- fix very long donator names in widgetlist
- fix minor header image (cr2020) on ios safari centered
- recommendation projects to donate to
- add explaining what happens with the donation message (user testing)
- better visualize past streams (grayscale, show donation amount)
- fix twitch avatars if a streamer is multiple times in the list
- add child name to summary/title in cms
- add time buffer for past streams
- add google analytics
- upgrade netlify plan
- relation wish <--> streamer
- faq a and ul, ol styling in cms markdown
- adapt theme design (borders, background, animation)
- improve cms experience
- visualize done streams
- add faq markdown cms
- add different favicon
- (hack)fix layout shifts because grid gets destroyed by link twitch name links
- fix half pixel problem when triggering button animation in firefox (by user testing) --> Faq button has fixed 300 width
- update Make-A-Wish naming
- highlight twitch channel link on upcoming streamerbox (by user testing)
- streamdates are hard to assign to streamerboxes on mobile (user testing)
- highlights donation click event on upcoming streambox (indicator - by user testing)
- on hover twitch screen
- add twitch stream link to subpage and improve stats visualization
- its hard to see on which stream subpage i am (user testing)
- finding streamers on mobile is a bit hard (by user testing)
- user-test 1
- add "target=blank" to outgoing links (open new tab) - footer
- fix mobile subpage context header (project specific data, remove spenden button top right) --> screenshot
- theme design spendensumme visualization (colors, gradient) --> removed
- implement placeholder streambox --> by cms (TBA info)
- add cms tagline
- add makeawish logo
- tagline for subdonationpages (e.g. "v. will in den zoo")
- FAQ 1 youtube embedded box with preview and description donations (under featured stream)
- add trophy to top donator list and enhance generic usage for last-donators
- fix accessibility issues
- basic version info about donations over the limit (spenden darüberhinaus gehen a make-a-wish projekte) - text
- loader donationform
- resize donation iframe form on postMessage
- add responsive videos, iframe and embed component
- add basic FAQ button on frontpage
- display done streams (order to the end)
- make theme look nicer and add stream layout highlights
- improve style donation counter (potentially with days remaining, goal, donators/supporters ...)
- static exported links (SSR)
- add calendar reminder feature (download outlook file)
- api make-a-wish for current projects progress and goals
- header
- upcomginstream shedule order by date --> by cms
- footer
- IE notification
- link to donation pages on main page
- featured donation link
- feature toggle for release
- individual sub donation pages
- skeleton load
- fix SSR image lost event handlers
- fetch twich user avatars
- basic donate page layout with progress visualization
- FAQ page for donations
- add nprogress
- implement provisional faq page
- implement mainLayout component
- provisional feature toggle for release
- basic make-a-wish donation form + page
- netlify cms
- responsive layout
- add styled theme
- typescript support
- SSR for styled-components and global css
- setup project
- add favicon
- embedded twitch stream
- improved featured iframe responsiveness
- fix featured iframe width size
- fix flickering featuredStreamPlaceholder (width, height)