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521 lines (367 loc) · 16.4 KB

run dash masternode with hardware wallet / dashmnb simplify local cold wallet part

read faq of trezor, and understand how trezor/keepkey works

need python version above 3.5.1

if you get err error occurred while verifying mnb hex when using -a, be sure to update firmware



- starting mn(s) works
- sending payout(s) works
- voting works




Q : why firmware update ?
- to support Dash testnet, both trezor and keepkey has only Mainnet.
- with Mainnet, no need to update firmware. Use official firmware.
Q : which hw wallet supported ?
- Trezor
- Keepkey
- Ledger nano s and blue(no transaction yet)
- dashmnb will not run without hw wallet
Q : Which OS supported ?
- system has python version > 3.5.1
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Ubuntu 14.04
- Debian 8.7.1
- Windows 10
- Windows 7
- Mac OSX
Q : what can dashmnb do
- dashmnb simplify local cold wallet part
- config check (alias, address, ip, key, pkey, hw wallet path)
- start masternode missing, selected
- show masternode status
- send payout in hw wallet
- send collateral + coins(mn payouts) in hw wallet
- ssh tunnel to use remote dashd
- can use remote rpc service
Q : can I use multiple Account #'x' with dashmnb ?
- dashmnb support only single Account #'x'(single path)
- can't use mixed account name(Account #1 + Account #2) together
- can't use mixed(ex: 44'/5'/x'/0/0 + 44'/5'/y'/0/0) path together
Q : how to speed up config checking speed ?
- use cache option on
# if and masternode.x.conf unchanged, recheck config every 7
# day, and 6 hour
#config_cache_refresh_interval_hour = 7 * 24

# txs
#txs_cache_refresh_interval_hour = 6

# disable cache
config_cache_refresh_interval_hour = 0
txs_cache_refresh_interval_hour = 0
Q : example for web wallet of Trezor ?

check trezor example

Q : example for keepkey ?

check keepkey example

Q : spend payout
- don't use trezor web wallet to move payout in Masternode account
- it will break your masternode. trezor web wallet has no coincontrol
- use -x or -x mnalias1 mnalias2. 
Q : how 'remote rpc service by chaeplin' works ?
- nginx web server is used reverse proxy
- lua script by
- ssl is used by default
- http basic auth to nginx is used
- using nginx's proxy_set_header is used to change auth to rpc
- rpc user name and password on is only for web auth
- copy dashlib/ as dashlib/ to use 
Q : dashmnb ask PIN(or PASSPHRASE) of Trezor/Keepkey, why ?



- dashmnb use python-trezor / python-keepkey as API to communicate Trezor/Keepkey

- The API ask you PIN(or PASSPHRASE) when first connected or a transaction requested
Q : Is there any privacy concern when using remote dashd/rpc service by you
- dashmnb use rpc command to get a blockchain info.
- rpc command are following, and no logging occur on rpc command
    decoderawtransaction --> to get a transaction is correct
    getaddressbalance    --> to get balance of a mn
    getaddressutxos      --> to get unspent tx(s) of a mn
    getblockcount        --> to get current block height
    getblockhash         --> to get current blockhash and (current block height -12) blockhash
    getrawtransaction    --> to get collateral address on masternode.conf
    listunspent          --> replaced by getaddressutxos
    masternodebroadcast  --> to decode / relay mnb(s)
    masternodelist       --> to get masternode list and address
    getinfo              --> to get current block height
    sendrawtransaction   --> to relay a transaction made
    validateaddress      --> to check collateral_address, receiving_address, masternode_address are ok
    voteraw              --> to vote proposal
    gobject              --> to get list of proposal
    mnsync               --> to get sync status
- dashmnb connects remote service using ssl  
- However `remote dashd/rpc service` use nginx(web server) as frontend has frontend configuration

