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The Reproducible Routing Rituals (RRR) is a Python and bash shell toolbox that combines many repetitive pre and post-processing tasks that are common to studying the movements of water on and underneath the land surface. Such tasks include the preparation of files corresponding to:

  • River network details (connectivity, parameters, sort, coordinates, subset)
  • Contributing catchments information (area, coordinates)
  • Reformatted land surface model outputs
  • Coupling of LSM outputs and catchments to estimate water inflow into rivers
  • Observed gauge data
  • Analysis of these and associated data from a hydrological perpective

Vector-based ("blue line") river networks and associated contributing catchments can be used from the following datasets:

  • The enhanced National Hydrography Dataset (NHDPlus, versions 1 and 2)
  • The Hydrological data and maps based on SHuttle Elevation Derivatives at multiple Scales (HydroSHEDS)

Surface and subsurface runoff are obtained using model outputs from:

  • The Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS)
  • The North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS)

Water inflow from the land surface models and into the hydrographic networks are formatted for use within:

  • The Routing Application for Parallel computatIon of Discharge (RAPID)

Observed gauges are gathered from:

  • The National Water Information System (NWIS)

Hydrological data analysis is done for the above datasets, as well as model outputs from:

  • The Routing Application for Parallel computatIon of Discharge (RAPID)

RRR is specifically designed to work hand-in-hand with RAPID. Further information on both RAPID and RRR can be found on the the RAPID website at:

Installation on Ubuntu

This document was written and tested on a machine with a clean image of Ubuntu 14.04.0 Desktop 64-bit installed, i.e. no update was performed, and no upgrade either.

Note that the experienced users may find more up-to-date installation instructions in .travis.yml.

Download RRR

First, make sure that git is installed:

$ sudo apt-get install -y git

Then download RRR:

$ git clone

Finally, enter the RRR directory:

$ cd rrr/

Install APT packages

Software packages for the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) are summarized in requirements.apt and can be installed with apt-get. All packages can be installed at once using:

$ sudo apt-get install -y $(grep -v -E '(^#|^$)' requirements.apt)

Alternatively, one may install the APT packages listed in requirements.apt one by one, for example:

$ sudo apt-get install -y python-pip

Note that Ubuntu 14.0.0 does not support ffmpeg and instead has avconv. A simple symbolic link will suffice to here:

$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/avconv /usr/bin/ffmpeg

Install Python packages

Python packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI) are summarized in requirements.pip and can be installed with pip. All packages can be installed at once using:

$ sudo pip install -r requirements.pip

Alternatively, one may install the PyPI packages listed in requirements.pip one by one, for example:

$ sudo pip install cryptography==2.0.3

Install NCL

The NCAR Command Language (NCL) can be downloaded using:

$ mkdir $HOME/installz
$ cd $HOME/installz
$ wget "" -O ncl_ncarg-6.3.0.Linux_Debian6.0_x86_64_nodap_gcc445.tar.gz
$ mkdir ncl_ncarg-6.3.0-install
$ tar -xf ncl_ncarg-6.3.0.Linux_Debian6.0_x86_64_nodap_gcc445.tar.gz --directory=ncl_ncarg-6.3.0-install

Then, the environment should be updated using:

$ export NCARG_ROOT=$HOME/installz/ncl_ncarg-6.3.0-install
$ export PATH=$PATH:$NCARG_ROOT/bin

Note that these two lines can also be added in ~/.bash_aliases so that the environment variables persist.

Testing on Ubuntu

Testing scripts are currently under development.

Note that the experienced users may find more up-to-date testing instructions in .travis.yml.