Scripts to assist crossfit gym with tech needs. More object oriented approach than attempted with previous wodify project.
Script used to navigate to wodify and generate performance reports.
- Replace sleep steps in with a more robust wait method
- Write out sample executions. Consider workflow options
Download management.
- Improve to specify default download directory for chrome?
Data manipulation for leaderboards (metcon and weightlifting) as well as weightlifting percentages.
- Encapsulate code for simpler function definitions. Definitely can reduce duplicate code, particularly in weightsheets.
- Gender stuff can be simplified to take one df and return male and female versions
- Wrap all in a Windows console or executable that users can access and interact with easily.
- Add checks to confirm necessary reports exist before going on to later steps
- before
- perhaps before utilities
- Current state, gets all needed reports except user report.
- BUG : must update call for user report in so that can be run standalone and in sequence with other reports
- Set cycle name and testing window in
- Update to reflect:
- testing window
- previous cycle dates (for attendance)
- weightlifting history (testing_start - 6 months, testing_end)
- TODO: move these into conf_vars
- Run for everything but users
- Run again for users (known bug)
- Run
- Run
- Attendance:
- Users.xlsx
- TotalAttendanceHistory.xlsx
- Attendance
- Raise error if missing files
- UI Flow:
- Click "Attendance"
- Upload two files
- Click "Submit"
- Submit is probably an API endpoint that: - verifies the files exist - reads the two files into dataframes - calculates the attendance for m,f - returns csvs
- General
- Unit tests
- continuous integration in gh + flake8
- Docstrings
- Update linter so all errors aren't treated as warnings
- Helper function for splitting a df into two by gender
- Consider putting in issues for these instead of tracking in readme
- Unit tests