- As nginx(web server) leave a log containning ip address of user like following - dashmnb [18/Feb/2017:06:13:33 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 227 "-" "AuthServiceProxy/0.1" "-" [-] [-] [] - dashmnb [18/Feb/2017:06:13:39 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 227 "-" "AuthServiceProxy/0.1" "-" [-] [-] [] - dashmnb [18/Feb/2017:06:13:44 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 92 "-" "AuthServiceProxy/0.1" "-" [-] [-] [] - dashmnb [18/Feb/2017:06:13:54 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 359050 "-" "AuthServiceProxy/0.1" "-" [-] [-] []
- The ip address is `privacy concern`
Q : How to start(send mnb) a specific mn(s) ?
use -a mn_alias_1 : send `new start` on mn_alias_1 
use -a mn_alias_1 mn_alias_2 : send `new start` on mn_alias_1 and mn_alias_2
(venv3) > python bin/ -a mn_alias_1
(venv3) > python bin/ -a mn_alias_1 mn_alias_2


python bin/ 
usage: [-h] [-c] [-s] [-a] [-b] [-y] [-n] [-f] [-q] [-l] [-m] [-x]
                  [mnalias[s] or a proposal_hash [mnalias[s] or a
                  proposal_hash ...]]

positional arguments:
  mnalias[s] or a proposal_hash

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --check           check masternode config
  -s, --status          show masternode status
  -a, --anounce         anounce missing masternodes
  -b, --balance         show masternodes balance
  -y, --voteyes         vote Yes to a proposal using all mns
  -n, --voteno          vote No to a proposal using all mns
  -f, --voteabstain     vote Abstain to a proposal using all mns
  -q, --votequery       get vote status on a proposal by all mns
  -l, --showall         show all configured masternodes
  -m, --maketx          make signed raw tx
  -x, --xfer            broadcast signed raw tx
  -w, --whale           do not ask yes or no, all yes
  -o, --badge           Sign message for Masternode Owner/Operator badge

    version  : 0.4.rc1
    caller   : <module>
    function : parse_args
    ===> print help


Mac OSX --> check 1.b Install Prerequisites (Mac OSX)

1.a Install Prerequisites (Ubuntu)

Make sure Python version 3.5.1 or above is installed:

python3 --version
python3 -V

if python3 is is above 3.5.1

Update system packages and ensure virtualenv is installed:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libfox-1.6-dev
sudo apt-get install autotools-dev autoconf automake libtool
sudo apt-get -y install libpython3-all-dev python3-pip git
sudo pip3 install virtualenv

if python3 is 3.4.x

go to Install dashmnb and install python-3.5.3

1.b Install Prerequisites (Mac OSX)

Install brew and python3.5 or python3.6

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"    
brew install python3 git
pip3 install virtualenv

2. Install dashmnb

if python3 is is above 3.5.1

Clone the dashmnb repo and install Python dependencies.

git clone && cd dashmnb
virtualenv -p python3 venv3
. venv3/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install -r requirements.txt

if python3 is 3.4.x

Clone the dashmnb repo and install Python 3.5.3 and Python dependencies.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y git
git clone && cd dashmnb
sh ./others/linux/
virtualenv -p python3.5 venv3
. venv3/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Udev rule set up for linux (Ubuntu)

To use keepkey or trezor as normal user, do following

sudo cp others/linux/51-* /etc/udev/rules.d/

When you see the following err while running dashmnb first time, need system reboot to apply udev rule

    Network : MAINNET
    ===> trezor HW Wallet found

    version  : 0.3.rc5
    caller   : main
    function : check_hw_wallet
    ===> ('open failed',)`


cd dashmnb
. venv3/bin/activate
git pull

pip install --upgrade git+
pip install --upgrade git+



cd dashmnb
. venv3/bin/activate
DASHMNB_DEBUG=1 python bin/


1. copy dashlib/ to dashlib/ and edit parameters

- copy dashlib/ to use `remote rpc service by chaeplin`
- copy dashlib/ to run own dashd/Dash-QT

- testing : no output if is ok

    cd dashmnb
    . venv3/bin/activate
    python dashlib/

- things to change in

following 4 questions are keys to make a dashlib/

1) hw wallet type : Trezor or Keepkey
   config name : TYPE_HW_WALLET
   default wallet type is Trezor

2) account number : account #x or bip32 path
   config name : account_no
   check using trezor's web wallet or RC clinet of Keepkey
   if you use 'Account #x' for mn fund(s) on trezor's web wallet(shown in left side) this number is x - 1
   if bip32 path is m/44'/5'/x'/0/y, this number is x

