This directory is for configuration files, data, documentation, etc, related to third party tools useful (or in some cases, needed) by GrimoireLab or some of the GrimoireLab tools.
This is image is used to add sentiment and emotion data to GrimoireLab data. The image can be created using the following steps:
$ sudo apt-get install maven (if you don't have Maven in your machine)
$ git clone
$ cd CROSS-NLP-REST-API/cross-nlp-rest-api
$ mvn -N io.takari:maven:wrapper
$ ./mvnw install
$ cd ..
$ docker build -t cross-nlp-rest-api .
Once done, you can run the container with the command below:
$ docker run -p <Port>:8080 -t cross-nlp-rest-api --name cross-nlp-rest-api
Then, you can and add sentiment and emotion information to your Github data by adding the study enrich_feelings
to your setup.cfg:
api-token = ...
raw_index = github2-issue_chaoss
enriched_index = github2-issue_chaoss_enriched
sleep-for-rate = true
no-archive = true
studies = [enrich_feelings]
attributes = [body]
nlp_rest_url = http://localhost:<Port>
This is a descendant image from grimoirelab/full, with third party tools in it (e.g., nomos, cloc).
docker build -f Dockerfile-grimoirelab-3p -t grimoirelab/full-3p .
This section shows an example to use the third party image. It includes the steps to create the image, the projects.json, credentials.cfg, dashboard.cfg files and the docker command to run the image.
Clone the repo, create the image and set the working directory
git clone && cd grimoirelab/third-party
docker build -f Dockerfile-grimoirelab-3p -t grimoirelab/full-3p .
cd ../default-grimoirelab-settings
Copy/replace the following files in the current directory (default-grimoirelab-settings
{ "grimoirelab": { "meta": { "title": "GrimoireLab" }, "git": [ "" ], "cocom": [ "" ], "colic": [ "" ], "github": [ "" ] } }
[github] api-token = <YOUR-API-TOKEN>
[general] # Update incrementally, forever update = true # Don't start a new update earlier than (since last update, seconds) min_update_delay = 300 # Produce debugging data for the logs debug = true [es_enrichment] # Refresh identities and projects for all items after enrichment autorefresh = true [sortinghat] # Run affilation affiliate = True # How to match to unify matching = [email] # How long to sleep before running again, for identities tasks sleep_for = 100 [panels] # Dashboard: default time frame kibiter_time_from = "now-1y" # Dashboard: default index pattern kibiter_default_index = "git" # GitHub repos panels code-complexity = true code-license = true [phases] collection = true identities = true enrichment = true panels = true [git] # Names for raw and enriched indexes raw_index = git_grimoirelab-raw enriched_index = git_grimoirelab studies = [enrich_demography:git, enrich_areas_of_code:git, enrich_onion:git] [github] # Names for raw and enriched indexes raw_index = github_grimoirelab-raw enriched_index = github_grimoirelab # Sleep it GitHub API rate is exhausted, waited until it is recovered sleep-for-rate = true [cocom] raw_index = cocom_chaoss enriched_index = cocom_chaoss_enrich category = code_complexity_lizard_file studies = [enrich_cocom_analysis] branches = master worktree-path = /tmp/cocom/ [enrich_cocom_analysis] out_index = cocom_chaoss_study interval_months = [3] [colic] raw_index = colic_chaoss enriched_index = colic_chaoss_enrich category = code_license_nomos studies = [enrich_colic_analysis] exec-path = /usr/share/fossology/nomos/agent/nomossa branches = master worktree-path = /tmp/colic [enrich_colic_analysis] out_index = colic_chaoss_study interval_months = [6] [enrich_demography:git] [enrich_areas_of_code:git] in_index = git_grimoirelab-raw out_index = git_aoc_grimoirelab-enriched [enrich_onion:git] in_index = git_grimoirelab out_index = git_onion_grimoirelab-enriched
Execute the following docker run command (in the current directory (default-grimoirelab-settings
) to run the image with the previous files
docker run -p 5601:5601 -p 9000:9200 -v $(pwd)/projects.json:/projects.json -v $(pwd)/dashboard.cfg:/dashboard.cfg -v $(pwd)/credentials.cfg:/override.cfg -t grimoirelab/full-3p
You can access the data via ElasticSearch or Kibiter.
- List indices info: http://localhost:9000/_cat/indices?pretty
- List indices and their aliases: http://localhost:9000/_alias?pretty
- List the mappings of an index: http://localhost:9000/your-index?pretty
- List some items in an index: http://localhost:9000/your-index/_search?pretty
- Explore the dashboards: http://localhost:5601
Note that you can execute the ElasticSearch commands directly in Kibana via the Dev tools
(wrench icon on the left side)