At CodinGame, we've introduced a new text data format called CGX to represent structured information. CGX content consists of ELEMENTs, which can be of various types such as BLOCK, PRIMITIVE_TYPE, or KEY_VALUE. Your task is to write a program that formats CGX content to enhance readability according to the specified rules.
- Line 1: An integer N representing the number of CGX lines to be formatted.
- The next N lines contain the CGX content, each line having a maximum of 1000 ASCII characters.
- The formatted CGX content adhering to the given rules.
- The number of CGX lines, N, lies between 0 and 10000.
- The CGX content provided will always be valid.
Rules for Formatting:
- The displayed result should not contain any space, tab, or carriage return.
- The content of strings of characters must not be modified.
- A BLOCK starts on its own line.
- The markers at the start and end of a BLOCK are in the same column.
- Each ELEMENT within a BLOCK is indented 4 spaces from the marker of that BLOCK.
- A KEY_VALUE starts on its own line.
- A PRIMITIVE_TYPE starts on its own line unless it is the value of a KEY_VALUE.
Get ready to dive into formatting CGX content efficiently! Your goal is to write a program that takes CGX content as input and outputs the properly formatted version following the specified rules. Good luck!