3) an address : will be used to send payouts in hw wallet
   config name : default_receiving_address
   use an address in another account name or an address for daily use
   can leave as blank

4) number of address used in 'Account #x' : last address_index
   config name : max_gab
   this config set max number of address that dashmnb gets from Trezor or Keepkey
   dashmnb uses these addresses to compare collateral address(es) in masternode.conf is correct
   number of masternodes : how many masternodes(1K fund) do you have in hw wallet(if address is sequential)
   number of last address_index that holds fund : /'y' in receive tab
   number of masternodes + 1 or number of last address_index + 1

2. Use python bin/ or python bin/ [account_no] [account_no] to get a list of address

    cd dashmnb
    . venv3/bin/activate
    python bin/


    cd dashmnb
    . venv3/bin/activate
    python bin/ 0 1 2
  • bin/
tool to check multiple account, when not sure account_no ?
1) first edit

2) close

3) run bin/ (0 1 2 —> check account 0/1/2)
. venv3/bin/activate
python bin/ 0 1 2

—> will show 15 address / balance per account 
  • Use trezor web wallet or keepkey rc clinet to compare address and send 1K Dash to an address
  • If you moved fund(s) on trezor or keepkey already, use trezor web wallet or keepkey rc clinet to find bip32 path

3. copy mnconf/masternode.conf.sample to mnconf/masternode.conf and edit

cp mnconf/masternode.conf.sample mnconf/masternode.conf

4. Run

    cd dashmnb
    . venv3/bin/activate
    python bin/


use -y proposal_hash for yes
use -n proposal_hash for no
(venv3) > python bin/ -y proposal_hash

(venv3) > python bin/ -n proposal_hash

Whale mode

-w whalemode
(venv3) > python bin/ -x -w : do not ask yes or no, all yes on transaction
(venv3) > python bin/ -a -w : do not ask yes or no, all yes on mn_start
(venv3) > python bin/ -a mnalias1 -w : do not ask yes or no, all yes on mn_start of mnalias1

to run own dashd / Dash-QT

Q : why Dash-QT or dashd needed ? [if you want to run your own dashd/QT]
- instead of block explorer 
- fast, reliable
- for privacy
- to check address, collateral, masternode status
- to get unspent tx of collateral
- to relay mnb and txs
- rpc command are following
    decoderawtransaction --> to get a transaction is correct
    getaddressbalance    --> to get balance of a mn
    getaddressutxos      --> to get unspent tx(s) of a mn
    getblockcount        --> to get current block height
    getblockhash         --> to get current blockhash and (current block height -12) blockhash
    getrawtransaction    --> to get collateral address on masternode.conf
    listunspent          --> replaced by getaddressutxos
    masternodebroadcast  --> to decode / relay mnb(s)
    masternodelist       --> to get masternode list and address
    getinfo              --> to get current block height
    sendrawtransaction   --> to relay a transaction made
    validateaddress      --> to check collateral_address, receiving_address, masternode_address are ok
    voteraw              --> to vote proposal
    gobject              --> to get list of proposal
    mnsync               --> to get sync status
Q : got err No information available for address
- Run once with dashd/QT with -reindex
- wait till reindex is done
Q : why do -reindex ? [if you want to run your own dashd/QT]
- -reindex means restaring dashd or Dash-QT with -reindex option
- after initial checking of masternode config, dashmnb will ask you to do reindex
Q : Which one to do first [if you want to run your own dashd/QT]
- Set up local/remote node, add following to dash.conf. check dash.conf.sample
Run once with dashd/QT with -reindex, to make index

QT : use tools —> wallet repair —> last button : rebuild index.


add ssh key to remote node [if you want to run your own dashd/QT]


  • I can guide you installtion and configuration of dashmnb
  • ping chaeplin at dashnation slack :
  • OS : Linux(Ubuntu), Mac OSX
  • check trezor example to get required information
  • masternode.conf(hosting provider sent you or you made)



DASH: XiDWe5fkVcrXBQApmCFQUxpue5iuWcbmcK
