To navigate the codebase it is likely that you will need to be familiar with the following main libraries:
- Python HTTPServer (
- Python Azure Service Bus Client (
If you spot a problem with the code, search if an issue already exists. If a related issue doesn't exist, you can open a new issue using a relevant issue template.
Makes changes in a local supporting branch using the following naming convention:
<feature/bug/hotfix>/<issue number>-<hyphenated description of change>
Once you have completed your changes, commit them with a message following the conventional commit specification.
Push your changes to the supporting branch.
Then you can open a pull request:
- Link the pull request to the issue you are resolving.
- Assign a reviewer (this is mandatory)
- Changes may be asked to be made before you can merge your pull request.
- As you update your pull request and apply changes, mark each conversation as resolved.
- Your pull request will trigger a pipeline to run tests and linting on your code to ensure it meets quality constraints. You will not be able to merge your changes until all of these have passed.
Thanks for your contribution.