Vue component actually runs in the React runtime. It means that the
used on the react runtime are in fact React Elements. Direct manipulation of a VNode could causes some incompatibilities. Conversely, if your previous Vue component does not involve VNode manipulation, it would most likely run directly in React.
All the features strikethrough are not supported in React Native
- createApp()
- app.provide()
- app.component()
- app.directive()
- app.use()
- app.mixin()
- app.version
- app.config
- app.config.globalProperties
- app.config.errorHandler
- shallowRef()
- triggerRef()
- customRef()
- shallowReactive()
- shallowReadonly()
- toRaw()
- markRaw()
- effectScope()
- getCurrentScope()
- onScopeDispose()
- onMounted()
- onUpdated()
- onUnmounted()
- onBeforeMount()
- onBeforeUpdate()
- onBeforeUnmount()
- onErrorCaptured()
- onRenderTracked()
- onRenderTriggered()
- onActivated()
- onDeactivated()
- beforeCreate
- created
- beforeMount
- mounted
- beforeUpdate
- updated
- beforeUnmount
- unmounted
- errorCaptured
- renderTracked
- renderTriggered
- activated
- deactivated
- $data
- $props
- $el
- $options
- $parent
the parent will only works if it has been passed a prop ($parent) from react native or if the parent element is a vue component
- $root
the root element of the app should be a non functional component warpped with createApp from vue in order to get a root instance
- $slots
- $refs
- $attrs
- $watch()
- $emit()
- $forceUpdate()
- $nextTick()
- v-text
- v-html
- v-show
- v-if
- v-else
- v-else-if
- v-for
- v-on
- v-bind
- v-model
- v-slot
- v-once
- v-memo
- v-cloak
- Basic Syntax
- Reactivity
- Using Components
- Using Custom Directives
- defineProps() & defineEmits()
- defineExpose()
- useSlots() & useAttrs()
- Usage alongside normal <script>
- Top-level await
- TypeScript-only Features
- Restrictions
- h()
- mergeProps()
- cloneVNode()
- isVNode()
- resolveComponent()
- resolveDirective()
- withDirectives()
- withModifiers()