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MedMentions: Full Dataset

This is the ST21pv subset of the full MedMentions dataset. See also additional documentation here.


  • data: Data files ...
    • corpus_pubtator.txt.gz: The annotated data, in PubTator format, gzip-ed.
    • corpus_pubtator_pmids_trng.txt, corpus_pubtator_pmids_dev.txt, corpus_pubtator_pmids_test.txt: For the training / dev / validation splits, please refer to these files from the full MedMentions dataset.

Constructing the ST21pv subset

MedMentions ST21pv (MM-ST21pv) contains mentions of concepts from the ST21pv subset of UMLS 2017-AA Active. The ST21pv (21 Semantic Types and Preferred Vocabularies) subset of UMLS was constructed to contain concepts that are linked in UMLS to one of the following 21 semantic types, or to one of their descendants in the semantic type hierarchy:

  • T005: Virus (level 4)
  • T007: Bacterium (level 4)
  • T017: Anatomical Structure (level 3)
  • T022: Body System (level 5)
  • T031: Body Substance (level 4)
  • T033: Finding (level 3)
  • T037: Injury or Poisoning (level 3)
  • T038: Biologic Function (level 4)
  • T058: Health Care Activity (level 4)
  • T062: Research Activity (level 4)
  • T074: Medical Device (level 4)
  • T082: Spatial Concept (level 4)
  • T091: Biomedical Occupation or Discipline (level 4)
  • T092: Organization (level 3)
  • T097: Professional or Occupational Group (level 4)
  • T098: Population Group (level 4)
  • T103: Chemical (level 4)
  • T168: Food (level 4)
  • T170: Intellectual Product (level 3)
  • T201: Clinical Attribute (level 4)
  • T204: Eukaryote (level 4)

Furthermore, only concepts that are mapped in UMLS to one of the following 18 source ontologies are included:

Ontology Abbrev. Name
CPT Current Procedural Terminology
FMA Foundational Model of Anatomy
GO Gene Ontology
HGNC HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
HPO Human Phenotype Ontology
ICD10 International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision
ICD10CM ICD10 Clinical Modification
ICD9CM ICD9 Clinical Modification
MDR Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities
MSH Medical Subject Headings
MTH UMLS Metathesaurus Names
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information Taxonomy
NCI National Cancer Institute Thesaurus
NDDF First DataBank MedKnowledge
NDFRT National Drug File -- Reference Terminology
OMIM Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
RXNORM NLM's Nomenclature for Clinical Drugs for Humans
SNOMEDCT_US US edn. of the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical Terms

Some Corpus Statistics

Description Stat avg
Number of Annotated Docs in MM-ST21pv 4,392
Number of Concepts in UMLS ST21pv subset 2,327,250
Total number of Mentioned Concepts 25,419 (1.09% of UMLS ST21pv)
Total number of Mentions in MM-ST21pv 203,282 (46.3 / doc)
Total Number of of Tokens (PTB via StanfordNLP) 1,176,058 (267.8 / doc)
Number of Annotated Tokens 366,742 (83.5 / doc)
Proportion of tokens annotated 31.2% (1.8 / mention)