word8
decalName NullString
Name Type Description
roomType Word16 Expected to be in [0, 28].
Name Type Description
angleToAdd Int16 Multiply by 1 / (65536 / 360).
Name Type Description
index Word8
size Word8 Total size of data that will be sent with this user message.
name NullString (16)
Name Type Description
entityCount Bits (16) Unreliable.
entityStates EntityState * N Continue reading until the footer bits are not set.


Name Type Description
incrementEntityNumber Flag (Bits (1)) If set, the current entity index should be increased by 1.
isAbsoluteEntityIndex ? Flag (Bits (1)) If set, the current entity index should be set to an upcoming value. Only sent if incrementEntityNumber is not set.
absoluteEntityIndex ? Bits (11) Only sent if incrementEntityNumber is not set, and isAbsoluteEntityIndex is set. The entity index should be set to this value.
entityIndexDifference ? Bits (6) Only sent if incrementEntityNumber is not set, and isAbsoluteEntityIndex is not set. The entity index should be increased by this value.
hasCustomDelta Flag (Bits (1))
hasBaselineIndex Flag (Bits (1))
baselineIndex ? Bits (6) Only sent if hasBaselineIndex is set.
delta ? Delta (entity_state_player_t) Only sent if entityIndex is between 0 and the server's maxClients.
delta ? Delta (entity_state_t) Only sent if entityIndex is not between 0 and the server's maxClients, and hasCustomDelta is not set.
delta ? Delta (custom_entity_state_t) Only sent if entityIndex is not between 0 and the server's maxClients, and hasCustomDelta is set.
Name Type Description
entityCount Bits (16) Unreliable.
deltaSequence Bits (8)
entityStates EntityState * N Continue reading until the footer bits are not set.


Name Type Description
incrementEntityNumber Flag (Bits (1)) If set, the current entity index should be increased by 1.
isAbsoluteEntityIndex ? Flag (Bits (1)) If set, the current entity index should be set to an upcoming value. Only sent if incrementEntityNumber is not set.
absoluteEntityIndex ? Bits (11) Only sent if incrementEntityNumber is not set, and isAbsoluteEntityIndex is set. The entity index should be set to this value.
entityIndexDifference ? Bits (6) Only sent if incrementEntityNumber is not set, and isAbsoluteEntityIndex is not set. The entity index should be increased by this value.
hasCustomDelta Flag (Bits (1))
hasBaselineIndex Flag (Bits (1))
baselineIndex ? Bits (6) Only sent if hasBaselineIndex is set.
delta ? Delta (entity_state_player_t) Only entityIndex is between 0 and the server's maxClients.
delta ? Delta (entity_state_t) Only sent entityIndex is not between 0 and the server's maxClients, and hasCustomDelta is not set.
delta ? Delta (custom_entity_state_t) Only sent entityIndex is not between 0 and the server's maxClients, and hasCustomDelta is set.

This message has no fields.

Name Type Description
resourceCount Bits (12)
resources Resource * resourceCount
consistencies Consistency * N Continue reading until hasCheckFileFlag is not set.


Name Type Description
type Bits (4)
name NullString
index Bits (12)
size Bits (24)
flags Bits (3)
md5Hash ? Bits (128) Only sent if hasMd5Hash is set in flags (flags & 4).
hasExtraInfo Bits (1)
extraInfo ? Bits (256) Only sent if hasExtraInfo is set.


Name Type Description
hasCheckFileFlag Flag (Bits (1)) Continue reading until this is not set.
isShortIndex ? Flag (Bits (1)) Only sent if hasCheckFileFlag is set.
shortIndex ? Bits (5) Only sent if isShortIndex is set.
longIndex ? Bits (10) Only sent if isShortIndex is not set.

Note that skyName is not in the same position as in MoveVars.

Name Type Description
gravity Float
stopSpeed Float
maxSpeed Float
spectatorMaxSpeed Float
accelerate Float
airAccelerate Float
waterAccelerate Float
friction Float
edgeFriction Float
waterFriction Float
entGravity Float
bounce Float
stepSize Float
maxVelocity Float
zMax Float
waveHeight Float
footsteps Flag (Int32)
rollAngle Float
rollSpeed Float
skyColor Float * 3
skyVec Point (Float)
skyName NullString
Name Type Description
spawnCount Int32
unknown Word8 * 4
Name Type Description
playerIndex Word8
type Word8
name NullString
index Word16
downloadSize Word32
flags Word8
md5Hash ? Word8 * 16 Only set if hasMd5Hash is set in flags (flags & 4).
Name Type Description
pitch Int16
yaw Int16
Name Type Description
initialPercent Word8
holdTime Word8
fadeOutTime Word8
fadeInTime Word8
Name Type Description
filename NullString
Name Type Description
mode Word8 Expected to be in [0, 2].
Name Type Description
length Word8
message length * Word8
Name Type Description
codecName NullString
quality Int8
Name Type Description
playerIndex Word8
size Word16
data Word8 * size
Name Type Description
fallbackDir NullString
canCheat Word8
Name Type Description
timeScale Float
Name Type Description
downloadUrl NullString


Name Type Description
name NullString
Name Type Description
requestId Word32
name NullString


v5.1.1 (2024-04-20)

  • Fix byte layout of SVC_DIRECTOR message.
  • Improve documentation of SVC_CLIENTDATA to include caveats for HLTV demos.
  • Improve documentation for reading demos from a crashed client.
  • Use semantic versioning for documentation changelog.

v5.1.0 (2022-12-30)

  • Moved file to docs/

v5.0.0 (2022-01-26)

  • Removed TE_ temp entities from toc.

v4.0.0 (2022-01-25)

  • Condensed NetworkMessagesInfo into NetworkMessages.

v3.0.0 (2022-01-21)

  • Formatting changes.

v2.0.0 (2022-01-21)

  • Change to less verbose type names.
  • Added all the individual frame data.

v1.0.0 (2021-08-09)

  • First draft.